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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T6S R20W, Sec. 21 NW NW SW SE | Jaspar Co. | Gartrell 1 | 15-163-24295 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3000; 3694 | 13-AUG-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3000; 3672 | 13-AUG-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3694 | 13-AUG-15 | |||||
T6S R20W, Sec. 21 SE SW SE NE | Jaspar Co. | D and R Unit 1 | 15-163-24268 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2850; 3674 | 11-DEC-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2850; 3675 | 11-DEC-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3696 | 11-DEC-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 200; 3683 | 11-DEC-14 | |||||
T6S R20W, Sec. 27 E2 SW NW | FourWinds Oil Corporation | McCue 1 | 15-163-24193 |
01-MAY-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3050; 3725 | 14-APR-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3726 | 01-APR-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3050; 3704 | 01-APR-14 | |||||
T6S R20W, Sec. 32 NE NW NW NE | Black Diamond Oil, Inc. | Sammons 5 | 15-163-24148 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3760 | 30-OCT-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3150; 3738 | 30-OCT-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3150; 3760 | 30-OCT-13 | |||||
T6S R20W, Sec. 33 NE NE NW | Trek AEC, LLC | States 1-33 | 15-163-24235 |
Unknown |
Perf-Tech Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2700; 3758 | 05-AUG-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3771 | 15-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3100; 3771 | 15-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3100; 3749 | 15-JUL-14 | |||||
T6S R20W, Sec. 36 W2 W2 SE | Trek AEC, LLC | Vehige 3-36 | 15-163-24236 |
23-JUL-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3657 | 22-JUL-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3050; 3657 | 22-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3050; 3635 | 22-JUL-14 | |||||
T6S R21W, Sec. 12 NE NE SW SE | Raymond Oil Company, Inc. | Brobst-Morris 1 | 15-065-23975 |
13-OCT-2013 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3000; 3708 | 14-OCT-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3000; 3729 | 14-OCT-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3730 | 14-OCT-13 | |||||
T6S R22W, Sec. 34 NW SW NE SE | Werth Exploration Trust | A. Worcester 1 | 15-065-23960 |
12-AUG-2013 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3868 | 11-AUG-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Radiation Guard |
Y | 3000; 3868 | 11-AUG-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3000; 3868 | 11-AUG-13 | |||||
T6S R25W, Sec. 14 NE NE SW NW | Blue Ridge Petroleum Corp. | Schoen 1-14 | 15-065-23871 |
05-JUN-2019 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3300; 3916 | 07-NOV-12 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Receiver Cement Bond |
Y | 3100; 3872 | 15-NOV-12 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3938 | 07-NOV-12 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3160; 3950 | 07-NOV-12 | |||||
T6S R25W, Sec. 15 NE SW SW SW | Blue Ridge Petroleum Corp. | Schoen Trust 1-15 | 15-065-23873 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3952 | 15-NOV-12 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3300; 3930 | 15-NOV-12 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 300; 3942 | 15-NOV-12 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3300; 3932 | 15-NOV-12 | |||||
T6S R29W, Sec. 17 N2 SW NW | Ritchie Exploration, Inc. | Shuler 17B 1 | 15-179-21409 |
20-NOV-2023 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Composite |
Y | 3400; 4555 | 02-SEP-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3400; 4533 | 02-SEP-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3400; 4555 | 02-SEP-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4555 | 02-SEP-15 | |||||
T6S R36W, Sec. 10 SE SW SW SW | Great Plains Energy, Inc. | Colleen Rall Trust 1-10 | 15-193-20941 |
26-NOV-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3700; 4965 | 25-NOV-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4985 | 25-NOV-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3700; 4943 | 25-NOV-14 | |||||
T6S R36W, Sec. 21 SW SE NW NE | L. D. Drilling, Inc. | HOWARD 1-21 | 15-193-20953 |
22-JUN-2015 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4858 | 21-JUN-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3800; 4836 | 21-JUN-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3800; 4836 | 21-JUN-15 | |||||
T6S R36W, Sec. 25 SE NW NW SE | Raymond Oil Company, Inc. | Baird Rev Trust 1 | 15-193-20931 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3700; 4852 | 09-OCT-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 300; 4868 | 09-OCT-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4874 | 09-OCT-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3700; 4860 | 09-OCT-14 | |||||
T6S R36W, Sec. 36 NE NW SE NW | Raymond Oil Company, Inc. | Biggs 1 | 15-193-20954 |
22-JUL-2015 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3500; 4842 | 22-JUL-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4842 | 22-JUL-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3500; 4820 | 22-JUL-15 | |||||
T6S R37W, Sec. 9 NE NW SE NE | Raymond Oil Company, Inc. | Joan Deeds 1 | 15-181-20599 |
30-SEP-2015 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3800; 5006 | 26-SEP-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 5028 | 26-SEP-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 300; 5020 | 26-SEP-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3800; 5012 | 26-SEP-14 | |||||
T7S R16W, Sec. 28 SE NE NW SW | ENF Production, LLC | WE Jones Heirs 28-1 | 15-163-24170 |
15-JAN-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2400; 3225 | 15-JAN-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3247 | 15-JAN-14 | |||||
T7S R16W, Sec. 29 SW NW NE NE | Brinker Enterprises, LLC | BracyJones 1 | 15-163-24097 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2400; 3326 | 11-JAN-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3348 | 11-JAN-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2400; 3348 | 11-JAN-13 | |||||
T7S R16W, Sec. 29 S2 NE SE NE | Brinker Enterprises, LLC | BracyJones 29-2 | 15-163-24255 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3433 | 16-SEP-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2400; 3411 | 16-SEP-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2400; 3433 | 16-SEP-14 | |||||
T7S R18W, Sec. 3 SE NW NW SW | Trans Pacific Oil Corp. | Sander 'A' 1-3 | 15-163-24225 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3905 | 08-AUG-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 0; 3897 | 08-AUG-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 0; 3889 | 08-AUG-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 0; 3883 | 08-AUG-14 | |||||
T7S R18W, Sec. 4 NE NE SE NE | Trans Pacific Oil Corporation | Sander 'B' Unit 1-4 | 15-163-24276 |
06-DEC-2019 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 0; 3576 | 08-DEC-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 0; 3598 | 08-FEB-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3578 | 08-DEC-14 | |||||
T7S R18W, Sec. 16 NW SW SE NW | Coral Production Corp. | Keiswetter Trust 16-1 | 15-163-24176 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3374 | 30-JAN-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2700; 3352 | 30-JAN-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2700; 3370 | 30-JAN-14 | |||||
T7S R19W, Sec. 31 SW SE NW SW | Brinker Enterprises, LLC | Miller 31-1 | 15-163-24121 |
24-APR-2013 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3445 | 24-JUN-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2800; 3423 | 24-JUN-13 | |||||
T7S R20W, Sec. 5 SW NW NE SW | Jaspar Co. | Fischli 1 | 15-163-24149 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3800 | 06-NOV-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3000; 3800 | 06-NOV-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3000; 3778 | 06-NOV-13 | |||||
T7S R20W, Sec. 5 SW NE NW SW | Jaspar Co. | Fischli 2 | 15-163-24267 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3050; 3704 | 06-NOV-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3726 | 06-NOV-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3460; 3726 | 06-NOV-14 | |||||
T7S R20W, Sec. 8 N2 SW NW NW | Jaspar Co. | Roy 1 | 15-163-24197 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3050; 3695 | 11-APR-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 200; 3709 | 11-APR-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3717 | 11-APR-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3050; 3701 | 11-APR-14 | |||||
T7S R20W, Sec. 36 NW SW NE SW | Brinker Enterprises, LLC | Knipp SW 36-1 | 15-163-24103 |
14-MAR-2013 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2700; 3548 | 14-MAR-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2700; 3526 | 14-MAR-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3548 | 14-MAR-13 | |||||
T7S R20W, Sec. 36 E2 NW NW SW | Brinker Enterprises, LLC | Knipp SW 2 | 15-163-24179 |
17-MAR-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2800; 3452 | 16-MAR-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3452 | 16-MAR-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3800; 3430 | 16-MAR-14 | |||||
T7S R22W, Sec. 8 SW NE SE SE | Gateway Resources, LLC | Worcester 1-8A | 15-065-23992 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3908 | 23-NOV-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3100; 3907 | 23-NOV-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3100; 3886 | 23-NOV-13 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3100; 3910 | 23-NOV-13 | |||||
T7S R22W, Sec. 16 SW SE SW NW | Werth Exploration Trust | Werth-Worcester NW 7 | 15-065-23967 |
10-OCT-2013 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3934 | 10-OCT-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3200; 3912 | 10-OCT-13 | |||||
T7S R22W, Sec. 17 SE NW SE NE | Gateway Resources, LLC | Worcester 3-17 | 15-065-24079 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3100; 3970 | 03-NOV-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3976 | 03-NOV-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3100; 3954 | 03-NOV-14 | |||||
T7S R22W, Sec. 21 NE SW SE SE | Werth Exploration Trust | Worcester 'M' 2 | 15-065-23929 |
23-MAY-2013 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3100; 3714 | 22-MAY-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3736 | 22-MAY-13 | |||||
T7S R24W, Sec. 2 SW NW NW NW | FourWinds Oil Corporation | Steelsmith 1 | 15-065-23974 |
14-NOV-2013 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4055 | 13-NOV-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3200; 4033 | 13-NOV-13 | |||||
T7S R24W, Sec. 9 SE NW NW SW | Red Oak Energy, Inc. | Brown 9-1 | 15-065-24068 |
16-JUN-2020 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4048 | 13-NOV-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 290; 4042 | 13-NOV-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3400; 4026 | 13-NOV-14 | |||||
T7S R26W, Sec. 25 SW SE NE NW | Mull Drilling Company, Inc. | RLL 1-25 | 15-179-21370 |
11-SEP-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 3400; 4326 | 11-SEP-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 200; 4342 | 11-SEP-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3400; 4334 | 11-SEP-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4348 | 11-SEP-14 | |||||
T8S R12W, Sec. 32 S2 NW SW SW | Dreiling Oil, Inc. | Dixon 1-32 | 15-141-20456 |
13-MAR-2018 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2400; 3186 | 26-JAN-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3208 | 26-JAN-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2400; 3208 | 26-JAN-13 | |||||
T8S R17W, Sec. 24 SE NE SW NW | Sandlin Oil Corporation | Chesney 1 | 15-163-24290 |
13-MAY-2015 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2700; 3494 | 26-APR-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2700; 3472 | 26-APR-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3494 | 26-APR-15 | |||||
T8S R17W, Sec. 31 SW NE SW SE | Trek AEC, LLC | Dopita 'A' 16 | 15-163-24094 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2800; 3454 | 14-DEC-12 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 2800; 3478 | 14-DEC-12 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2800; 3476 | 14-DEC-12 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2700; 3480 | 14-DEC-12 | |||||
T8S R18W, Sec. 3 NW SW SE SE | Staab Oil Co. | Gisela Northeast 1 | 15-163-24294 |
27-JUN-2015 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3442 | 27-JUN-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2700; 3420 | 27-JUN-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2700; 3442 | 27-JUN-15 | |||||
T8S R18W, Sec. 4 SW SW SW | Trek AEC, LLC | Hy Ground 1-4 | 15-163-24221 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2800; 3410 | 04-JUL-14 |
Perf-Tech Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 2310; 3393 | 23-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2800; 3389 | 04-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3411 | 04-JUL-14 | |||||
T8S R19W, Sec. 1 SW NW NE NE | Liberty Oper & Compl, Inc | Farr 2 | 15-163-20610-0001 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3518 | 28-OCT-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 170; 3510 | 28-OCT-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2700; 3502 | 28-OCT-13 | |||||
Perf-Tech Dual Receiver Cement Bond Log |
Y | 200; 3497 | 07-NOV-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 2700; 3496 | 28-OCT-13 | |||||
T8S R19W, Sec. 16 E2 SE SW SW | American Patriot Oil LLC | APO-Lowry 14 | 15-163-24242 |
26-SEP-2014 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3582 | 24-SEP-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2900; 3582 | 24-SEP-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2900; 3560 | 24-SEP-14 | |||||
T8S R19W, Sec. 27 NE SW NW SE | Empire Energy E&P, LLC | Stice 9 | 15-163-24228 |
04-JUL-2014 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2700; 3457 | 04-JUL-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3450 | 03-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 1300; 3442 | 03-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 2700; 3428 | 03-JUL-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2700; 3452 | 03-JUL-14 | |||||
T8S R19W, Sec. 27 NE SE SE SW | Empire Energy E&P, LLC | Stice 8 | 15-163-24196 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 2700; 3451 | 22-APR-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 2700; 3459 | 22-APR-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3473 | 22-APR-14 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2700; 3475 | 22-APR-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 1300; 3467 | 22-APR-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron PE |
Y | 2700; 3451 | 22-APR-14 | |||||
T8S R22W, Sec. 5 SW SW NW NE | Vincent Oil Corp. | Chalfant 1-5 | 15-065-23897 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3150; 3618 | 12-MAR-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3618 | 12-MAR-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3150; 3596 | 12-MAR-13 | |||||
T8S R25W, Sec. 21 SW NE SE SW | Red Oak Energy, Inc. | Mowry Trust 1-21 | 15-065-23919 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3999 | 03-AUG-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3500; 3976 | 31-MAY-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3500; 3999 | 03-MAY-13 | |||||
T8S R26W, Sec. 21 NW NW SE NE | IA Operating, Inc. | Archer 21-2 | 15-179-21407 |
25-JUL-2015 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3250; 3880 | 24-JUL-15 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3250; 3864 | 24-JUL-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 200; 3870 | 24-JUL-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3878 | 24-JUL-15 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3250; 3856 | 24-JUL-15 | |||||
T8S R26W, Sec. 21 NW NE NE SE | IA Operating, Inc. | Archer 21-1 | 15-179-21328 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 3923 | 01-MAY-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 100; 3915 | 01-MAY-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3200; 3901 | 01-MAY-13 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3200; 3925 | 02-MAY-13 | |||||
T8S R35W, Sec. 7 SE SW SW NW | Val Energy, Inc. | Beachner 2-7 | 15-193-20905 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4839 | 23-DEC-13 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3500; 4823 | 23-DEC-13 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3500; 4817 | 23-DEC-13 | |||||
T8S R35W, Sec. 18 SW NW NE NW | Val Energy, Inc. | Schroeder Trust 1-18 | 15-193-20909 |
Unknown |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 4898 | 20-JAN-14 |
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Compensated Density Neutron |
Y | 3700; 4876 | 20-JAN-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Sonic |
Y | 200; 4890 | 20-JAN-14 | |||||
Nabors Comp. and Prod. Serv. Microlog |
Y | 3700; 4882 | 20-JAN-14 | |||||
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