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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T23S R15E, Sec. 6 NW SE SW SE | Birk Petroleum | Demler 13 | 15-031-23149 |
07-FEB-2012 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 45; 1989 | 07-FEB-12 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 7 NE NE NW SW | Birk Petroleum | Merritt 12 | 15-031-22361 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1368 | 16-APR-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1655 | 02-APR-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1655 | 02-APR-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1655 | 02-APR-08 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1655 | 02-APR-08 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 8 SE SW SE | Birk Petroleum | Rich 4 | 15-031-23873 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1664 | 19-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 51; 1685 | 04-JUN-14 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 20 SE SE SE | MIKE O'CONNER | RICH W-2 | 15-207-25220 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 999; 1573 | 26-MAR-85 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1100; 1591 | 14-MAR-85 | |||||
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 1200; 1588 | 14-MAR-85 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 29 SE NW SE | Birk Petroleum | BOWERS 'NEW B' 1 | 15-207-27053 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray/Cement Bond/CCL |
Y | 15; 1562 | 03-OCT-06 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1569 | 15-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1569 | 15-SEP-03 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1569 | 15-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1569 | 15-SEP-06 | |||||
Cornish Merged Triple - Combo Water Saturation |
Y | 50; 1569 | 15-SEP-03 | |||||
T23S R15E, Sec. 34 SW SW SW | RICHARD OIL CO. | MIZE (WESTON 6) 4 | 15-207-25351 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1520 | 28-AUG-85 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 23; 1522 | 28-AUG-85 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 1050; 1526 | 05-SEP-85 | |||||
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 50; 1516 | 28-AUG-85 | |||||
T23S R16E, Sec. 2 SW NW SW SW | Colt Energy Inc | Crotts WSW 1 | 15-031-22270 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 890 | 15-NOV-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 42; 900 | 05-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 41; 902 | 05-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 41; 902 | 05-JAN-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 41; 902 | 05-JAN-07 | |||||
T23S R16E, Sec. 4 NE SW NW NE | Colt Energy Inc | BEARD 4-13 | 15-031-22324 |
21-SEP-2007 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1393 | 20-SEP-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1393 | 20-SEP-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1393 | 20-SEP-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1393 | 20-SEP-07 | |||||
31-JUL-1987 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 470; 1455 | 30-JUL-87 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 494; 1455 | 30-JUL-87 | |||||
T23S R16E, Sec. 12 W2 W2 SW NE | Colt Energy Inc | BEARD 12-29 | 15-031-22325 |
07-SEP-2007 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1289 | 06-SEP-07 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1289 | 06-SEP-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1289 | 06-SEP-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1289 | 06-SEP-07 | |||||
T23S R16E, Sec. 13 NE NW NW NW | George, Mark | GRAHAM 10 | 15-031-22096 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 1000 | 22-JUL-05 |
Cornish Merged Triple-Combo Water Saturation |
Y | 1; 1013 | 29-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1; 1013 | 29-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1013 | 29-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1013 | 29-JUN-05 | |||||
Cornish Water Saturation Analysis |
Y | 1; 1013 | 29-JUN-05 | |||||
T23S R16E, Sec. 28 SW NE NE | Head Oil, Inc. | Rich 1 | 15-207-25469 |
23-APR-1997 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 600; 1447 | 20-APR-86 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 600; 1447 | 20-APR-86 | |||||
T23S R16E, Sec. 33 NE NE NW SE | Victor J. Leis | Tannahill N-7 | 15-207-27826 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1410 | 09-MAY-11 |
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron Cement Bond Completion Log |
Y | 0; 1429 | 19-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Sonic Cement Bond Log |
Y | 0; 1419 | 19-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1; 1413 | 09-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 1; 1413 | 09-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 1; 1413 | 09-MAY-11 | |||||
T23S R17E, Sec. 16 W2 W2 E2 SW | Colt Energy Inc | BEARD 16-54 | 15-031-22326 |
02-OCT-2007 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1257 | 02-OCT-07 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 1257 | 02-OCT-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 1257 | 02-OCT-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1257 | 02-OCT-07 | |||||
T23S R17E, Sec. 26 NW NE NE SE | Victor J. Leis | Mentzer N-1 | 15-001-30189 |
04-AUG-2011 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 21; 1279 | 06-MAY-11 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 21; 1279 | 06-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 21; 1279 | 06-MAY-11 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1278 | 06-MAY-11 | |||||
T23S R18E, Sec. 16 SE SW NE SE | Colt Energy Inc | Kivett 23 | 15-003-26166 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 980 | 20-JUN-14 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 70; 1003 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 1000 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 52; 1003 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 52; 1003 | 22-MAY-14 | |||||
T23S R19E, Sec. 8 NW NE SW | A & A OIL | BENNETT 2-91 | 15-003-23480 |
01-MAY-1994 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 853 | 21-OCT-91 |
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 31; 1184 | 12-NOV-91 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 656; 1185 | 12-NOV-91 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 3 NW SW NW | PRYOR OIL | SPRAGUE 1 | 15-003-23429 |
24-AUG-1993 |
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
50; 974 | 02-OCT-91 | |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 410; 973 | 02-OCT-91 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 30 SE SE SW SE | TEXOKAN ENERGY CORP. | LEWIS 1 | 15-001-26698 |
01-NOV-1983 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 37; 980 | 15-NOV-83 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 984 | 15-NOV-83 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 32 | TEXOKAN ENERGY CORPORATION | WESTON 1 | 15-001-26653 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 500; 936 | 14-FEB-84 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 36; 952 | 27-OCT-83 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 952 | 27-OCT-83 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 32 | TEXOKAN ENERGY CORPORATION | WESTON 2 | 15-001-26654 |
Unknown |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 90; 948 | 07-DEC-83 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 791; 938 | 13-FEB-84 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 90; 944 | 07-DEC-83 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 32 | TEXOKAN ENERGY CORPORATION | WESTON 3 | 15-001-26703 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 962 | 22-NOV-83 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 794; 943 | 13-FEB-84 | |||||
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 88; 962 | 22-NOV-83 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 32 SE SE | REBA JO DEL OIL & GAS | ANDY EVANS 1-A | 15-001-27705 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 100; 1181 | 19-MAR-86 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 100; 1182 | 19-MAR-86 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 250; 1096 | 16-APR-86 | |||||
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 450; 1093 | 16-APR-86 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 32 S2 SE SE | THREE FALLS OIL | ANDY EVANS 1 | 15-001-27298 |
Unknown |
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
8; 882 | 14-MAY-85 | |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
50; 878 | 14-MAY-85 | ||||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 879 | 22-APR-85 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 3; 887 | 27-APR-85 | |||||
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 50; 879 | 22-APR-85 | |||||
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 8; 882 | 27-APR-85 | |||||
Cornish Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 784; 884 | 03-MAY-85 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 32 | TEXOKAN ENERGY CORPORATION | WESTON 4 | 15-001-26721 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 953 | 10-DEC-83 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 792; 934 | 13-FEB-84 | |||||
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 74; 954 | 10-DEC-83 | |||||
T23S R21E, Sec. 34 | CARAVEL ENERGY OF KANSAS | NESBIT 3 | 15-001-26107 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 300; 871 | 28-OCT-82 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 378; 854 | 10-NOV-82 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 27 SW SW SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 15-27 SWD | 15-011-23453 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1469 | 06-JAN-09 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 60; 1114 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 150; 1112 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 2181 | 09-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 51; 1114 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 51; 1114 | 11-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 2182 | 09-JUL-10 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 51; 1470 | 06-JAN-09 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 51; 1470 | 06-JAN-09 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 27 NW SE SW SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 15-27D | 15-011-23395 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 872 | 09-DEC-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 875 | 09-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 290; 875 | 09-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 180; 878 | 08-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 875 | 09-DEC-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 32 NW SW SW | NORTEX RES. CO. | SNYDER N-2 | 15-011-22219 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 900 | 28-APR-84 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 250; 901 | 28-APR-84 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 33 NW NE NW | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Gregg 3-33B | 15-011-23462 |
17-SEP-2024 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 934 | 22-DEC-08 |
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 50; 935 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 935 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 260; 920 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 32; 935 | 22-DEC-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 NW SE SE NW | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 6-34 | 15-011-23441 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 879 | 04-DEC-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 882 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 40; 882 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 200; 875 | 03-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 882 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 NW NW NW SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Danley 10-34B | 15-011-23411 |
Unknown |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 862 | 04-DEC-08 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 865 | 06-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 871 | 06-JAN-08 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 0; 890 | 03-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 872 | 06-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 872 | 06-NOV-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 NW NW NW SW | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Ridge 12-34B | 15-011-23408 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 290; 876 | 01-NOV-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 894 | 31-OCT-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 40; 898 | 28-OCT-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 31; 895 | 31-OCT-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 895 | 31-OCT-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 SE NW NW NW | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Stewart 4-34B | 15-011-23397 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 28; 878 | 17-DEC-08 |
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 872 | 14-JAN-09 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 876 | 17-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 28; 878 | 17-DEC-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 28; 878 | 17-DEC-08 | |||||
T23S R22E, Sec. 34 NE SW NE SE | Running Foxes Petroleum Inc. | Danley 9-34 | 15-011-23442 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 40; 879 | 20-NOV-08 |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 40; 879 | 20-NOV-08 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 860 | 04-DEC-08 | |||||
Running Foxes Petroleum Formation Evaluation Log |
Y | 20; 900 | 19-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 31; 879 | 20-NOV-08 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature/Density Log |
Y | 31; 879 | 20-NOV-08 | |||||
T23S R25E, Sec. 27 W2 SW NW | McGown Drilling, Inc. | WIMMER 5-27 | 15-011-23354 |
22-MAY-2008 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 30; 445 | 25-APR-08 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 30; 445 | 25-APR-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 30; 445 | 25-APR-08 | |||||
T24S R9E, Sec. 34 NE NW SE | Jackson Brothers | NIXON 'B' 8 | 15-073-22990 |
Unknown |
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 1536; 2219 | 28-OCT-83 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
250; 2235 | 29-MAY-84 | ||||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
50; 2235 | 29-MAY-84 | ||||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
1304; 2219 | 29-MAY-84 | ||||||
Oil Field Research Laboratory Core Analysis Report |
2165; 2193 | 17-OCT-83 | ||||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 1304; 2224 | 28-OCT-83 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 2235 | 10-OCT-83 | |||||
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 250; 2235 | 10-OCT-83 | |||||
T24S R10E, Sec. 9 SW SE SE NE | Black Star 231 Corp. | Schwab 6 | 15-073-24078 |
10-FEB-2020 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 174; 2402 | 28-APR-08 |
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 174; 2402 | 28-APR-08 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 174; 2402 | 28-APR-08 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 174; 2402 | 28-APR-08 | |||||
T24S R10E, Sec. 36 SE NE NE | HENRY JOHN OIL | MOCK 15-A | 15-073-23495-0001 |
11-OCT-2017 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1805; 1985 | 09-OCT-92 |
Cornish Well Profile Log |
Y | 1805; 1985 | 09-OCT-92 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 1805; 1985 | 09-OCT-92 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Porosity |
Y | 1825; 1985 | 09-OCT-92 | |||||
T24S R12E, Sec. 8 W2 SW | ARTHUR LYKE | LYKE 'D' 2 | Greenwood |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1250; 1567 | 04-NOV-68 |
T24S R12E, Sec. 9 SW NE NE | S & B OIL OPERATIONS | TEICHGRABER 8 | 15-073-23162 |
01-AUG-2016 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 900; 1822 | 29-MAY-84 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 578; 1761 | 07-JUN-84 | |||||
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 900; 1823 | 29-MAY-84 | |||||
T24S R13E, Sec. 3 NW NE SW | Carroll Energy, LLC | STAUFFER 'L' 3-B3 | 15-073-24050 |
16-MAR-2007 |
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 50; 2166 | 21-FEB-07 |
Cornish Gamma CCL Neutron |
Y | 50; 2162 | 21-FEB-07 | |||||
Cornish Differential Temperature |
Y | 50; 2166 | 21-FEB-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 50; 2166 | 21-FEB-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1362 | 14-FEB-07 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 1700; 2080 | 27-FEB-07 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Porosity |
Y | 1700; 2080 | 27-FEB-07 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 2166 | 21-FEB-07 | |||||
T24S R13E, Sec. 31 NW SE NW SW | BIRD & HANLEY OIL CO. | DINIUS 50 | 15-073-23618 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 49; 1745 | 16-AUG-89 |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 1739 | 28-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1746 | 16-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Neutron Density Porosity |
Y | 950; 1746 | 16-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Well Profile & Analysis Log |
Y | 950; 1747 | 16-AUG-89 | |||||
T24S R13E, Sec. 31 N2 N2 SW | BIRD & HANLEY OIL CO. | DINIUS 49 | 15-073-23617 |
Unknown |
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 1750 | 28-AUG-89 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 1753 | 02-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Neutron Density Porosity |
Y | 1; 1753 | 02-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Well Profile & Analysis Log |
Y | 358; 1752 | 02-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 0; 1752 | 02-AUG-89 | |||||
T24S R13E, Sec. 31 SE NE SW | BIRD & HANLEY OIL CO. | DINIUS 51 | 15-073-23624 |
09-AUG-1989 |
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 50; 1630 | 09-AUG-89 |
Cornish Well Profile & Analysis Log |
Y | 1300; 1633 | 09-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 50; 1637 | 09-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Neutron Density Porosity |
Y | 1275; 1637 | 09-AUG-89 | |||||
T24S R13E, Sec. 31 SW NE SW | BIRD & HANLEY OIL CO. | DINIUS 55 | 15-073-23629 |
Unknown |
Cornish Well Profile & Analysis Log |
Y | 0; 1650 | 30-AUG-89 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 0; 1657 | 30-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction Guard |
Y | 0; 1649 | 30-AUG-89 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 0; 1625 | 11-SEP-89 | |||||
Cornish Compensated Neutron Density Porosity |
Y | 0; 1657 | 30-AUG-89 | |||||
T24S R14E, Sec. 18 NW SE NW | HOUSTON OKLAHOMA OIL | KIMBELL 17 | 15-207-25101 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 1150; 1734 | 01-NOV-84 |
T24S R15E, Sec. 3 SE NW NW | Victor J. Leis | SWITZER 15 | 15-207-25406 |
Unknown |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 600; 1564 | 26-OCT-85 |
Cornish Induction Electric Log |
Y | 650; 1564 | 26-OCT-85 | |||||
Cornish Radioactivity Log |
Y | 1050; 1562 | 01-NOV-85 | |||||
Cornish Cement Bond Variable Density |
Y | 1050; 1557 | 01-NOV-85 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 NE NE SW NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 37-15 | 15-207-29295 |
Unknown |
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 8; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 20; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1104 | 10-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 20; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 20; 1122 | 02-NOV-15 | |||||
T24S R16E, Sec. 8 SW SW NE NE | Petroleum Resource Management Company | Hammond E 28-15 | 15-207-29297 |
Unknown |
Cornish Density Neutron Hi-Resolution Density |
Y | 20; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 |
Cornish Compensated Density |
Y | 20; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Porosity Induction Log |
Y | 1; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 | |||||
Cornish Dual Induction |
Y | 0; 1119 | 05-NOV-15 | |||||
Midwest Surveys Gamma Ray / Neutron / CCL |
Y | 20; 1107 | 10-NOV-15 | |||||
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