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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T21S R13W, Sec. 32 SW SE | White Eagle Resources Corp. | Chapman 8 | 15-185-23254 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 320; 3859 | 08-AUG-04 |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 2800; 3859 | 08-AUG-04 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 2800; 3859 | 08-AUG-04 | |||||
Perf-Tech Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2850; 3812 | 18-AUG-04 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 32 SE NW NW SE | T-N-T Engineering, Inc. | Chapman 9 | 15-185-23368 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Micro Log |
Y | 2800; 3863 | 15-SEP-06 |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 3877 | 15-SEP-06 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Sonic Log |
Y | 380; 3873 | 15-SEP-06 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 2800; 3856 | 15-SEP-06 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 32 NW NE SW | Hallwood Petroleum, Inc. | Hufford 1 | 15-185-22704 |
11-JAN-1995 |
Halliburton Dual Induction Laterolog |
Y | 312; 3871 | 22-AUG-90 |
Halliburton Microlog |
Y | 2800; 3872 | 22-AUG-90 | |||||
Halliburton Compensated Density Dual Spaced Neutron Log |
Y | 2800; 3872 | 22-AUG-90 | |||||
Halliburton Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2800; 3872 | 22-AUG-90 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2700; 3870 | 22-AUG-90 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 32 SE NE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Neeland 'A' 1-32 | 15-185-23343 |
Unknown |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2800; 3757 | 18-MAR-06 |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 2800; 3815 | 18-MAR-06 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 2800; 3810 | 18-MAR-06 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 3835 | 18-MAR-06 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 32 W2 SE SE NW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | RFP 1-32 | 15-185-23308 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 2750; 3879 | 13-APR-05 |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 850; 3899 | 13-APR-05 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 2750; 3899 | 13-APR-05 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 32 NW NE NW | Penguin Petroleum, Inc. | Richards Trust 1 | 15-185-21877 |
14-MAR-1984 |
Great Guns Sonic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2800; 3744 | 08-DEC-83 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 32 NE NE NE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Schilling 1-32 | 15-185-23336 |
Unknown |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2800; 3749 | 04-FEB-06 |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 800; 3847 | 03-FEB-06 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 2800; 3847 | 03-FEB-06 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 2800; 3828 | 03-FEB-06 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C SW NW SE | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Chem Dana 1 | 15-185-11673 |
30-NOV-1951 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 268; 4037 | 30-NOV-51 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SW SW NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 1 | 15-185-01256 |
07-OCT-1948 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 3200; 3757 | 01-SEP-48 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C SE SW SE | Heathman & Co., Inc. and Walters Drilling | Gates 1 | 15-185-11580 |
08-FEB-1953 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3758 | 18-NOV-52 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C NE SE SE | M. B. Armer | Gates 'A' 1 | 15-185-11373 |
26-SEP-1950 |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
Y | 267; 3853 | 26-SEP-50 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 S2 N2 NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 'A' 10 | 15-185-01801 |
01-DEC-1993 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 253; 3780 | 13-JUL-54 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 3100; 3726 | 27-JUL-60 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE NW NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 'A' 2 | 15-185-01797 |
17-SEP-1991 |
Lane-Wells Acoustic Cement Bond & Radioactivity |
Y | 2600; 3526 | 10-MAR-62 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 257; 3730 | 06-DEC-51 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NW NE NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 'A' 3 | 15-185-01798 |
19-SEP-1991 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 260; 3711 | 18-DEC-51 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE SE NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 'A' 4 | 15-185-01799 |
09-SEP-1993 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 249; 3701 | 17-JAN-52 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SE SE NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 'A' 5 | 15-185-00035 |
17-SEP-1991 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 3100; 3715 | 26-MAR-57 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C W2 SE NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 'A' 8 | 15-185-01802 |
19-JUN-1990 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 227; 3711 | 30-AUG-53 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 S2 NE NE | Birmingham-Bartlett Drilling Co. | Gates 'A' 9 | 15-185-01800 |
18-SEP-1991 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 242; 3790 | 30-JUN-54 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SW SE NW SE | Charter Energy, Inc. | Gates 'B' 1 | 15-185-23628 |
Unknown |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3000; 3742 | 14-JUL-10 |
Superior Well Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3746 | 14-JUL-10 | |||||
Superior Well Services Microlog |
Y | 3000; 3746 | 14-JUL-10 | |||||
Superior Well Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 3000; 3724 | 14-JUL-10 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C NE NW SE | Petroleum, Inc. | Gates 'C' 1 | 15-185-10714 |
12-SEP-1980 |
Perforating Guns Atlas Corp. Simultaneous Radiation Log |
Y | 25; 3771 | 24-MAY-53 |
Lane-Wells Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 3731 | 13-JAN-55 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE NE SE | DERBY DRILLING CO. | Gates 'C' 1 | 15-185-01803 |
28-FEB-1992 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3731 | 13-JAN-55 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE SW SE | Petroleum, Inc. | Gates 'C' 3 | 15-185-19087 |
12-MAY-1970 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2800; 3757 | 17-OCT-62 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SW SW SE | Petroleum, Inc. | Gates 'C' 4 | 15-185-30173 |
13-DEC-1965 |
Electra Log Inc. Gamma Ray |
Y | 0; 3781 | 11-DEC-65 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SW SE NW | Western Petroleum Co., Inc. | Hufford 1 | 15-185-19088 |
Unknown |
Schlumberger Sonic Log |
Y | 305; 3730 | 06-FEB-62 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Gamma Ray |
Y | 300; 3734 | 06-FEB-62 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SW SW NW | PHIL-HAN OIL CO. | Hufford 1 | 15-185-01248 |
21-DEC-1955 |
Schlumberger Spontaneous-Potential Resistivity |
Y | 300; 3764 | 02-APR-48 |
Perforating Guns Atlas Corp. Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3794 | 13-MAR-53 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SE SE NW | Western Petroleum Co., Inc. | Hufford 2 | 15-185-19089 |
Unknown |
Schlumberger Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3741 | 07-MAY-62 |
Jetwell Gamma Neutron |
Y | 3250; 3748 | 15-MAY-62 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE NW NW | Chapman Exploration, Inc. | Hufford 4 | 15-185-21303 |
29-OCT-1986 |
Petro-Log Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 0; 3867 | 29-MAY-81 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3000; 3868 | 29-MAY-81 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE SE NW | Chapman Exploration, Inc. | Hufford 5 | 15-185-21318 |
02-JUN-1988 |
Welex Gamma Guard Sidewall Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 3782 | 14-JUN-81 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE SW NW | Chapman Exploration, Inc. | Hufford 6 | 15-185-21988 |
Unknown |
Welex Micro Seismogram Log Cased Hole |
Y | 2650; 3705 | 05-JUN-84 |
Welex Gamma Guard Sidewall Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 3717 | 01-JUN-84 | |||||
Welex Computer Analyzed Log Systems |
Y | 3100; 3743 | 01-JUN-84 | |||||
Welex Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 3100; 3731 | 01-JUN-84 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 W2 W2 SE NW | H & B Petroleum Corp. | Hufford 7 | 15-185-23780 |
Unknown |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 600; 3852 | 22-DEC-12 |
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3100; 3852 | 22-DEC-12 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3100; 3832 | 22-DEC-12 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE SW NE | Gilbert-Stewart Operating LLC | RLS 2 | 15-185-23263 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Sonic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2600; 3770 | 06-AUG-04 |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 316; 3810 | 28-JUL-04 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 1700; 3790 | 28-JUL-04 | |||||
Geologist's Report Mud Log |
Y | 2800; 3810 | 28-JUL-04 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NW NW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 1 | 15-185-10716 |
Unknown |
Halliburton Electric Well Log |
Y | 448; 3755 | 14-MAY-48 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3747 | 29-MAY-48 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE NE SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 10 | 15-185-10723 |
12-MAR-2003 |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 0; 3744 | 09-JUL-62 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NE NW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 11 | 15-185-10724 |
Unknown |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 3200; 3743 | 26-NOV-62 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SE SE SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 12 | 15-185-19090 |
Unknown |
Welex Caliper Guard Log |
Y | 2400; 3803 | 17-MAR-63 |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 0; 3803 | 17-MAR-63 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C SE NW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 2 | 15-185-10717 |
07-JAN-1983 |
Schlumberger Spontaneous-Potential Resistivity |
Y | 414; 3748 | 17-JUL-48 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NW SW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 3 | 15-185-10718 |
24-OCT-1990 |
Schlumberger Spontaneous-Potential Resistivity |
Y | 452; 3754 | 04-SEP-48 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C SE SW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 4 | 15-185-10719 |
16-DEC-1982 |
Halliburton Caliper Log |
Y | 448; 3745 | 26-MAR-49 |
Halliburton Electric Well Log |
Y | 448; 3745 | 26-MAR-49 | |||||
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray |
Y | 3200; 3593 | 05-JUN-57 | |||||
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 3300; 3786 | 04-AUG-63 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C NW SE SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 5 | 15-185-12471 |
17-MAY-1951 |
Halliburton Electric Well Log |
Y | 399; 3835 | 17-MAY-51 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 SW NW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 6 | 15-185-10720 |
13-APR-1983 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 3200; 3612 | 17-MAR-60 |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
Y | 304; 3627 | 22-FEB-52 | |||||
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 C SW SW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 7 | 15-185-11672 |
09-MAR-1952 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 303; 3848 | 09-MAR-52 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 NW NW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 8 | 15-185-10721 |
12-MAR-2003 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 302; 3736 | 20-MAR-52 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 33 N2 NW SW SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Stafford 9 | 15-185-10722 |
01-DEC-1982 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
Y | 292; 3646 | 05-DEC-53 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 34 C NW SW SE | Kaiser-Francis Oil and Gas, Inc. | Fischer 1 | 15-185-11532 |
23-MAR-1955 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3793 | 06-DEC-57 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 34 SE SW SW SW | Charles Hulme Drilling Co. | Gates 1 | 15-185-01804 |
26-MAY-2014 |
Welex Radioactivity Log |
Y | 2690; 3722 | 02-MAY-58 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 34 C E2 SW SW | Charles Hulme Drilling Co. | Gates 2 | 15-185-01805 |
Unknown |
Welex Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2790; 3743 | 25-FEB-58 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 34 SW SE SW | Charles Hulme Drilling Co. | Gates 3 | 15-185-01806 |
Unknown |
Perforating Guns Atlas Corp. Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3750 | 07-OCT-52 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 34 C NW SW SW | Charles Hulme Drilling Co. | Gates 4 | 15-185-01807 |
04-MAY-1961 |
Welex Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2800; 3745 | 13-AUG-58 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 34 SW NW SW | Charles Hulme Drilling Co. | Gates 6 | 15-185-01808 |
Unknown |
Perforating Guns Atlas Corp. Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 3200; 3744 | 13-FEB-54 |
T21S R13W, Sec. 34 C NW NW SW | Charles Hulme Drilling Co. | Gates 7 | 15-185-01809 |
03-SEP-1968 |
Perforators Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 3000; 3760 | 16-JUN-68 |
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