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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T16S R10W, Sec. 15 NW NW SE SW | Pauley Oil | Katrina 2 | 15-053-21286 |
Unknown |
Pioneer Energy Services Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2150; 3406 | 22-APR-13 |
Pioneer Energy Services Sonic Cement Bond |
Y | 0; 3406 | 22-APR-13 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 15 E2 W2 NW NW | Pauley Oil | SARAH 1 | 15-053-21350 |
Unknown |
Gemini Wireline Dual Induction |
Y | 2600; 3501 | 19-FEB-17 |
Gemini Wireline Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2600; 3481 | 19-FEB-17 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 15 NW SE NE SE | Mai Oil Operations, Inc. | URBANEK 2 | 15-053-21360 |
28-AUG-2023 |
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 2800; 3459 | 02-MAY-18 |
Eli Wireline Services Micro Log |
Y | 2800; 3481 | 02-MAY-18 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 50; 3481 | 02-MAY-18 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 15 NW SW NE SE | Mai Oil Operations, Inc. | URBANEK TRUST 1 | 15-053-21358 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Micro Log |
Y | 2800; 3448 | 06-FEB-18 |
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 2800; 3426 | 06-FEB-18 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 3448 | 06-FEB-18 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 15 NW NW SE | TEXAS CO. | URBANEK, F. J. 1 | 15-053-00143 |
01-APR-1958 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
290; 3430 | 04-DEC-54 | |
Strip/Sample Logs Kansas Sample Log Service Kansas Sample Log Service No: 4652 |
Y | 1600; 3431 | 29-DEC-54 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 15 NW NE SE | TEXAS CO. | URBANEK, F. J. 2 | 15-053-01221 |
01-AUG-1963 |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
290; 3927 | 21-MAR-55 | |
T16S R10W, Sec. 15 C SE SW NE | TEXAS COMPANY | URBANEK, F. J., 'B' 1 | 15-053-02161 |
Unknown |
Schlumberger Laterolog Survey |
293; 3417 | 23-FEB-55 | |
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 SE NW SW NW | Valhalla Exploration LLC | Boye 1-16 | 15-053-21326 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 2600; 3427 | 15-JUN-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 350; 3441 | 15-JUN-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3449 | 15-JUN-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2600; 3429 | 15-JUN-15 | |||||
Geologist's Report Mud Log |
Y | 2600; 3450 | 15-JUN-15 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 NW SE NW NW | JAY BERGMAN OIL CO | BOYE 'B' 1 | 15-053-20635 |
07-NOV-2003 |
Electra Log Inc. Radiation Guard Log |
0; 3335 | 25-SEP-80 | |
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 SE SE NE | SID TOMLINSON | Fisher-Kozisek 1 | 15-053-20983 |
01-DEC-1985 |
Welex Guard Sidewall Neutron Log |
0; 3422 | 30-NOV-85 | |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
2700; 3452 | 01-DEC-85 | ||||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 NE NE NE | H E ALEXANDER | Kozisek 1 | 15-053-00061 |
01-OCT-1956 |
Halliburton Radiation Guard |
2800; 3449 | 12-OCT-56 | |
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 SW SE SE | J S (SID) TOMLINSON | Kozisek 1 | 15-053-20351 |
01-SEP-1987 |
Dresser Atlas PFC Chart |
2400; 3371 | 07-NOV-73 | |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
2500; 3387 | 23-OCT-73 | ||||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 NW SW SE | Samuel Gary Jr. and Assoc., Inc. | Kozisek 1-16 | 15-053-21178 |
04-MAR-2006 |
Geologist's Report Mud Log |
Y | 2100; 3480 | 02-MAR-06 |
Log-Tech Dual Compensated Porosity Log |
Y | 1400; 3459 | 02-MAR-06 | |||||
Log-Tech Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 1400; 3467 | 02-MAR-06 | |||||
Log-Tech Dual Induction Log |
Y | 400; 3478 | 02-MAR-06 | |||||
Log-Tech Microresistivity Log |
Y | 1400; 3478 | 02-MAR-06 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 SE SE NW SE | SID TOMLINSON | Kozisek 2 | 15-053-20472 |
01-SEP-1987 |
Dresser Atlas Gamma Ray Neutron |
2600; 3407 | 08-AUG-77 | |
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 W2 SE NW SW | SID TOMLINSON | Kozisek 'B' 1 | 15-053-20406 |
05-DEC-2002 |
Dresser Atlas Gamma Ray Neutron |
2700; 3386 | 26-JUN-75 | |
T16S R10W, Sec. 16 E2 NW SW SW | L. D. Drilling, Inc. | KOZISEK 'B' 1/16 | 15-053-20426-0001 |
Unknown |
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 0; 3476 | 05-AUG-22 |
Eli Wireline Services Micro Log |
Y | 2600; 3476 | 05-AUG-22 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 2600; 3454 | 05-AUG-22 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 S2 SW NW | Elwell, Duwe, and Farris | Adamek 1 | 15-053-01976 |
13-JUL-2021 |
Halliburton Acoustic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2300; 3377 | 05-SEP-95 |
Halliburton Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2500; 3379 | 04-SEP-95 | |||||
Halliburton Thermal Multigate Decay Log |
Y | 2500; 3379 | 04-SEP-95 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 N2 SW NW | Elwell, Duwe, and Farris | Adamek 2 | 15-053-01977 |
Unknown |
Mercury Radioactivity Tracer |
Y | 3200; 3350 | 23-FEB-94 |
Halliburton Acoustic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2048; 3382 | 01-FEB-94 | |||||
Halliburton Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2595; 3385 | 01-FEB-94 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NE NE SE | Magnolia Petroleum Co. | Boye, J. D. 1 | 15-053-01979 |
01-MAY-1950 |
Lane-Wells Radioactivity Log |
Y | 2900; 3372 | 10-JAN-50 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NW SE SW | H CURRIER ETAL | HOREJSI 1 | 15-053-01974 |
17-NOV-1998 |
Lane-Wells Radioactivity Log |
Y | 2900; 3377 | 19-AUG-55 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 SW NW NE | DAWSON D W | HOREJSI 2 | 15-053-00661 |
15-JUL-1980 |
Electra Log Inc. Radiation Log |
Y | 200; 3368 | 08-MAY-80 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 E2 E2 SW | STERLING & MARTIN | HOREJSI 3 | 15-053-20244 |
14-NOV-1998 |
Welex Radioactivity Log |
Y | 2900; 3391 | 14-MAR-72 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NE SW | STERLING DRLG-MARTIN OG | HOREJSI 4 | 15-053-20262 |
01-DEC-1972 |
Welex Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 3400 | 19-APR-72 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 W2 NW NW | MAGNOLIA PETROLEUM CO. | HOREJSI ESTATE 1 | 15-053-01981 |
09-MAY-1991 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2500; 3356 | 19-JAN-65 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NW NE NW | MAGNOLIA PETROLEUM CO | HOREJSI ESTATE 2 | 15-053-00663 |
12-DEC-2017 |
Halliburton Acoustic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2200; 3334 | 07-MAR-94 |
Halliburton Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2500; 3336 | 07-MAR-94 | |||||
Halliburton Thermal Multigate Decay Log |
Y | 2500; 3336 | 07-MAR-94 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 SW SE | R.M. Edwards | MATOUSH 2 | 15-053-20211 |
02-JUN-1998 |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 0; 3433 | 16-SEP-71 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 SW NW SE | R M EDWARDS | MATOUSH 3 | 15-053-20239 |
Unknown |
Dresser Atlas Gamma Ray Neutron Laterolog |
Y | 0; 3516 | 01-MAR-72 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 SE NE SE | EDWARDS, R. M. | MATOUSH 6 | 15-053-20419 |
01-MAR-1983 |
Electra Log Inc. Correlation Log Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2700; 3382 | 04-AUG-82 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3390 | 06-NOV-75 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NE SE NW SE | Bird Dog Oil, LLC | Stoltenberg-Boor 1-17 | 15-053-21310 |
30-AUG-2014 |
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 350; 3440 | 29-AUG-14 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 350; 3450 | 29-AUG-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 2650; 3450 | 29-AUG-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 2650; 3430 | 29-AUG-14 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NW NW SE SE | Bird Dog Oil, LLC | Stoltenberg-Boor 2-17 | 15-053-21318 |
12-AUG-2021 |
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 400; 3414 | 21-OCT-14 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 400; 3424 | 21-OCT-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 2650; 3424 | 21-OCT-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 2650; 3404 | 21-OCT-14 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 S2 NW SW | JAY BERGMAN OIL CO | Stoltenberg-Horejsi 1 | 15-053-20634 |
Unknown |
Electra Log Inc. Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 0; 3430 | 03-OCT-80 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NW NW SE NE | Bird Dog Oil, LLC | Stoltenberg-Svoboda 1-17 | 15-053-21312 |
Unknown |
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 2650; 3459 | 23-MAY-14 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 350; 3459 | 23-MAY-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 2650; 3439 | 23-MAY-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 350; 3449 | 23-MAY-14 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 SE SW NE NE | Bird Dog Oil, LLC | Stoltenberg-Svoboda 2-17 | 15-053-21314 |
Unknown |
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 2650; 3459 | 10-SEP-14 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 400; 3459 | 10-SEP-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 2650; 3439 | 10-SEP-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 400; 3449 | 10-SEP-14 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NW NE SW NE | Bird Dog Oil, LLC | Stoltenberg-Svoboda 3-17 | 15-053-21321 |
30-NOV-2014 |
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Compensated Porosity |
Y | 2650; 3421 | 29-OCT-14 |
Pioneer Energy Services Borehole Compensated Sonic |
Y | 400; 3431 | 29-OCT-14 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Microresistivity |
Y | 2650; 3441 | 29-OCT-16 | |||||
Pioneer Energy Services Dual Induction |
Y | 400; 3441 | 29-OCT-14 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 17 NE SE NW NW | BEREXCO LLC | SVOBODA 1 | 15-053-21379 |
08-FEB-2022 |
Midwest Wireline Borehole Compensated Sonic Log |
Y | 350; 3463 | 08-FEB-22 |
Midwest Wireline Dual Induction Log |
Y | 350; 3473 | 08-FEB-22 | |||||
Midwest Wireline Dual Compensated Porosity/Micro Log |
Y | 2500; 3445 | 08-FEB-22 | |||||
Midwest Wireline Microresistivity Log |
Y | 2500; 3473 | 08-FEB-22 | |||||
Midwest Wireline Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 2500; 3473 | 08-FEB-22 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SW SW NE | OKMAR OIL CO. | Buehler 1 | 15-053-00664 |
Unknown |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2600; 3357 | 20-NOV-64 |
Halliburton Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2500; 3350 | 07-MAR-94 | |||||
Halliburton Acoustic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 348; 2453 | 07-MAR-94 | |||||
Halliburton Thermal Multigate Decay Log |
Y | 2500; 3350 | 07-MAR-94 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 NE SW NE | Okmar Oil Co. | Buehler 2 | 15-053-30091 |
Unknown |
Halliburton Thermal Multigate Decay Log |
Y | 2500; 3642 | 18-OCT-96 |
Halliburton Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2500; 3642 | 18-OCT-96 | |||||
Halliburton Acoustic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2820; 3420 | 18-OCT-96 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 S2 SE NE | Lion Oil Co. | Buehler 2 | 15-053-01151 |
30-NOV-1945 |
Schlumberger Composite Log |
Y | 348; 3419 | 24-NOV-45 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 NW SW NE | Okmar Oil Co. | Buehler 3 | 15-053-20374 |
Unknown |
Halliburton Acoustic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2450; 3355 | 03-SEP-97 |
Halliburton Thermal Multigate Decay Log |
Y | 2450; 3357 | 03-SEP-97 | |||||
Halliburton Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2450; 3357 | 03-SEP-97 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SE NE SW | Messman-Rinehart Oil Co. | Klema 1 | 15-053-00497 |
23-NOV-1964 |
Welex Thermal Multigate Decay Log |
Y | 2500; 3473 | 18-JAN-84 |
Welex Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2650; 3450 | 18-JAN-84 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 NW SE NW SW | Lucky Lady Oil Co. | Klema 2 | 15-053-20838 |
16-SEP-1988 |
Welex Gamma Guard Sidewall Neutron Log |
Y | 354; 3478 | 17-NOV-83 |
Welex Computer Analyzed Log |
Y | 2630; 3448 | 17-NOV-83 | |||||
Welex Micro Seismogram Log Cased Hole |
Y | 2600; 3445 | 26-NOV-83 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SW NW NW SE | Messman-Rinehart Oil Co. | Kozisek 1 | 15-053-00665 |
27-SEP-2013 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2600; 3202 | 14-JUL-64 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 NW NW SW SE | Messman-Rinehart Oil Co. | Kozisek 2 | 15-053-35031 |
25-SEP-2013 |
Lane-Wells Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2600; 3369 | 17-OCT-64 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SE SW SE | Messman-Rinehart Oil Co. | Kozisek 3 | 15-053-30011 |
Unknown |
Electra Log Inc. Radiation Log |
Y | 0; 3216 | 03-MAY-65 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SE SE SE | Oil Producers Inc. of Kansas | Kozisek 4 | 15-053-01021-0001 |
27-SEP-1995 |
Eli Wireline Services Sonic Log |
Y | 2900; 3341 | 27-JUL-95 |
Eli Wireline Services Compensated Density Neutron Log |
Y | 2900; 3322 | 27-JUL-95 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Dual Induction Log |
Y | 2900; 3343 | 27-JUL-95 | |||||
Eli Wireline Services Correlation Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2700; 3302 | 05-AUG-95 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SW NW SE SE | L. B. Oil | Kozisek 5 | 15-053-21332 |
27-MAR-2018 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3450 | 21-JUL-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 2450; 3428 | 21-JUL-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 370; 3441 | 21-JUL-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2450; 3437 | 21-JUL-15 | |||||
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SW NE NW NE | Palomino Petroleum, Inc. | LOVE ME TENDER 1 | 15-053-21384 |
16-JUL-2022 |
Gemini Wireline Microlog |
Y | 2600; 3478 | 16-JUL-22 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SE NE NW | Petroleum, Inc. | Novotny 1 | 15-053-01319 |
01-FEB-1964 |
Welex Radiation Guard Log |
Y | 371; 3389 | 02-JAN-64 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 18 SW SW NW | Alpine Oil and Royalty Co. | Novotny 1 | 15-053-00169 |
01-JUL-1951 |
Perforating Guns Atlas Corp. Simultaneous Radiation Log |
Y | 0; 3445 | 09-JUN-51 |
T16S R10W, Sec. 19 NE NE NW | RAMCO DRILLING SERVICES, INC. | Brown, Richard 1 | 15-053-21027 |
21-SEP-1987 |
Welex Compensated Density Dual Spaced Neutron Log |
2600; 3430 | 20-SEP-87 | |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
2700; 3430 | 20-SEP-87 | ||||||
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