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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T2S R28W, Sec. 28 NE SE SE | J R BETTS JR | BECK 1 | 15-039-00546 |
09-AUG-1971 |
Lane-Wells Radioactivity Log |
3300; 3740 | 15-JAN-57 | |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
182; 3592 | 12-JAN-57 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 28 SW NE SE | STICKELMAN & BETTS OIL PR | BECK 2 | 15-039-00502 |
14-MAR-1957 |
Lane-Wells Radioactivity Log |
3300; 3704 | 26-FEB-57 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 28 NE SW | ABERCROMBIE DRLG | BRYANT 1 | 15-039-20315 |
02-OCT-1975 |
Great Guns RA Guard Log |
0; 3712 | 01-OCT-75 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 28 SE SE SW | HELMERICH & PAYNE | C. G. JORN 1 | 15-039-00014 |
09-JUN-1946 |
Schlumberger Composite Log |
250; 4169 | 20-MAY-46 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 28 SW SE | ABRAXAS PET | DEINES 1 | 15-039-20743 |
15-JAN-2004 |
Welex Gamma Guard Sidewall Neutron Log |
3000; 3732 | 06-NOV-84 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 28 C SW SW | SLAWSON DONALD C | JORN 'A' 2 | 15-039-20151 |
06-APR-1970 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
10; 3645 | 05-APR-70 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 28 SE SE SW | ANDERSON-PRICHARD OIL | JORN TWIN 1 | 15-039-00167 |
13-JAN-1999 |
Schlumberger MicroLogging |
3200; 3715 | 22-MAY-57 | |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
220; 3499 | 22-MAY-57 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 29 S2 NE SE | SLAWSON DONALD C | EUHUS 'I' 1 | 15-039-20665 |
09-OCT-1984 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
3000; 3616 | 29-AUG-82 | |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3100; 3617 | 29-AUG-82 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 29 NE SW | Houston Hydrolance International, Inc. | Frickey 1 | 15-039-20692 |
15-MAR-1986 |
Schlumberger Dual Induction SFL Gamma Ray |
300; 4035 | 16-JUN-83 | |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3300; 4046 | 16-JUN-83 | ||||||
Welex Gamma Correlation Micro Seismogram Cased Hole Log |
2050; 3711 | 16-JUN-83 | ||||||
Schlumberger Cyberlook |
3200; 3991 | 16-JUN-83 | ||||||
Schlumberger Compensated Neutron Density Gamma Ray |
3200; 4008 | 16-JUN-83 | ||||||
Geologist's Report Completion Report |
0; 4046 | 16-JUL-83 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 29 SW | HOUSTON HYDROLANCE INTL | FRICKEY 2 | 15-039-20706 |
29-OCT-1983 |
Schlumberger Dual Induction SFL Gamma Ray |
251; 3791 | 28-SEP-83 | |
Schlumberger Lithology Cyberlook |
3000; 3775 | 28-SEP-83 | ||||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3300; 3800 | 28-SEP-83 | ||||||
Schlumberger Compensated Neutron Lithodensity Gamma Ray |
3000; 3794 | 28-SEP-83 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 29 NE NE SE | SAUVAGE W W INC | JORN 1 | 15-039-00113 |
22-SEP-1977 |
Lane-Wells Radioactivity Log |
3100; 3660 | 09-NOV-54 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 29 C SW NE | CHEROKEE PET | THOMPSON 1 | 15-039-20561 |
06-AUG-1982 |
Great Guns RA Guard Log |
0; 4197 | 21-JAN-81 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 29 NW NE NW | SAUVAGE & DUNN | THOMPSON 1 | 15-039-00177 |
18-SEP-1957 |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
500; 4131 | 17-SEP-57 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 30 C NE NE | BOLYARD O&G | VOTAPKA 1 | 15-039-20367 |
20-MAR-1977 |
Welex Compensated Acoustic Velocity |
3300; 3867 | 20-MAR-77 | |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
0; 3867 | 20-MAR-77 | ||||||
Welex O K Log |
0; 3867 | 20-MAR-77 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 32 SW SE | SLAWSON DONALD C | PADDOCK 'A' 1 | 15-039-20059 |
14-JAN-1999 |
Schlumberger Dual Induction Laterolog |
253; 3775 | 09-SEP-68 | |
Schlumberger Sidewall Neutron Porosity Log |
3200; 3779 | 09-SEP-68 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 32 SE SW | SLAWSON DONALD C | PADDOCK 'B' 1 | 15-039-20109 |
Unknown |
Welex Radioactivity Log |
700; 3771 | 18-AUG-69 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 32 SE NE | SLAWSON DONALD C | SOUTHARD 'A' 1 | 15-039-20114 |
14-JAN-1999 |
Schlumberger Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 3713 | 19-SEP-69 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 32 S2 NE NE | SLAWSON DONALD C | SOUTHARD 'A' 2 | 15-039-20149 |
Unknown |
Schlumberger Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 3582 | 21-MAR-70 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 32 NW SW NE | SAUVAGE & DUNN | STATE LAKE 1 | 15-039-00068 |
26-NOV-1953 |
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 4011 |
Y | 1500; 4100 | 30-DEC-53 |
T2S R28W, Sec. 33 NW NW NE | OKMAR OIL CO. | DEINES 1 | 15-039-19021 |
02-MAR-1963 |
Schlumberger Induction Electric Log |
255; 3750 | 16-JUL-59 | |
Schlumberger Sonic Log |
2900; 3753 | 16-JUL-59 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 33 NE NE NE | Jones, Shelburne, and Farmer, Inc. | DEINES 'B' 1 | 15-039-00636 |
11-MAR-1956 |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
168; 4143 | 11-MAR-56 | |
T2S R28W, Sec. 33 NE NE NW | ANDERSON-PRICHARD OIL CORP. | REHM 1 | 15-039-19027 |
27-MAY-1965 |
Schlumberger Induction Electric Log |
197; 3721 | 15-OCT-59 | |
Schlumberger Microlaterolog |
3300; 3724 | 15-OCT-59 | ||||||
T2S R28W, Sec. 33 SW NW | SLAWSON DONALD C | REHM 'B' 1 | 15-039-20116 |
14-JAN-1999 |
Schlumberger Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 3600 | 24-SEP-69 | |
T2S R29W, Sec. 1 C SE NW | SAUVAGE DRILLING CO | ADDELMAN 1 | 15-039-00126 |
23-OCT-1961 |
Schlumberger Induction Electric Log |
Y | 200; 4246 | 21-OCT-61 |
Schlumberger Sonic Log |
Y | 3500; 4240 | 21-OCT-61 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 2 NW NW SW SE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Kathka Farms 1-2 | 15-039-21176 |
21-MAY-2013 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4000 | 20-MAY-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 250; 3990 | 20-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3000; 4000 | 20-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3000; 3980 | 20-MAY-13 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 2 NE SW NE NW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Kathka Farms 2-2 | 15-039-21177 |
30-MAY-2013 |
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3150; 4060 | 29-MAY-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4060 | 29-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3150; 4040 | 29-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 300; 4050 | 29-MAY-13 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 3 C SE NE | GRAYBOL OIL CORP | CASTLE 1 | 15-039-00196 |
09-JUL-1963 |
Welex Induction Electric Log |
Y | 356; 4372 | 09-JUL-63 |
Welex Acoustic Velocity Log |
Y | 3200; 4372 | 09-JUL-63 | |||||
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 8601 |
Y | 3000; 4377 | 15-SEP-63 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 3 N2 SW NE SW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Urban 1-3 | 15-039-21179 |
06-JUN-2013 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4100 | 05-JUN-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3100; 4080 | 05-JUN-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 250; 4090 | 05-JUN-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3100; 4100 | 05-JUN-13 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 5 SE NW SE SE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Erma, Inc 1-5 | 15-039-21131 |
01-MAR-2017 |
Log-Tech Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 300; 4088 | 21-MAR-11 |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 4078 | 21-MAR-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 3000; 4078 | 21-MAR-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 3200; 4078 | 21-MAR-11 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 6 SW NE | W T WAGGONER ESTATE | ED HELMKAMP 1 | 15-039-00728 |
05-JUL-1963 |
Schlumberger Sonic Log Gamma Ray |
Y | 3100; 4443 | 05-JUL-63 |
Schlumberger Induction Electric Log |
Y | 248; 4444 | 05-JUL-63 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 7 SW NE NE NW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Faith 1-7 | 15-039-21123 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 4080 | 26-JAN-11 |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 3100; 4060 | 26-JAN-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 3100; 4080 | 26-JAN-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 300; 4070 | 26-JAN-11 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 8 NE NE SW NW | Pauley Oil | Mary 1 | 15-039-21203 |
Unknown |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 250; 4154 | 10-JUL-14 |
Pioneer Energy Services Computer Processed Interpretation |
Y | 3400; 4120 | 10-JUL-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3400; 4154 | 10-JUL-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3400; 4134 | 10-JUL-14 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 11 SE SW SW NE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | DCFY Unit 1-11 | 15-039-21174 |
05-JAN-2015 |
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3000; 4021 | 13-MAY-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4021 | 13-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3000; 4001 | 13-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 200; 4011 | 13-MAY-13 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 14 NW NE SE SW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Pullnow 1-14 | 15-039-21170 |
26-APR-2013 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3000; 3965 | 27-APR-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 200; 3975 | 27-APR-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3000; 3985 | 27-APR-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3985 | 27-APR-13 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 15 NE SW NE NE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Luetta 1-15 | 15-039-21172 |
06-MAY-2013 |
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 2950; 3991 | 05-MAY-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 2950; 3971 | 05-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 200; 3981 | 05-MAY-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3991 | 05-MAY-13 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 16 C NW NW SW | HELMERICH & PAYNE | PENN 1 | 15-039-00601 |
20-APR-1943 |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
Y | 207; 4290 | 19-APR-43 |
T2S R29W, Sec. 16 C SE SW | ABERCROMBIE DRLG INC | URBAN 1 | 15-039-20129 |
12-NOV-1969 |
Great Guns RA Guard Log |
Y | 241; 3929 | 12-NOV-69 |
T2S R29W, Sec. 18 NW SE SE NW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Brewer 1-18 | 15-039-21156 |
Unknown |
Pioneer Energy Services Computer Processed Interpretation |
Y | 3100; 4040 | 16-AUG-12 |
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 250; 4068 | 16-AUG-12 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3100; 4078 | 16-AUG-12 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4078 | 16-AUG-12 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3100; 4058 | 16-AUG-12 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 18 NE SW SW NE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Lohoefener 1-18 | 15-039-21149 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 3100; 4049 | 02-JUN-12 |
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 3100; 4069 | 02-JUN-12 | |||||
Log-Tech Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 250; 4059 | 02-JUN-12 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 4069 | 02-JUN-12 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 18 SW NE NE SW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | May 1-18 | 15-039-21122 |
Unknown |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3150; 4524 | 16-JAN-11 |
T2S R29W, Sec. 18 SE SW NW SW | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Maywen Unit 1-18 | 15-039-21135 |
22-JUL-2011 |
Log-Tech Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 250; 4048 | 21-JUL-11 |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 3000; 4038 | 21-JUL-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 3000; 4058 | 21-JUL-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 4058 | 21-JUL-11 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 18 E2 NW NW SE | Murfin Drilling Co., Inc. | Torluemke 1-18 | 15-039-21133 |
Unknown |
Log-Tech Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 250; 4057 | 17-JUN-11 |
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 7067 | 17-JUN-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 3100; 4047 | 17-JUN-11 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 3100; 4067 | 17-JUN-11 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 18 NW SE SW | Culbreath Oil & Gas Company, Inc. | Wendelin 1-18 | 15-039-21191 |
Unknown |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 3000; 4034 | 26-OCT-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 3000; 4054 | 26-OCT-13 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 250; 4054 | 26-OCT-13 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 20 C SW SW | RAINS & WILLIAMSON OIL CO | REITH 1 | 15-039-00203 |
09-FEB-1964 |
Welex Induction Electric Log |
Y | 232; 4286 | 08-FEB-64 |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 3400; 4281 | 08-FEB-64 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 20 NE SE NE | Jones, Shelburne, and Farmer, Inc. | SCOTT 1 | 15-039-00169 |
23-MAY-1957 |
Halliburton Radiation Guard |
Y | 200; 4200 | 22-MAY-57 |
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 6162 |
Y | 3125; 4223 | 29-JUN-57 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 25 NE NE SE | SAUVAGE DRLG CO | EILER 1 | 15-039-00093 |
26-SEP-1960 |
Schlumberger Electrical Log |
Y | 128; 4170 | 26-SEP-60 |
Schlumberger MicroLogging |
Y | 3400; 4170 | 26-SEP-60 | |||||
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 7758 |
Y | 3300; 4172 | 25-OCT-60 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 25 NE SW NW SE | Blue Ridge Petroleum Corporation | EILER 1-25 | 15-039-21205 |
30-JUL-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 3300; 3847 | 29-JUL-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 200; 3861 | 28-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3300; 3853 | 28-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3869 | 29-JUL-14 | |||||
T2S R29W, Sec. 27 SE SE NE | SAUVAGE W W INC | DOWDALL 1 | 15-039-00162 |
05-MAY-1956 |
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 5551 |
Y | 3000; 4225 | 03-JUN-56 |
T2S R29W, Sec. 29 NW SE SW | MURFIN DRILLING CO | SHAW 1-29 | 15-039-20652 |
30-SEP-1982 |
Welex Gamma Guard Sidewall Neutron Log |
Y | 217; 3996 | 01-SEP-82 |
T2S R29W, Sec. 30 N2 SW SW | MURFIN DRILLING CO | ELBERT MAY 'B' 1-30 | 15-039-20589 |
07-JAN-2011 |
Welex Gamma Guard Sidewall Neutron Log |
Y | 350; 4069 | 19-JUN-81 |
Welex Micro Seismogram Log Cased Hole |
Y | 2980; 4017 | 27-JUN-81 | |||||
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