Digital Petroleum Atlas
Amazon Ditch East Field
General Information

Amazon Ditch East Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: No
Geologic Province: Hugoton Embayment of the Anadarko Basin
Exploration Method: 2D Seismic Survey and Subsurface Geology
Surface Formation: Quaternary Pleistocene Undifferentiated Loess
Oldest Formation Penetrated: Mississippian (Spergen)
Drilling Casing Practices: Conductor Casing: None Surface Casing: 8 5/8"-24# @ 1800' with 600 sxs Prem Lite + 2% cacl + 1/4# Flocel Production Casing: 5 1/2"-15# @ RTD with 200 sxs Prem Lite Self Stress + 5# Kolite DV Tool @ 3150' with 250 sxs Prem Lite
Drilling Fluid Practices: Water-based gel to displacement point at 3600 feet Chemical Gel to rotary total depth
Treatment Practices: Kansas City Group, 4 Shots/ft., 2100 gals. 15% HCL-FE Pleasanton Group, 4 Shots/ft., 1500 gals. 15% HCL-FE Marmaton Group, 4 Shots/ft., 1500 gals. 15% HCL-FE-NE Morrow Group, 3 Shots/ft., 250 gals. Acetic, 500 gals. MOD101, 500 gals. HF, 500 gals. MCA Mississippian, 4 Shots/ft., 3000 gals. 15% HCL
Electric Logging Practices: Dual Induction - SFL, Spontaneous Potential, Gamma Ray Compensated Neutron, LithoDensity Long Spaced Sonic MicroLog
Comments: Producing Formations: Kansas City Group Dewey Cherryvale Hertha Pleasanton Group Exline Marmaton Group Lenepah Altamont Pawnee Morrow Group Mississippian St. Louis "A" Zone

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
20 FEB 1991 Six-M Farms 'A' 1-22
No Gas Production
No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: NW SW SW 22-T22S-R34W
Rotary Total Depth: 4860
Production Zone: St. Louis Oil
Data Source: DISCOVERY 1320
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
21 AUG 1991 Bailey 'OE' 1-27
No Gas Production
No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: NW NW NW 27-T22S-R34W
Rotary Total Depth: 4900
Production Zone: Marmaton Oil
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
29 NOV 1991 Six-M Farms 'A' 2-22
No Gas Production
No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: NW SE SW 22-T22S-R34W
Rotary Total Depth: 4875
Production Zone: Lansing-Kansas City Oil
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
27 JUL 1993 Nellans 1
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: S2 NE NE 22-T22S-R34W
Rotary Total Depth: 4850
Production Zone: Morrow Oil

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 1760 acres
Total Wells: 40
Productive Oil Wells: 18 as of June 2024
Abandoned Wells: 4
Cumulative Oil: 2,705,935.42 bbls as of June 2024

Producing Formation:

(Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Formation Lithology: Carbonate, 10 to 25 feet
Formation Geometry: Subtidal upward coarsening carbonate shoal
Trap Type: Structural

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 15 feet Average Net Pay: 8 feet
Oil Water Contact: Dewey: -1058 Cherryvale: -1070
Drive Mechanism: Edge and bottom water drive
Proven Production: 1760 acres Production Well Spacing: 40 acres

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)
Brine Chemistry

Total Solids: 116965 ppm
Chloride Equivalent: 72984 ppm Barium: 0 ppm
Bicarbonates: 733 ppm Calcium: 22044 ppm
Calcium Bicarbonate: 0 ppm Calcium Sulfate: 0 ppm
Iron: 0 Magnesium: 1945 ppm
Magnesium Sulfate: 0 ppm Silica: 0
Sodium Sulfate: 0 ppm Sodium Chloride: 0 ppm
Strontium: 0 Sulfates: 400 ppm

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Maximum Porosity: 27 % Average Porosity: 16 %

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Maximum Horizontal: 12100 md

Producing Formation:

(Marmaton Group)

Formation Lithology: Carbonate, 10 to 25 feet
Formation Geometry: Subtidal upward coarsening carbonate shoal
Trap Type: Structural

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 10 feet Average Net Pay: 8 feet
Drive Mechanism: Gas solution and partial edge and bottom water drive
Proven Production: 1760 acres Production Well Spacing: 40 acres

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)
Brine Chemistry

Total Solids: 131853 ppm
Chloride Equivalent: 79982 ppm Barium: 0 ppm
Bicarbonates: 366 ppm Calcium: 4569 ppm
Calcium Bicarbonate: 0 ppm Calcium Sulfate: 0 ppm
Iron: 0 Magnesium: 2675 ppm
Magnesium Sulfate: 0 ppm Silica: 0
Sodium Sulfate: 0 ppm Sodium Chloride: 0 ppm
Strontium: 0 Sulfates: 1750 ppm

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)

Maximum Porosity: 26 % Average Porosity: 18 %

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)

Maximum Horizontal: 94 md

Producing Formation:

(Upper Kearny Member)

Formation Lithology: Sandstone, 0 to 25 feet
Formation Geometry: Upward fining estuarine sandstones
Trap Type: Structural

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 20 feet Average Net Pay: 12 feet
Drive Mechanism: Gas solution drive
Proven Production: 1760 acres Production Well Spacing: 40 acres

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)

Maximum Porosity: 18 % Average Porosity: 12 %

Producing Formation:

(Mississippian System)

Formation Lithology: Carbonate, 0 to 15 feet
Formation Geometry: Subtidal nearshore oolite shoal
Trap Type: Combination structural and stratigraphic

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 12 feet Average Net Pay: 6 feet
Drive Mechanism: Edge and bottom water drive
Proven Production: 1760 acres Production Well Spacing: 40 acres

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)
Brine Chemistry

Total Solids: 189154 ppm
Chloride Equivalent: 121973 ppm Barium: 0 ppm
Bicarbonates: 427 ppm Calcium: 11944 ppm
Calcium Bicarbonate: 0 ppm Calcium Sulfate: 0 ppm
Iron: 0 Magnesium: 12304 ppm
Magnesium Sulfate: 0 ppm Silica: 0
Sodium Sulfate: 0 ppm Sodium Chloride: 0 ppm
Strontium: 0 Sulfates: 125 ppm

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)

Maximum Porosity: 18 % Average Porosity: 14 %

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)

Maximum Horizontal: 2400 md

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