Select location of well to view details.Click on column heading to sort. | |||
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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T17S R21E, Sec. 24 SE SW SW | Excel Oil & Gas L.L.C. | Hamilton 24-2 | 15-121-29716 |
17-DEC-2020 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 592 | 03-DEC-13 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 0; 617 | 24-OCT-13 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 NW NW SE NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 29-15 | 15-207-29279 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 26; 1120 | 31-AUG-15 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 25; 1121 | 31-AUG-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1105 | 06-SEP-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 20; 1120 | 31-AUG-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 20; 1121 | 31-AUG-15 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 SE NE SW NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 38-15 | 15-207-29294 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1110 | 28-OCT-15 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 1; 1110 | 28-OCT-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 20; 1110 | 28-OCT-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1110 | 28-OCT-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1090 | 10-NOV-15 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 NE NE SW NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 37-15 | 15-207-29295 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 8; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 20; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1104 | 10-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 20; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 20; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 SW SW NE NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 28-15 | 15-207-29297 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 20; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 20; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 1; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1107 | 10-NOV-15 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 SW NW NE NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 26-15 | 15-207-29116 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 6; 1125 | 24-AUG-15 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 6; 1125 | 24-AUG-15 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | -6; 1125 | 24-AUG-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | -6; 1125 | 24-AUG-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1110 | 06-SEP-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 20; 1124 | 24-AUG-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1124 | 24-AUG-15 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 NE NW NE NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 17-15 | 15-207-29118 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 9; 1127 | 19-AUG-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 6; 1129 | 19-AUG-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 6; 1129 | 19-AUG-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 50; 1109 | 08-SEP-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 20; 1129 | 19-AUG-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 6; 1129 | 19-AUG-15 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 32 NW NW SE SW | Verde Oil Company | L. Davidson 22 | 15-207-27747 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 100; 1074 | 13-DEC-10 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1034 | 23-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1078 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 90; 1078 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1077 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 1078 | 13-DEC-10 | |||||
T24S R17E, Sec. 3 NW SW SE | Chriestenson, Robert dba C & S Oil | NELSON 32 | 15-207-26941 |
Unknown |
Precision Well Perforators Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 1250 | 02-NOV-05 |
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 46; 1269 | 24-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 49; 1268 | 24-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 46; 1269 | 24-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 46; 1269 | 24-OCT-05 | |||||
T25S R14E, Sec. 27 NW NW SW NE | Sheedy Energy Production Co. | Charles Sheedy et al. 3 | 15-207-28432 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1613 | 29-NOV-12 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1611 | 29-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 1613 | 29-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1605 | 08-MAR-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1613 | 29-NOV-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 1613 | 29-NOV-12 | |||||
T25S R16E, Sec. 8 NW NW SE SE | Verde Oil Company | F. Toedman 14 | 15-207-27749 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 120; 1040 | 16-DEC-10 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 999 | 23-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 100; 1045 | 16-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 100; 1045 | 16-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 100; 1045 | 16-DEC-10 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 1045 | 16-DEC-10 | |||||
T26S R19E, Sec. 10 SW SW NW SE | Wrestler, David L., a General Partnership | JOHNSON 5 | 15-001-31453 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 1067 | 30-NOV-16 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1067 | 30-NOV-16 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1067 | 30-NOV-16 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 1; 1067 | 30-NOV-16 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 1; 1067 | 30-NOV-16 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1062 | 06-FEB-17 | |||||
T27S R23E, Sec. 27 SW NE NE | Charles D. Roye | K. O'Brien 27-1 | 15-037-21725 |
13-JUN-2023 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 609 | 19-JUL-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 609 | 19-JUL-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 40; 609 | 19-JUL-05 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 609 | 19-JUL-05 | |||||
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 5; 591 | 26-JUL-05 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 595 | 26-JUL-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 26; 609 | 19-JUL-05 | |||||
T28S R16E, Sec. 2 NW SE NW SW | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Olson, Ruby A. 2-17 | 15-205-28145 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1207 | 03-MAY-13 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 8; 1217 | 27-APR-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 24; 1216 | 27-APR-13 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 8; 1217 | 27-APR-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 8; 1217 | 27-APR-13 | |||||
T28S R16E, Sec. 10 SE SE NW NE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Wing, Mark E. 10-7 | 15-205-28193 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 1221 | 20-JUL-13 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 1221 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 29; 1220 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 300; 1220 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Collar Completion |
Y | 0; 1209 | 25-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 1221 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 29; 1121 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
T28S R17E, Sec. 5 NE NW NW SE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Marple Living Trust 5-6 | 15-205-28067 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 1111 | 14-DEC-12 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1111 | 14-DEC-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1109 | 14-DEC-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1111 | 14-DEC-12 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1123 | 17-DEC-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 1112 | 14-DEC-12 | |||||
T28S R17E, Sec. 6 NE NW NW NE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Shockley, Marjorie L. 6-5 | 15-205-28135 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 40; 1198 | 25-APR-13 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1199 | 25-APR-13 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1199 | 25-APR-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1193 | 02-MAY-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | -3; 1198 | 25-APR-13 | |||||
T28S R23E, Sec. 26 NW SW SW | Wax, William T. | DELANGE 2-26 | 15-037-21774 |
16-JUN-2023 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 26; 551 | 01-APR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 26; 551 | 14-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 25; 551 | 14-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 25; 551 | 14-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 1 NW SW SW | Carroll Energy, LLC | KELLER-SUMNER 1-SWD | 15-205-26156 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 32; 1638 | 01-OCT-05 |
Cornish Density Neutron Porosity Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1639 | 01-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1639 | 01-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1639 | 01-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 30; 1639 | 01-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1639 | 01-OCT-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 3 NE SW SW NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | FARWELL TPR-7 | 15-205-26182 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1134 | 21-OCT-05 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 29; 1144 | 20-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 9; 1132 | 26-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1144 | 20-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 1144 | 20-OCT-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 29; 1146 | 20-OCT-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 27 NW SE NW SW | HPH Kansas LLC | Volunteer 67 | 15-205-28374 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | ; 1342 | 30-DEC-15 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 27 SW SW SW SW | Legend Oil & Gas Ltd. | Volunteer 66 | 15-205-28358 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | -3; 1328 | 15-JUL-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1321 | 15-JUL-15 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1308 | 20-JUL-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 27 NE SW SW | Legend Oil & Gas Ltd. | Volunteer WDW 1 | 15-205-28342 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 289; 1596 | 19-NOV-15 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 289; 1597 | 19-NOV-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 28 SE SW NE SE | Legend Oil & Gas Ltd. | Lander 8 | 15-205-28350 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | -3; 1351 | 19-MAY-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 27; 1352 | 19-MAY-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 27; 1352 | 19-MAY-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 27; 1352 | 19-MAY-15 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1332 | 25-JUN-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 28 NE SE SE SE | HPH Kansas LLC | Lander 10 | 15-205-28369 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | ; 1332 | 22-DEC-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 28 SE NW NE SE | Legend Oil & Gas Ltd. | Lander 7 | 15-205-28352 |
24-JUN-2015 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 27; 1226 | 10-JUN-15 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 27; 1226 | 10-JUN-15 | |||||
T29S R16E, Sec. 33 W2 SW SE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Erbe, Alfred E. 33-1 | 15-205-26444 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 26; 1126 | 27-APR-06 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1119 | 22-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1125 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 26; 1126 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 26; 1126 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 26; 1126 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 NE NW SE SE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Kramer, Jerry L. 20-3 | 15-133-27695 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Collar Completion |
Y | 0; 847 | 23-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 2; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
T29S R19E, Sec. 20 NE SE NW SE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Kramer, Jerry L. 20-4 | 15-133-27688 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 70; 861 | 19-JUL-13 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 860 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 860 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Collar Completion |
Y | 0; 800 | 25-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 861 | 19-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 27; 817 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 17; 817 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 27; 817 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 17; 816 | 20-JUL-13 | |||||
T29S R20E, Sec. 18 NE SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Blackburn, Mark R. 18-1 | 15-133-27365 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 880 | 28-JAN-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | ; 880 | 28-JAN-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 1; 881 | 28-JAN-08 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 864 | 29-JUL-08 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | ; 879 | 28-JAN-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | ; 881 | 28-JAN-08 | |||||
T29S R21E, Sec. 17 NE SW NW | Ascent Operating, Inc. | BEACHNER A-2 | 15-133-27582 |
05-JUN-2023 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 478 | 30-JAN-12 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 585 | 03-JAN-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 585 | 03-JAN-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 582 | 03-JAN-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 31; 586 | 03-JAN-12 | |||||
T30S R12E, Sec. 12 NE SE NE | Cody, Ken L. | Cody 8 | 15-049-22605 |
Unknown |
Century Wireline Services Computer Well Analysis |
Y | 22; 1858 | 24-SEP-15 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1865 | 14-OCT-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1856 | 24-SEP-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1856 | 24-SEP-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 40; 1856 | 24-SEP-15 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1857 | 24-SEP-15 | |||||
T30S R16E, Sec. 1 NE SE SW SE | Dakota Production Co., Inc. | Newland, J. 1-1 | 15-205-27027 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 848 | 19-JUN-07 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 30; 1079 | 10-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1076 | 10-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 1079 | 10-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1079 | 10-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 1079 | 10-JAN-07 | |||||
T30S R17E, Sec. 16 SW NW NE | Dakota Production Co., Inc. | Gudde 3-13 | 15-205-27793 |
05-MAR-2024 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1056 | 30-SEP-09 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 1056 | 30-SEP-09 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 1056 | 30-SEP-09 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 889 | 06-OCT-09 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 30; 1056 | 30-SEP-09 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 1056 | 30-SEP-09 | |||||
T33S R12E, Sec. 17 E2 NE SE NW | Keen, Dwight D. & Lenore M. dba Keen Oil Co | HARDY 18 | 15-019-26731 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 49; 1734 | 01-AUG-06 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1737 | 01-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1737 | 01-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1737 | 01-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 40; 1737 | 01-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 274; 1737 | 18-AUG-06 | |||||
T33S R12E, Sec. 17 NE SE NE SW | Keen, Dwight D. & Lenore M. dba Keen Oil Co | HARDY 17 | 15-019-26730 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 40; 1708 | 27-JUL-06 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 93; 1410 | 18-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1705 | 27-JUL-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1706 | 27-JUL-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 44; 1708 | 27-JUL-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1708 | 27-JUL-06 | |||||
T33S R13E, Sec. 8 SE SW NE SE | Clark Energy, LLC | Chambers 8-1 | 15-019-26968 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 49; 1724 | 04-AUG-09 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 1715 | 04-AUG-09 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 49; 1724 | 04-AUG-09 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 49; 1724 | 04-AUG-09 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 49; 1724 | 04-AUG-09 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 49; 1720 | 04-AUG-09 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1750 | 17-AUG-09 | |||||
T33S R13E, Sec. 17 SW SW NW NW | Clark Energy, LLC | PAYNE 2 | 15-019-26764 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1437 | 16-DEC-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 41; 1437 | 16-DEC-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 40; 1437 | 16-DEC-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1437 | 16-DEC-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1456 | 02-MAR-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 41; 1437 | 16-DEC-06 | |||||
T33S R15E, Sec. 19 NE NW NW | NTR Energy, LLC | Hiner 1 | 15-125-32258 |
05-MAR-2017 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1233 | 25-SEP-12 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1239 | 30-JUL-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1242 | 30-JUL-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 0; 1242 | 30-JUL-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1242 | 30-JUL-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 1242 | 30-JUL-12 | |||||
T33S R16E, Sec. 32 SW NE NE SW | McClenning, Mike | G. W. CORN 1 | 15-125-30918 |
Unknown |
Green Country Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond CCL VDL |
Y | 0; 811 | 26-APR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 820 | 19-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 18; 819 | 19-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 1; 821 | 19-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 1; 821 | 19-APR-06 | |||||
T33S R17E, Sec. 4 NW NW NE SE | Harper Oil Co. | Coleman 17 | 15-125-32394 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1165 | 03-APR-14 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 150; 1165 | 03-APR-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1165 | 03-APR-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 4; 1165 | 03-APR-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 5; 1163 | 03-APR-14 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 4; 1165 | 03-APR-14 | |||||
T33S R22E, Sec. 35 W2 | Production Maintenance Service | Barton Schertzer 1 | 15-021-20268 |
07-NOV-2017 |
Green Country Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond CCL VDL |
Y | 0; 351 | 10-AUG-05 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 361 | 07-NOV-04 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 1; 361 | 07-NOV-04 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 1; 361 | 07-NOV-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 361 | 07-NOV-04 | |||||
T34S R10E, Sec. 2 NW SE SE NW | Matador, Inc. | Fuller / Bane 2-A | 15-019-27219 |
28-NOV-2023 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 2223 | 26-SEP-12 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 15; 2494 | 14-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 14; 2497 | 14-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 14; 2497 | 14-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 11; 2506 | 14-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 11; 2506 | 14-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 11; 2506 | 14-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 19; 2493 | 14-SEP-12 | |||||
T34S R13E, Sec. 3 S2 N2 NW NE | Kansas MB Project, LLC | Bayless 2 MB 14 | 15-019-27452 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 938 | 27-SEP-14 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 931 | 29-SEP-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 3; 938 | 27-SEP-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 3; 938 | 27-SEP-14 | |||||
T34S R13E, Sec. 13 SE SE NW | Melander, Chris dba Chris Melander Drilling | Hollandsworth 2 | 15-125-32234 |
15-SEP-2016 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1409 | 19-JUN-12 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 20; 1413 | 19-JUN-12 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1402 | 17-AUG-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 20; 1413 | 19-JUN-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 20; 1413 | 19-JUN-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 20; 1413 | 19-JUN-12 | |||||
T34S R13E, Sec. 22 SW NW NW NW | G & J Oil Company, Inc. | Sullivan 12-01 | 15-019-27161 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 894 | 24-MAY-12 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 36; 907 | 03-APR-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 907 | 03-APR-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 36; 907 | 03-APR-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 36; 907 | 03-APR-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 36; 907 | 03-APR-12 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 36; 907 | 03-APR-12 | |||||
T34S R14E, Sec. 2 NW NE NW | Production Maintenance Service | MELANDER 2-2 | 15-125-31023 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 50; 1462 | 08-JUL-06 |
T34S R14E, Sec. 4 SW SE NE SE | Magnum Engineering Co. | Defenbaugh, C.J. 26 | 15-125-31981 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 814 | 20-SEP-10 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 818 | 28-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 820 | 28-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 820 | 28-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 32; 820 | 28-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 31; 820 | 28-JUL-10 | |||||
T34S R14E, Sec. 7 SW NE NE NW | BPG Capital, LLC | Burris 9 | 15-125-32461 |
18-MAY-2016 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 24; 1452 | 12-MAY-16 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 24; 1452 | 12-MAY-16 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 24; 1452 | 12-MAY-16 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 24; 1452 | 17-MAY-16 | |||||
T34S R14E, Sec. 10 NE NE NE | SUNWEST PETROLEUM INC | TOM JABBEN 10-4 | 15-125-30622 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 11; 1573 | 12-NOV-04 |
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 5; 1540 | 14-DEC-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density-Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 11; 1573 | 12-NOV-04 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1441 | 24-MAR-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 11; 1573 | 12-NOV-04 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 11; 1573 | 12-NOV-04 | |||||
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