Digital Petroleum Atlas
Pollnow Field
General Information

Pollnow Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: No
Exploration Method: Seismograph
Drilling Casing Practices: Most wells were completed naturally through perforations; later, after a decline in production, they were acidized. Required surface casing: Miminum of 200 feet.
Discussion: A large portion of the productive acreage had been initized by 1959 so that the reservoir could eventually be water flooded. The Pollnow field is a typical example of a thin Kansas City porous bed producing an economical amount of oil when it is developed and operated in a prudent manner.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
14 APR 1953 POLLNOW 1
No Gas Production
No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: NE NW SW 4-T3S-R29W
Rotary Total Depth: 4406
Production Zone: Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup
Initial Oil Potential: 79 BOPD
Initial Formation Pressure: 1050
Perforations: 3750' - 3780' Lansing
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. II; DISCOVERY 918

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 2240 acres
Total Wells: 48
Productive Oil Wells: 21 as of June 2000
Abandoned Wells: 15
Cumulative Oil: 1,294,405.41 bbls as of June 2000

Producing Formation:

(Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Depth Top: 3734 feet
Formation Lithology: The pay zone is a uniform 4-foot ledge of buff to tan, highly fossiliferous, reef-like limestone. Core samples revealed an abundance of fusilinids in a fine crystalline limestone matrix with vuggy porosity.
Trap Type: Reservoir is a porous limestone lens with its stratigraphic accumulation limited by a facies change into non-permeable material.
Continuity of Reservoir Rocks: Due to the absence of a definite water table, the dry holes defining the field are attributed to lack of permeability and porosity rather than loss of section or structure.

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Thickness: 7 feet

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Drive Mechanism: Gas solution drive
Water Production: None
Proven Production: 800 acres

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)
Oil Chemistry

Average Oil API Gravity: 38

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Average Porosity: 20.5 %

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Average Horizontal: 176 md

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