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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T32S R32W, Sec. 31 NE SW SW | Oxy USA, Inc. | Baughman 'J' 2 | 15-175-22108 |
Unknown |
Halliburton Compensated Neutron Log |
Y | 1700; 2582 | 16-NOV-07 |
Halliburton Cement Bond Log |
Y | 1209; 2582 | 16-NOV-07 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 32 NE SW | Falcon Seaboard Drilling Co. | Harvey 1 | 15-175-00123 |
18-SEP-1963 |
Schlumberger Sonic Log |
Y | 2400; 6133 | 17-SEP-63 |
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 9721 |
Y | 3500; 6149 | 20-AUG-68 | |||||
Schlumberger Induction Electric Log |
Y | 1600; 6133 | 17-SEP-63 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 32 SE SE | Watson 'C' 1 | 15-175-21764 |
Unknown |
Baker Hughes - Baker Atlas Comp. Z-Densilog Comp. Neutron Log Minilog Gamma Ray Log |
1630; 6100 | 20-OCT-98 | ||
Baker Hughes - Baker Atlas High Definition Induction Log Micro Laterlog Gamma Ray Log |
0; 6100 | 20-OCT-98 | ||||||
Baker Hughes - Baker Atlas Digital Acoustilog Gamma Ray Log |
1630; 6100 | 20-OCT-98 | ||||||
Halliburton Cement Bond Log |
1900; 2784 | 29-OCT-98 | ||||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 32 NW | DRAPER MOTOR CORP. | Wettstein 1 | 15-175-00240 |
14-JUN-1959 |
Halliburton Electric Well Log |
630; 2632 | 03-DEC-54 | |
Schlumberger Induction-Electrical log |
1600; 6133 | 17-SEP-63 | ||||||
Schlumberger Sonic Log |
2400; 6133 | 17-SEP-63 | ||||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 33 NE NW | Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas | Fawcett 1-33 | 15-175-22160 |
Unknown |
Superior Well Services Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 4000; 6016 | 30-SEP-08 |
Superior Well Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 5150; 6022 | 27-OCT-08 | |||||
Superior Well Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 6038 | 30-SEP-08 | |||||
Superior Well Services Sonic Log |
Y | 1650; 6030 | 30-SEP-08 | |||||
Superior Well Services Microlog |
Y | 4000; 6022 | 30-SEP-08 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 4000; 6040 | 01-OCT-08 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 33 N2 N2 NE | Clyde M. Becker | Wettstein 1 | 15-175-21284 |
Unknown |
BPB Instruments Array Induction Shallow Focused Log |
1682; 6099 | 26-NOV-92 | |
BPB Instruments Compensated Neutron Compensated Photo-Density Log |
2600; 6070 | 26-NOV-92 | ||||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
4100; 6100 | 14-NOV-92 | ||||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
4100; 6100 | 14-NOV-92 | ||||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 33 W2 NE | Shepler and Thomas, Inc. | Wettstein 1-33 | 15-175-21138 |
Unknown |
Rosel Dual Induction Log |
1610; 6041 | 27-APR-90 | |
Rosel Compensated Density Comp Neutron Log |
2500; 6020 | 27-APR-90 | ||||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 33 SW NE SW SW | Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas | Wettstein 2A-33 | 15-175-22031 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 2772 | 26-APR-06 |
Eli Wireline Services Micro Log |
Y | 2400; 2772 | 26-APR-06 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 2400; 2772 | 26-APR-06 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Sonic Log |
Y | 2400; 2766 | 26-APR-06 | |||||
Geologist's Report Mud Log |
Y | 2400; 2750 | 24-APR-06 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 0; 2750 | 16-MAY-06 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 33 N2 NW SW SE | Raydon Exploration, Inc. | Wettstein 3-33 | 15-175-21900 |
Unknown |
Halliburton Microlog |
Y | 1656; 6035 | 01-AUG-03 |
Halliburton High Resolution Induction |
Y | 1656; 6060 | 01-AUG-03 | |||||
Halliburton Spectral Density Dual Spaced Neutron II |
Y | 1656; 6035 | 01-AUG-03 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 4000; 6070 | 02-AUG-03 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 34 SE SE NW | Orion Energy Corp. | Irwin 1 | 15-175-20406 |
11-JUL-1979 |
Schlumberger Dual Induction SFL Linear Correlation |
Y | 1647; 6107 | 08-JUL-79 |
Schlumberger Compensated Neutron Formation Density |
Y | 2500; 6112 | 08-JUL-79 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 34 SW NE SW NW | Petroleum, Inc. | Irwin 2 | 15-175-20556 |
24-OCT-1981 |
Schlumberger Compensated Neutron Formation Density |
Y | 1622; 6077 | 22-OCT-81 |
Schlumberger Computer Processed Log |
Y | 4200; 6077 | 22-OCT-81 | |||||
Schlumberger Dual Induction SFL Linear Correlation |
Y | 1622; 6077 | 22-OCT-81 | |||||
Schlumberger Compensated Neutron Formation Density |
Y | 1622; 6077 | 22-OCT-81 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 34 SW SW SW | Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas | Walker 1-34 | 15-175-21951 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Micro Log |
Y | 2500; 5825 | 22-NOV-04 |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 5841 | 22-NOV-04 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 4450; 5791 | 29-DEC-04 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density/Neutron PE Log |
Y | 2500; 5819 | 22-NOV-04 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Sonic Log |
Y | 2500; 5835 | 22-NOV-04 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 4100; 5842 | 22-NOV-04 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 34 NE NE SW SW | Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas | Walker 2-34 | 15-175-22030 |
30-JUN-2017 |
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 2719 | 15-MAY-06 |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 0; 2719 | 15-MAY-06 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2400; 2770 | 26-SEP-06 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 34 NW NW SW | Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas | Walker 3-34 | 15-175-22110 |
Unknown |
Superior Well Services Sonic Log |
Y | 2400; 2843 | 28-DEC-07 |
Superior Well Services Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 2400; 2826 | 28-DEC-07 | |||||
Superior Well Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 2848 | 28-DEC-07 | |||||
Superior Well Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 0; 2810 | 08-JAN-07 | |||||
Superior Well Services Microlog |
Y | 2400; 2835 | 28-DEC-07 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 35 SW NW | Shepler and Thomas, Inc. | Walker 1-35 | 15-175-21074 |
30-DEC-2020 |
Great Guns Dual Induction Log |
1600; 6057 | 21-MAR-89 | |
Great Guns Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
2500; 6027 | 21-MAR-89 | ||||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 35 NW NE NW | OIL PRODUCERS INC. OF KANSAS | Walker 'A' 1-35 | 15-175-21846 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density/Neutron PE Log |
Y | 2550; 2926 | 01-JUN-01 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2600; 2950 | 02-JUN-01 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 2550; 2948 | 01-JUN-01 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 0; 2792 | 13-JUN-01 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Sonic Log |
Y | 2550; 2942 | 01-JUN-01 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 NE SW | Phoenix Resources Co. | F. H. Massoni 1-36 | 15-175-20462 |
24-JUL-1980 |
Schlumberger Compensated Neutron Formation Density |
Y | 1496; 5996 | 11-APR-80 |
Schlumberger Dual Induction SFL Linear Correlation |
Y | 1497; 5991 | 11-APR-80 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 SW SW NE NE | Clyde M. Becker | Irwin 1 | 15-175-20225-0001 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Sonic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 3500; 4424 | 01-JUL-89 |
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 W2 NE NE | Clyde M. Becker | Irwin Unit 2 | 15-175-21179 |
Unknown |
Halliburton Dual Induction Laterolog |
Y | 525; 3309 | 21-MAY-91 |
Halliburton Spectral Density Dual Spaced Neutron II |
Y | 2500; 3313 | 21-MAY-91 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 E2 NW SE | Irwin Unit 3 | 15-175-21769 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Sonic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 500; 2718 | 13-FEB-99 | |
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 SW SW NE NE | GLEN N. RUPE | John Massoni and others 1 | 15-175-20225 |
10-MAY-1974 |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 1415; 5959 | 08-MAY-74 |
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 NW NW | RED CLARK, INC. | Massoni 1 | 15-175-20158 |
26-SEP-1971 |
Welex Compensated Acoustic Velocity |
Y | 3000; 6029 | 25-SEP-71 |
Welex Micro Seismogram K-Plot |
Y | 1434; 6037 | 25-SEP-71 | |||||
Welex Gamma Guard |
Y | 1350; 6032 | 25-SEP-71 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 E2 SW | Sims 2-36 | 15-175-21763 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 2742 | 18-OCT-98 | |
Eli Wireline Services Sonic Log |
Y | 2500; 2736 | 18-OCT-98 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 2500; 2744 | 16-OCT-98 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2550; 2760 | 18-OCT-98 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray Correlation Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2100; 2700 | 18-OCT-98 | |||||
T32S R32W, Sec. 36 NW NW | First National Oil, Inc. | Sims (Massoni) 1-36 | 15-175-20158-0001 |
29-SEP-2023 |
Rosel Bond Nuclear Log Cased Hole |
Y | 2212; 2747 | 11-APR-90 |
T32S R33W, Sec. 1 NW | LeBosquet Gas Operations, LLC | Northern Natural 2 | 15-175-22169 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 1300; 2809 | 07-DEC-08 |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 600; 2829 | 07-DEC-08 | |||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 1 SW SW NE NW | John R. LeBosquet | Northern Natural Gas Co. 1 | 15-175-20339 |
09-SEP-2011 |
Welex Gamma Guard |
Y | 730; 2751 | 31-JUL-78 |
T32S R33W, Sec. 1 SW NW | Sublette 1-W | 15-175-60002 |
Unknown |
Schlumberger Dual Induction Laterolog |
Y | 603; 4288 | 09-MAR-68 | |
Schlumberger Compensated Formation Density Log Gamma-Gamma |
Y | 2700; 4292 | 09-MAR-68 | |||||
Schlumberger Synergetic Log Systems |
Y | 2650; 4300 | 09-MAR-68 | |||||
Unknown |
Schlumberger Logarithmic Overlay |
Y | 2600; 4300 | 09-MAR-68 |
Schlumberger Perforating Depth Control |
Y | 2500; 4246 | 14-MAR-68 | |||||
Schlumberger Dual Induction Laterolog |
Y | 603; 4288 | 09-MAR-68 | |||||
Schlumberger Cement Bond |
Y | 1500; 4251 | 14-MAR-68 | |||||
Halliburton Hydrostatic Test Report |
Y | 4125; 4291 | 09-MAR-68 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray CCL Temperature Log |
Y | 0; 4044 | 18-SEP-89 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Temperature Log Base Log |
Y | 2; 4029 | 02-NOV-99 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Temperature Log Run #3 |
Y | 3500; 4032 | 03-NOV-99 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Temperature Log |
Y | 0; 4033 | 19-NOV-84 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray Temperature Log |
Y | 3496; 4032 | 24-JUN-94 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Temperature Log Run #4 |
Y | 3500; 4031 | 03-NOV-84 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray Temperature Log |
Y | 1; 4033 | 24-JUN-94 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Initial Base Log Gamma Ray Temp CCL Log |
Y | 0; 4066 | 18-SEP-89 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray CCL Temperature Log |
Y | 3500; 4044 | 18-SEP-89 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray CCL Temperature Log |
Y | 3500; 4044 | 18-SEP-89 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Composite Temperature Log |
Y | 3500; 4029 | 02-NOV-99 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray Temperature Log |
Y | 3; 4032 | 23-JUN-94 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray Temperature Log |
Y | 3499; 4032 | 24-JUN-94 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Composite Temperature Log |
Y | 0; 4032 | 23-JUN-94 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Temperature Log 2 Hour Run |
Y | 3500; 4033 | 03-NOV-84 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray CCL Temperature Log |
Y | 3500; 4044 | 18-SEP-89 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray CCL Temperature Log |
Y | 3500; 4044 | 18-SEP-89 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray CCL Temperature Log |
Y | 3500; 4044 | 18-SEP-89 | |||||
Schlumberger Compensated Formation Density Log |
Y | 2700; 4292 | 09-MAR-68 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Gamma Ray Temperature Log |
Y | 3500; 4033 | 24-JUN-94 | |||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 2 NW NW | Lemert 1-2 | 15-175-20964-0001 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density/Neutron PE Log |
Y | 2400; 3792 | 04-JUL-04 | |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 3814 | 04-JUL-04 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2850; 3798 | 16-JUL-04 | |||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 2 NE | Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas | Lemert 2-2 | 15-175-21965 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Sonic Log |
Y | 2500; 2842 | 04-MAR-05 |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 2853 | 04-MAR-05 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density/Neutron PE Log |
Y | 2500; 2831 | 04-MAR-05 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Micro Log |
Y | 2500; 2832 | 04-MAR-05 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 0; 2819 | 10-MAY-05 | |||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 2 NE NE NE SW | Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. | Louis S. Lemert 1 | 15-175-00246 |
12-MAR-1964 |
Schlumberger Gamma Ray Microlog |
610; 2736 | 15-MAY-53 | |
T32S R33W, Sec. 2 W2 W2 E2 NW | Pan American Petroleum Corp. | Louis S. Lemert 2 | 15-175-10058 |
09-NOV-2000 |
Welex Gamma Contact Caliper Log |
607; 2745 | 25-NOV-63 | |
T32S R33W, Sec. 2 SW NW | Amoco Production Co. | Louis S. Lemert 'A' 1 | 15-175-20765 |
19-SEP-2001 |
Chapparal Perforators Micro Seismogram Bond Nuclear Log Cased Hole |
4000; 5949 | 06-JUN-84 | |
Gearhart Dual Induction Laterolog |
1666; 6007 | 29-JUN-84 | ||||||
Gearhart Compensated Density Compensated Neutron Log |
1666; 6007 | 29-JUN-84 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 2 NW NW | Global Natural Resources Corp. | M. S. Lemert 1-2 | 15-175-20964 |
02-JUL-1987 |
Schlumberger Dual Induction SFL Gamma Ray |
1806; 5994 | 30-JUN-87 | |
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 SW SW SE | Hugoton Energy Corp. | Angell 2-3 | 15-175-21507 |
11-MAR-2005 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
4200; 6000 | 24-NOV-95 | |
BPB Instruments Array Induction Shallow Focused Log |
0; 6121 | 24-NOV-95 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Micro-Resistivity Log |
4050; 5995 | 24-NOV-95 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Compensated Neutron Compensated Photo-Density Log |
4050; 6020 | 24-NOV-95 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Borehole Compensated Sonic Integrated Transit Time Log |
1793; 5978 | 24-NOV-95 | ||||||
Schlumberger Induction Electric Log |
2700; 6487 | 24-NOV-95 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 NW NE SE | Harris Oil and Gas | Citizens State Bank 1-3 | 15-175-21039 |
07-NOV-2005 |
GO--Gearhart-Owen Compensated Density Compensated Neutron Log |
Y | 3855; 5952 | 22-AUG-88 |
GO--Gearhart-Owen Dual Induction Laterolog Linear Correlation Log |
Y | 1549; 5954 | 22-AUG-88 | |||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 NW SE | E. M. Angell 'A' 1 | 15-175-00046 |
Unknown |
Schlumberger Induction-Electrical log |
Y | 1800; 6487 | 20-SEP-61 | |
Schlumberger Microlog |
Y | 2800; 6487 | 21-SEP-61 | |||||
Welex Gamma Guard |
1777; 6483 | 18-SEP-61 | ||||||
Welex Forxo Log |
1777; 6486 | 20-AUG-61 | ||||||
Welex Acoustic Velocity Log |
1780; 6488 | 20-AUG-61 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 SE SW | Hugoton Energy Corp. | Graham 1-3 | 15-175-21225 |
Unknown |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3920; 5976 | 02-FEB-92 | |
BPB Instruments Digital Dual Induction Shallow Focused Log |
1773; 5975 | 02-FEB-92 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Micro-Resistivity Log |
3800; 5975 | 02-FEB-92 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Compensated Neutron Compensated Density Log |
3800; 5975 | 02-FEB-92 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Compensated Neutron Compensated Photo-Density Log |
3800; 5975 | 02-FEB-92 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Array Induction Shallow Focused Log |
1773; 5975 | 02-FEB-92 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 NW SW | Hugoton Energy Corp. | Graham 2-3 | 15-175-21411 |
19-JAN-2004 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3700; 6000 | 19-AUG-94 | |
Log-Tech Gamma Ray Neutron |
4990; 5783 | 19-AUG-94 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 S2 NE NW | Hugoton Energy Corp. | Hill, H. 1-3 | 15-175-21340 |
29-SEP-1993 |
Rosel Microlog |
3175; 6007 | 27-SEP-93 | |
Rosel Compensated SSD Comp Neutron Log |
3990; 5976 | 27-SEP-93 | ||||||
Rosel Compensated Sonic Log |
1770; 5993 | 27-SEP-93 | ||||||
Rosel Dual Induction Log |
1750; 6009 | 27-SEP-93 | ||||||
Rosel Dual Induction Log |
1750; 6009 | 27-SEP-93 | ||||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
4100; 6000 | 27-SEP-93 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 S2 SW NW | Hugoton Energy Corp. | Hill, H. 2-3 | 15-175-21477 |
07-JUL-1995 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
4200; 5900 | 23-JUN-95 | |
BPB Instruments Array Induction Shallow Focused Log |
0; 5928 | 23-JUN-95 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Borehole Compensated Sonic Integrated Transit Time Log |
1803; 5883 | 23-JUN-95 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Compensated Neutron Compensated Photo-Density Log |
4000; 5927 | 23-JUN-95 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Micro-Resistivity Log |
4000; 5902 | 23-JUN-95 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 SW SW SW NE | Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. | Hille Gas Unit 1 | 15-175-00248 |
12-MAR-1964 |
Schlumberger Gamma Ray Microlog |
Y | 630; 2733 | 07-AUG-52 |
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 NW | Pan American Petroleum Corp. | Hille Gas Unit 2 | 15-175-10053 |
Unknown |
Welex Gamma Contact Caliper Log |
Y | 610; 2794 | 13-JUL-63 |
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 NW NE | Harris Oil and Gas | Hudkins 2-3 | 15-175-21165 |
29-JAN-1991 |
Halliburton Microlog |
4000; 5998 | 28-JAN-91 | |
Halliburton Spectral Density Dual Spaced Neutron II |
4000; 5999 | 28-JAN-91 | ||||||
Halliburton Dual Induction Laterolog |
1500; 5995 | 28-JAN-91 | ||||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
4000; 6000 | 28-JAN-91 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 3 SE NW | Pan American Petroleum Corp. | Z. M. Hille 1 | 15-175-00247 |
16-DEC-1969 |
Schlumberger Microlog |
Y | 2600; 6000 | 24-DEC-61 |
Schlumberger Sonic Log |
Y | 664; 5996 | 24-DEC-61 | |||||
Schlumberger Induction-Electrical log |
Y | 664; 6000 | 24-DEC-61 | |||||
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 8238 |
Y | 1690; 6500 | 10-MAY-62 | |||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 4 SE SE NE | Dolomite Resources Corp. | Dreitz Farms 4-1 | 15-175-21117 |
Unknown |
Halliburton Dual Induction Laterolog |
1609; 5946 | 30-DEC-89 | |
Halliburton Spectral Density Dual Spaced Neutron II |
4050; 5949 | 30-DEC-89 | ||||||
Halliburton Microlog |
4100; 5912 | 30-DEC-89 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 4 NE SE SW | Dolomite Resources Corp. | Franz 1-4 | 15-175-21537 |
22-FEB-1999 |
BPB Instruments Array Induction Shallow Focused Log |
1726; 5849 | 11-APR-96 | |
BPB Instruments Compensated Neutron Compensated Photo-Density Log |
1726; 5849 | 11-APR-96 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Borehole Compensated Sonic Integrated Transit Time Log |
1726; 5806 | 11-APR-96 | ||||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
4100; 5850 | 11-APR-96 | ||||||
BPB Instruments Micro-Resistivity Log |
1726; 5823 | 11-APR-96 | ||||||
Halliburton Cement Bond Log |
2400; 2915 | 01-APR-96 | ||||||
Halliburton Pet Type B Pulse Echo |
1740; 2924 | 01-APR-96 | ||||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 4 NE NE NE SW | Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. | Jarrett Gas Unit 1 | 15-175-00249 |
14-NOV-1955 |
Schlumberger Gamma Ray Microlog |
Y | 603; 2693 | 22-MAR-54 |
T32S R33W, Sec. 4 NE | Stanolind Oil and Gas Co. | Jarrett Gas Unit 2 | 15-175-00250 |
Unknown |
Schlumberger Gamma Ray Microlog |
Y | 600; 2724 | 24-APR-55 |
Halliburton Electric Well Log |
Y | 600; 2726 | 24-APR-55 | |||||
T32S R33W, Sec. 4 NE SE SW | Amoco Production Co. | Jarrett Gas Unit 3HI | 15-175-21537-0001 |
22-FEB-1999 |
Halliburton Cement Bond Log |
2400; 2915 | 17-MAR-97 | |
Halliburton Pet Type B Pulse Echo |
1740; 2924 | 17-MAR-97 | ||||||
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