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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T29S R15E, Sec. 7 NW SW SW NW | Wilson County Holdings LLC | Timmons 1-S | 15-205-28040 |
19-SEP-2012 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 140; 1165 | 05-SEP-12 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 100; 1165 | 05-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 100; 1163 | 05-SEP-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 100; 1164 | 05-SEP-12 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 9 NE NE NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | REED 9-D1 | 15-205-27282 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1219 | 16-NOV-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1219 | 16-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1219 | 16-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1219 | 16-NOV-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 9 NE SE SE | Carroll Energy, LLC | Honaker 9-D4 | 15-205-27338 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1250 | 15-NOV-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1250 | 15-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 212; 1250 | 15-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1250 | 15-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1235 | 21-NOV-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 9 SE SE NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | REED 9-D2 | 15-205-27575 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 0; 1219 | 19-AUG-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 0; 1219 | 19-AUG-08 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1217 | 19-AUG-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 1219 | 19-AUG-08 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 9 SW SW SE | Carroll Energy, LLC | HONAKER 9-C4 | 15-205-27360 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1242 | 06-DEC-07 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 1; 1246 | 06-DEC-07 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1236 | 12-DEC-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1246 | 06-DEC-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1246 | 06-DEC-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 10 NE SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Worrell, Neil 10-1 | 15-205-26200 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1075 | 23-NOV-05 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Collar Log |
Y | 0; 1043 | 22-DEC-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1076 | 23-NOV-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1076 | 23-NOV-05 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1076 | 23-NOV-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 12 NW SE SE | SEK ENERGY LLC | RONALD JOHNSON 1-12 | 15-205-26777 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1289 | 28-JUN-06 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1289 | 28-JUN-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1289 | 28-JUN-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 1263 | 05-JUL-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 12 NE NE | QUEST CHEROKEE LLC | WOLF REVOCABLE TRUST 2-12 | 15-205-27213 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1237 | 17-JUN-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1237 | 17-JUN-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1237 | 17-JUN-07 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1228 | 10-JUL-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1237 | 17-JUN-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 13 SE NW NW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | McPherson, Robert B. 13-4 | 15-205-26504 |
19-SEP-2018 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1171 | 29-APR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1171 | 29-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1171 | 29-APR-06 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1172 | 05-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1171 | 29-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 13 SE NW NW SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | McPherson, Robert B. 13-3 | 15-205-26503 |
27-OCT-2020 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1099 | 18-APR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1099 | 18-APR-06 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1097 | 26-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1099 | 18-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1099 | 18-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 13 SW NE NE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | McPherson, Robert B. 13-2 | 15-205-26502 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1257 | 19-APR-06 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1256 | 03-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1257 | 19-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1258 | 19-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1258 | 19-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 13 SE NW NE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | McPherson, Robert B. 13-1 | 15-205-26501 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1189 | 18-APR-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1189 | 18-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1189 | 18-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1189 | 18-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 14 NW SW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | McPherson, Robert B. 14-1 | 15-205-27023 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1067 | 28-NOV-06 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1067 | 28-NOV-06 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1052 | 09-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1067 | 28-NOV-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1067 | 28-NOV-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 14 SW NW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | McPherson, Robert B. 14-2 | 15-205-27010 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1193 | 27-NOV-06 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1193 | 27-NOV-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1193 | 27-NOV-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1192 | 27-NOV-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1169 | 09-JAN-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 21 SW NE NW NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Callarman, Eugene J. 21-1 | 15-205-26896 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1222 | 03-JAN-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1223 | 03-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1222 | 03-JAN-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 21 SW SE NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | BOYER 21-D2 | 15-205-27363 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1276 | 15-JAN-08 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1276 | 15-JAN-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1276 | 15-JAN-08 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1267 | 28-JAN-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1276 | 15-JAN-08 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 23 NE SW SE | Carroll Energy, LLC | GEORGE EISELE 23-C4 | 15-205-26905 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1378 | 11-AUG-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1337 | 11-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1378 | 11-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1319 | 24-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1338 | 11-AUG-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 23 NE SW SE SW | Carroll Energy, LLC | GEORGE EISELE 8 | 15-205-26688 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1366 | 16-JUN-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1365 | 16-JUN-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1366 | 16-JUN-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1354 | 20-JUN-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 24 SW SE SW NE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Short, Sterling 24-8 | 15-205-28178 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1023 | 28-JUN-13 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1025 | 28-JUN-13 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1011 | 01-JUL-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1025 | 28-JUN-13 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 1025 | 28-JUN-13 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 24 SW SE NW SE | PostRock Midcontinent Production LLC | Short, Sterling 24-6 | 15-205-28177 |
24-JUL-2013 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 1022 | 26-JUN-13 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1019 | 26-JUN-13 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1022 | 26-JUN-13 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1022 | 26-JUN-13 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 24 NW SE SE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Short, Sterling 24-4 | 15-205-26553 |
21-JUN-2018 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1226 | 11-MAY-06 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1213 | 30-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1227 | 11-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1227 | 11-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1227 | 11-MAY-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 24 NW SE SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Short, Sterling 24-1 | 15-205-26520 |
12-JAN-2021 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1323 | 11-MAY-06 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1337 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1336 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1337 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1337 | 27-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 24 SW NE SE NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Short, Sterling 24-2 | 15-205-26519 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1152 | 26-APR-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1151 | 26-APR-06 | |||||
CUDD Gamma Ray CCL |
Y | 0; 1148 | 18-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1152 | 26-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1153 | 26-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 24 NE NW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Short, Sterling 24-3 | 15-205-26535 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1183 | 03-MAY-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1183 | 03-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1183 | 03-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 1; 1172 | 22-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1184 | 03-MAY-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 25 SW NW NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | Harp 'C' 1 | 15-205-26569 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1342 | 08-MAY-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1343 | 08-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1343 | 08-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1343 | 08-MAY-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 25 NE NE NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | Harp 'C' 2 | 15-205-26563 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1167 | 25-MAY-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1167 | 25-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1167 | 25-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1167 | 25-MAY-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1149 | 01-JUN-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 25 NW SE NW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | John E. Floyd 2-25 | 15-205-27334 |
25-MAR-2021 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1349 | 17-NOV-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1349 | 17-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 620; 1349 | 17-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1349 | 17-NOV-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 26 SE NE SW | Carroll Energy, LLC | HALL 26-B3 | 15-205-26903 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1363 | 21-AUG-06 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 220; 1364 | 21-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1364 | 21-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 5; 1342 | 05-SEP-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 26 NW NE NE NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | Coddington 'C' 1 | 15-205-26570 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1366 | 14-JUN-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1366 | 14-JUN-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1365 | 14-JUN-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1353 | 20-JUN-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 26 SW SE NW | Carroll Energy, LLC | SPEAKS SWD-1 | 15-205-26155 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Porosity Guard Log |
Y | 30; 1696 | 23-SEP-05 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1696 | 23-SEP-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1696 | 23-SEP-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1696 | 23-SEP-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1696 | 23-SEP-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 27 NW SW NW SW | Bauer Oil Investments, LLC | VOLUNTEER UNIT 62 | 15-205-28055 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 501 | 13-NOV-12 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | ; 1215 | 29-OCT-12 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1217 | 29-OCT-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1217 | 29-OCT-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 1; 1217 | 29-OCT-12 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 27 NW SE NW SW | HPH Kansas LLC | Volunteer 67 | 15-205-28374 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | ; 1342 | 30-DEC-15 |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 15; 1372 | 22-DEC-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 28 NE SE SE SE | HPH Kansas LLC | Lander 10 | 15-205-28369 |
Unknown |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | ; 1332 | 22-DEC-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 21; 1357 | 16-DEC-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 28 NE SE | R. R. Abderhalden | Lander 4 | 15-205-26329 |
Unknown |
Precision Well Perforators Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 1343 | 26-MAY-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 100; 1345 | 22-FEB-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 100; 1349 | 22-FEB-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 100; 1349 | 22-FEB-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 100; 1349 | 22-FEB-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 28 SW NE NW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Lois Loether 1-28 | 15-205-26880 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1276 | 05-JAN-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1276 | 05-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1276 | 05-JAN-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 28 SE SW NE SE | Legend Oil & Gas Ltd. | Lander 8 | 15-205-28350 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | -3; 1351 | 19-MAY-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 27; 1352 | 19-MAY-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 27; 1352 | 19-MAY-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 27; 1352 | 19-MAY-15 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1332 | 25-JUN-15 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 29 NE NW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Loether, Lois 29-1 | 15-205-26881 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1263 | 04-JAN-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1264 | 04-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1264 | 04-JAN-07 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 31 NW SW NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | VANDEVER 'C' 1 | 15-205-26867 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1239 | 09-AUG-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1239 | 09-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1239 | 09-AUG-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1239 | 09-AUG-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 33 SW SE SW | Carroll Energy, LLC | EISELE 'C' 4 | 15-205-26758 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 210; 1305 | 20-JUL-06 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1304 | 20-JUL-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 70; 1304 | 20-JUL-06 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1287 | 25-JUL-06 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 33 SE SW NE | Carroll Energy, LLC | Boyer, Rita 'C' 1 | 15-205-26003 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 1; 1364 | 24-MAR-05 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1364 | 24-MAR-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 32; 1149 | 24-MAR-05 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 2; 1354 | 31-MAR-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Porosity Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1364 | 24-MAR-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 32; 1149 | 24-MAR-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1364 | 24-MAR-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 34 NW SE NW | Carroll Energy, LLC | Eisele 'C' 3 | 15-205-26235 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1337 | 28-DEC-05 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1337 | 28-DEC-05 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 2; 1325 | 04-JAN-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1337 | 28-DEC-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1337 | 28-DEC-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 35 S2 SW NW | James D. Lorenz | EISELE 12 | 15-205-25986 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 31; 1366 | 12-MAY-05 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1342 | 26-MAY-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1367 | 12-MAY-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 1366 | 12-MAY-05 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 31; 1366 | 12-MAY-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 35 N2 SE NW NW | Carroll Energy, LLC | SOUTH SPEAKS 'C' 1 | 15-205-26071 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 21; 1594 | 01-JUN-05 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 31; 1595 | 01-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 4; 1535 | 16-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 21; 1594 | 01-MAY-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Porosity Compensated Density |
Y | 21; 1594 | 01-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | -9; 663 | 01-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 21; 1594 | 01-JUN-05 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 36 NW SE NW NE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Floyd, John E. 36-1A | 15-205-27361 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1245 | 15-JAN-08 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1245 | 15-JAN-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1245 | 15-JAN-08 | |||||
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1224 | 25-MAR-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1245 | 15-JAN-08 | |||||
T29S R15E, Sec. 36 SW NW NE SE | Quest Energy Service Inc. | FLOYD 36-3 | 15-205-25688 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 20; 1135 | 17-DEC-03 |
Cornish Density Neutron Compensated Density |
Y | 25; 1135 | 17-DEC-03 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 21; 1135 | 17-DEC-03 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 21; 1135 | 17-DEC-03 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 21; 1135 | 17-DEC-03 | |||||
T29S R16E, Sec. 1 SE NW NE SW | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Nunnenkamp, Brandon D. 1-1 | 15-205-26415 |
Unknown |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1111 | 04-APR-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1111 | 04-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1111 | 04-APR-06 | |||||
CUDD Gamma Ray CCL |
Y | 0; 1103 | 11-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1111 | 04-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R16E, Sec. 1 NE SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | Nunnenkamp, Michael K. 1-1 | 15-205-27337 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 6; 1141 | 08-JAN-08 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 30; 1159 | 17-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 1159 | 17-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1159 | 17-NOV-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 1159 | 17-NOV-07 | |||||
T29S R16E, Sec. 2 NE NE NW | QUEST CHEROKEE LLC | PAUL D. BEARDEN 1-2 | 15-205-26416 |
13-MAR-2023 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 29; 1185 | 04-APR-06 |
Elite Wireline Gamma Ray Neutron Log |
Y | 0; 1180 | 11-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 1185 | 04-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 29; 1185 | 04-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 29; 1185 | 04-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R16E, Sec. 2 SE NW NE SE | QUEST CHEROKEE LLC | RANDALL L. CORNS 1-2 | 15-205-26480 |
Unknown |
CUDD Gamma Ray CCL |
Y | 0; 1143 | 11-APR-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1158 | 05-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1157 | 05-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1158 | 05-APR-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1158 | 05-APR-06 | |||||
T29S R16E, Sec. 3 SW SW SE | Quest Cherokee, LLC | FRANK GREEN SWD 1-3 | 15-205-26496 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 1451 | 27-JUL-06 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 40; 1453 | 27-JUL-06 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 1452 | 27-JUL-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 40; 1453 | 27-JUL-06 | |||||
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