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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Spud, Plug Dates |
Logger, Tool | Scan | Top, Bottom |
Log Date |
T17S R11W, Sec. 15 NW SE NW SE | SID TOMLINSON | WENZ 1 | 15-009-21911 |
30-APR-1980 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 3401 | 23-APR-80 |
T17S R11W, Sec. 36 SE SW NE SE | Atlantic Richfield Co. | Wenzel Patzner 'A' 11 | 15-009-21485 |
Unknown |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 1390; 3428 | 11-DEC-78 |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Compensated Neutron |
Y | 1400; 3428 | 11-DEC-78 | |||||
T17S R12W, Sec. 26 N2 SE SW NE | Osborn Heirs | Straub 2 | 15-009-24120 |
31-DEC-1985 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 2459; 3399 | 10-DEC-85 |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Neutron Gamma Ray |
Y | 2459; 3399 | 10-DEC-85 | |||||
T17S R12W, Sec. 27 NW NE SW | Petroleum, Inc. | Koester 1 | 15-009-21100 |
30-NOV-1976 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 3461 | 15-NOV-76 | |
T17S R13W, Sec. 6 NW NE NE | Allen Drilling Co. | Morrison 1-6 | 15-009-23141 |
30-JUN-1983 |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Neutron Gamma Ray |
1700; 3493 | 20-JUN-83 | |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
30; 3493 | 20-JUN-83 | ||||||
Dresser Atlas Prolog Field Analysis Wellsite Complex Reservoir Analysis |
1700; 3468 | 20-JUN-83 | ||||||
T17S R13W, Sec. 20 NE NW SE | ALLEN DRILLING CO. | HULL 2 | 15-009-23401 |
01-DEC-1984 |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Neutron Gamma Ray |
Y | 1650; 3441 | 14-JAN-84 |
Dresser Atlas Prolog Field Analysis Wellsite Complex Reservoir Analysis |
Y | 1650; 3415 | 14-JAN-84 | |||||
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 100; 3441 | 14-JAN-84 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 2700; 3439 | 09-JAN-84 | |||||
T17S R13W, Sec. 34 SW NE NE SE | Allen Drilling Co. | Dove 2-34 | 15-009-23029 |
06-MAR-2024 |
Wire-Tech Gamma Ray Collar Log |
Y | 2300; 3402 | 14-APR-83 |
Wire-Tech MSG Bond Log |
Y | 2300; 3396 | 14-APR-83 | |||||
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 25; 3600 | 29-MAR-83 | |||||
T17S R13W, Sec. 34 W2 W2 SE | Allen Drilling Co. | Dove 3-34 | 15-009-23123 |
28-JUN-2007 |
Dresser Atlas Prolog Field Analysis Wellsite Complex Reservoir Analysis |
Y | 1600; 3405 | 30-MAY-83 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 155; 3428 | 29-MAY-83 | |||||
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Neutron Gamma Ray |
Y | 1600; 3428 | 29-MAY-83 | |||||
Wire-Tech Gamma Ray M.S.G Bond Log |
Y | 2400; 3397 | 06-JUN-83 | |||||
T17S R14W, Sec. 18 N2 NW SE NE | MURFIN DRILLING CO. | SYLVESTER AXMAN 5 | 15-009-21853 |
01-MAY-1987 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 3515 | 18-FEB-80 | |
T17S R14W, Sec. 18 C NW SW NE | MURFIN DRILLING CO. | SYLVESTER AXMAN 'B' 1 | 15-009-21768 |
30-NOV-1979 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
892; 4468 | 28-NOV-79 | |
T17S R17W, Sec. 29 NW NE SE | HUMMON CORP | MATTIE 1 | 15-165-20937 |
05-DEC-1981 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
1121; 3617 | 04-DEC-81 | |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog |
2600; 3615 | 04-DEC-81 | ||||||
T17S R19W, Sec. 14 SE NW SW NW | WELLS ENERGY | SCHWINDT-PAYNE 1 | 15-165-20957 |
30-AUG-1982 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 633; 3902 | 03-APR-82 |
T17S R19W, Sec. 29 | PARRISH OIL & ETAL | JOHNSON 2 | 15-165-20619 |
16-FEB-1977 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4010 | 15-FEB-76 | |
T17S R21W, Sec. 1 NW SW NE NW | Donald C. Slawson | Irvin 'R' 1 | 15-135-22288 |
15-SEP-1982 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3400; 4149 | 15-SEP-82 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 25; 4148 | 14-SEP-82 | |||||
T17S R23W, Sec. 29 NE SW | Petroleum, Inc. | LYNCH 'B' 1 | 15-135-20926 |
23-JAN-1978 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4428 | 10-FEB-75 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 5 C NW SW | Petroleum, Inc. | Somy 1 | 15-135-21087 |
08-JUL-1977 |
Dresser Atlas BHC Acoustilog |
Y | 3670; 4524 | 12-SEP-75 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4526 | 12-SEP-75 | |||||
T17S R24W, Sec. 6 NE SE | Petroleum, Inc. | Vermillion 'B' 1 | 15-135-20995 |
22-APR-1993 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4497 | 10-MAR-75 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 6 SE NE | Petroleum, Inc. | Vermillion 1 | 15-135-20925 |
22-APR-1993 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4492 | 10-NOV-74 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 8 NW SE SE NE | Vincent Oil Corp. | Phelps 'B' 1 | 15-135-22430 |
25-AUG-1983 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 30; 4455 | 25-AUG-83 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 16 NE NW SW NE | Vincent Oil Corp. | NOLL 1 | 15-135-23069 |
17-NOV-1989 |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Linear Porosity Neutron Gamma Ray |
Y | 3500; 4460 | 19-NOV-86 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 78; 4460 | 19-NOV-86 | |||||
T17S R24W, Sec. 17 SW NE | Walters Drilling | DICKMAN 6 | 15-135-21256 |
Unknown |
Dresser Atlas BHC Acoustilog |
Y | 270; 4494 | 02-OCT-76 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4496 | 02-OCT-76 | |||||
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3350; 4500 | 03-OCT-76 | |||||
Dresser Atlas Gamma Ray |
Y | 3800; 4494 | 02-NOV-76 | |||||
T17S R24W, Sec. 19 C NE | WALTERS DRILLING CO., INC. | C. SCHABEN 2 | 15-135-21892 |
05-JAN-1981 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4417 | 18-OCT-80 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 24 C SE NW | Walters Drilling | Rutschman 1 | 15-135-22051 |
05-JUL-1981 |
Dresser Atlas BHC Acoustilog Gamma Ray |
Y | 456; 4591 | 05-JUL-81 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4599 | 05-JUL-81 | ||||||
T17S R24W, Sec. 30 N2 NE NW | Petroleum | Schaben B 1 | 15-135-21282 |
01-SEP-1984 |
Dresser Atlas BHC Acoustilog |
Y | 3450; 4396 | 19-JAN-77 |
Petro-Log Correlation Log |
Y | 3700; 4396 | 01-FEB-77 | |||||
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4401 | 19-JAN-77 | |||||
T17S R24W, Sec. 30 N2 SW NW | Walters Drilling | Schaben E 1 | 15-135-22881 |
31-AUG-1985 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 50; 4540 | 02-AUG-85 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 30 NW SE SW | Petroleum, Inc. | Bishop 2 | 15-135-22574 |
06-SEP-2006 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4430 | 09-MAY-84 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 30 SE SE SW | Petroleum, Inc. | Bishop 1 | 15-135-21430 |
Unknown |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4439 | 25-FEB-78 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 31 NW NE NW | Ben Hogan | Weeks 1 | 15-135-21515 |
02-DEC-1985 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4409 | 20-SEP-78 |
T17S R24W, Sec. 35 S2 NE NE | Phillips Petroleum | SCHREIBER 3-CB | 15-135-21280 |
10-FEB-1977 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4622 | 10-FEB-77 | |
T17S R25W, Sec. 4 SE SW | Phillips Petroleum Co. | Mollenkamp 1 | 15-135-20857 |
04-APR-1974 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4509 | 03-APR-74 | |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog |
3700; 4507 | 03-APR-74 | ||||||
T17S R25W, Sec. 16 SE NW SE NW | PATRICK PETROLEUM CORP. | RYAN 'C' 2 | 15-135-21212 |
18-MAY-1998 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4454 | 28-JAN-76 | |
T17S R25W, Sec. 25 E2 NE NE | Petroleum Inc. | Schaben 1 | 15-135-21513 |
13-SEP-1978 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4446 | 12-SEP-78 | |
T17S R25W, Sec. 25 NW NE | Walters Drilling Co. | Schaben D 1 | 15-135-21815 |
07-SEP-1982 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4443 | 30-JUN-80 | |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog |
2200; 4442 | 01-JUL-80 | ||||||
T17S R26W, Sec. 24 C NE SW | Petroleum, Inc. | NORTON 'C' 1 | 15-135-21405 |
30-APR-1978 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 0; 4454 | 29-APR-78 |
T17S R27W, Sec. 11 SW SE NE SW | Donald C. Slawson | Hagans 'L' 1 | 15-101-20748 |
23-DEC-1982 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
0; 4553 | 22-DEC-82 | |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3500; 4554 | 22-DEC-82 | ||||||
T17S R27W, Sec. 15 SE NE NE | Texas-El Dorado Oil Co. | Selfridge 'A' 1-15 | 15-101-21181 |
05-JUL-1985 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 80; 4578 | 04-JUL-85 |
T17S R27W, Sec. 15 SE NW SW | Champion Petroleum Inc. | Massey 1 | 15-101-21205 |
14-JUN-1996 |
Dresser Atlas Densilog Neutron Gamma Ray |
Y | 3650; 4621 | 17-AUG-85 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 30; 4621 | 17-AUG-85 | |||||
T17S R27W, Sec. 23 NW SW NE | PETROLEUM INC | BENSON 'B' 1 | 15-101-21066 |
28-OCT-1986 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
210; 4697 | 28-OCT-84 | |
T17S R27W, Sec. 23 SE NW | SLAWSON DONALD C | REPSHIRE 'A' 2 | 15-101-21078 |
27-NOV-1984 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
330; 4608 | 26-NOV-84 | |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3500; 4610 | 27-NOV-84 | ||||||
T17S R27W, Sec. 23 SE NE NW | Donald C. Slawson | Repshire 'A' 1 | 15-101-21037 |
Unknown |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
3500; 4610 | 25-SEP-84 | |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
336; 4606 | 24-SEP-84 | ||||||
T17S R27W, Sec. 24 S2 SE SW | Donald C. Slawson | Benson 'J' 1 | 15-101-21240 |
29-OCT-1985 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
70; 4540 | 28-OCT-85 | |
T17S R27W, Sec. 27 SW SE SW | Vicorp Energy, Inc. | Mumma 1 | 15-101-21013 |
18-AUG-1984 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 37; 4672 | 17-AUG-84 |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Neutron Gamma Ray |
Y | 3700; 4672 | 17-AUG-84 | |||||
T17S R27W, Sec. 29 SW NW NW | GEAR PETROLEUM CO. | LEO 1-29 | 15-101-20837 |
28-AUG-1983 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 30; 4670 | 28-AUG-83 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3700; 4670 | 28-AUG-83 | |||||
T17S R27W, Sec. 36 E2 NE | KRM PET | THELMA 1-36 | 15-101-21266 |
24-DEC-1985 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
60; 4688 | 23-DEC-85 | |
Dresser Atlas Compensated Densilog Linear Porosity Neutron Gamma Ray |
3500; 4688 | 23-DEC-85 | ||||||
T17S R28W, Sec. 13 SW NE NW NE | Donald C. Slawson | Waterson 'F' 1 | 15-101-20804 |
13-JUN-1983 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3500; 4680 | 13-JUN-83 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 10; 4665 | 13-JUN-83 | |||||
T17S R28W, Sec. 14 NW NE SE | Donald C. Slawson | BORELL 'OO' 1 | 15-101-21215 |
12-SEP-1985 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
50; 4629 | 12-SEP-85 | |
T17S R28W, Sec. 16 NW SE | SLAWSON DONALD C | TERWILLIGER 'E' 1 | 15-101-20850 |
Unknown |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
3500; 4649 | 14-SEP-83 | |
T17S R28W, Sec. 16 NE SE NE SW | SLAWSON OIL | TOWNS 'F' 1 | 15-101-20934 |
10-MAR-1984 |
Geologist's Report Drilling Time and Sample Log |
Y | 3500; 4630 | 10-MAR-84 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
Y | 60; 4629 | 10-MAR-84 | |||||
T17S R28W, Sec. 16 NW SW SE | SLAWSON DONALD C | BORELL 'B' 1 | 15-101-20869 |
07-NOV-1983 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
430; 4649 | 06-NOV-83 | |
T17S R28W, Sec. 16 SE NW SE NE | SLAWSON DONALD C | TERWILLIGER 'E' 2 | 15-101-20865 |
22-OCT-1983 |
Dresser Atlas Laterolog Gamma Ray Neutron |
412; 4650 | 22-OCT-83 | |
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