Digital Petroleum Atlas
Morrison Field
General Information

Morrison Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Geologic Province: Anadarko Basin
Exploration Method: Subsurface geology
Surface Formation: Post-Blaine Permian (Guadalupian)
Oldest Formation Penetrated: Arbuckle (Ordovician)
Drilling Casing Practices: Drill 800 feet of surface hole; set 8 5/8" surface casing with 600 sacks. Drill 7 7/8" hole to total depth with chemical/salt mud. Set 5 1/2" production pipe with 150 sacks pozmix and common, 18% salt; follow with 200 sacks lite. Perforate with 2 shots per foot across log porosity in oil column (in some wells where log porosity is essentially absent, much of the upper Viola was perforated, sometimes successfully and sometimes with much disappointment). No treatment; rare acid and fracture treatments have been unsuccessful. Swab in to flow; several wells have flowed for a few weeks or more.
Electric Logging Practices: DIL and CNL-FDC-GR
Comments: One portion of the field is drilled on 80-acre well spacing instead of 40.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
17 NOV 1936 Morrison 3
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: SE SW 17-T32S-R21W
Rotary Total Depth: 6483
Production Zone: VIOLA OIL AND GAS
Initial Oil Potential: 2358 BOPD Flowing
Perforations: 6254'-6483' No perforations - Open Hole
Treatments: None
Comments: Elevation: Resurveyed in 1979 and said elevation was 2141'
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. V; DISCOVERY 641
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
21 NOV 1995 Harden 1
No Oil Production
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: 150' N of C NW SW 17-T32S-R21W
Rotary Total Depth: 6790
Production Zone: MORROW GAS
Initial Oil Potential: 173 BOPD flowing (parent well)
Initial Gas Potential: 86.5 MCFPD on OWWO, immediately declined to amount sufficient to run lease equipment
Initial Formation Pressure: 2391
Casing: 5 1/2" @ 6550' (K55, 14 to 15.5#)
Perforations: 6417'-6420' Two shots per foot
Treatments: None
Comments: RTD of 6790' was at the Arbuckle
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. V; DISCOVERY 9130

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 1280 acres
Total Wells: 28
Productive Oil Wells: 4 as of August 2015
Productive Gas Wells: 1 as of February 1999
Abandoned Wells: 16
Cumulative Oil: 445,975.24 bbls as of August 2015
Cumulative Gas: 118,395.00 mcf as of February 1999

Producing Formation:

(Upper Kearny Member)

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Gas: Yes

Producing Formation:

(Viola Limestone Formation)

Geological Age: Ordovician
Depositional Environment: Unknown, but probably peritidal
Formation Lithology: Sucrosic dolomite porosity is believed to occur due to karst processes and fracturing; no cores are available for study. There is very poor correspondence between log (gamma ray/porosity) response and cuttings.
Formation Geometry: Density log porosity is most readily mapped along NW-SE trends, sub-parallel to the axis of the structural nose. The structural closure is poorly defined to the northwest, and is not critical to the oil accumulation. It is certainly reasonable to assume that natural fractures are critical to this accumulation, and they are related to the fold axis. Porosity distribution is less-clearly related to, but obviously enhanced by fractures. There is some minor evidence from cuttings to suggest that karst processes enhanced porosity development on and near the Viola exposure surface.
Trap Type: Fracture distribution on structural nose

VIOLA (Viola Limestone Formation)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 14 feet Average Net Pay: 9 feet
Oil Water Contact: 4336 subsea in section 17. All other wells unique.
Gas Oil Ratio: 500:1 in discovery well; Gas declined sharply in the first few weeks of production. Drive Mechanism: Combination water drive and solution gas expansion; abandoned wells water-out.
Initial Pressure: 2391 Data Source of Initial Pressure: KOGF, Vol. V - Sharp decline early in production
Estimated Ultimate Recovery: 750,000 BO
Estimated Primary Oil Recovery: 750000 Estimated Ultimate Recovery: 750,000 BO
Proven Production: 560 acres Production Well Spacing: 40 acres

VIOLA (Viola Limestone Formation)
Oil Chemistry

Oil Color: Black %
Minimum Oil API Gravity: 37 Maximum Oil API Gravity: 43 %

VIOLA (Viola Limestone Formation)

Porosity Type: Sucrosic Maximum Porosity: 26 % Average Porosity: 12 %

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