Digital Petroleum Atlas
Muddy Creek Southwest Field
General Information

Muddy Creek Southwest Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: No
Geologic Province: Southeast Kansas
Exploration Method: Subsurface, trend extension
Surface Formation: Permian, Chase Group
Oldest Formation Penetrated: Mississippian
Drilling Casing Practices: Set 215' surface casing, drill well to total depth, about 50' into the Mississippian. Drillstem Test or Core Cattleman's Sandstone interval. Log. Run casing. Perforate Sandstone. Clean up with small acid treatment. Sand Frac. Frac fluids have progressed from gelled water to nitrified gelled water to foam. Swab Test. Rig up production equipment.
Electric Logging Practices: Dual Induction, Sp, and Gamma Ray Compensated Neutron-Compensated Densilog and Caliper

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
26 MAY 1981 BLOOD 39-521
No Oil Production No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: SW NW NW 24-T29S-R4E
Rotary Total Depth: 2965
Production Zone:
Initial Oil Potential: 40 BOPD
Initial Formation Pressure: 1100
Casing: 5 1/2" @ 2964' w/ 100 sx
Perforations: 2847'-2866'
Treatments: 500 gallons/MA, Frac 15,000 gallons / 2% KCL water & 15,000 #20-40 sand
Comments: Initial Formation Pressure: 1100 psi (from adjacent wells)
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. V

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 1280 acres
Total Wells: 34
Productive Oil Wells: 11 as of November 2017
Abandoned Wells: 10
Cumulative Oil: 1,643,194.02 bbls as of November 2017

Producing Formation:

(Bartlesville Sandstone Bed)

Depth Top: 2795 feet

BARTLESVILLE (Bartlesville Sandstone Bed)

Thickness: 8 feet

BARTLESVILLE (Bartlesville Sandstone Bed)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes

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