Digital Petroleum Atlas
Congdon Field
General Information

Congdon Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Geologic Province: Hugoton Embayment, Anadarko Basin
Exploration Method: Mapping of Krider high associated with regional geological information
Surface Formation: Carlile shale
Oldest Formation Penetrated: St. Louis
Drilling Casing Practices: St. Louis and Morrow: Drilled with mud, geologist on site to correlate drilling time and to describe sample cuttings. St. Louis Completion: Perforations through pipe; acid to stimulate; two of four successful St. Louis completions required fracture treatment. Morrow Completion: Perforations through pipe; of seven successful Morrow wells, two were completed natural, four required acid and one required fracture treatment.
Electric Logging Practices: Compensated Density / Compensated Neutron, Dual Induction Laterolog
Discussion: The Congdon Field is located in the north central portion of the Hugoton Embayment. Oil production is found in the Mississippian St. Louis as wells as in the Pennsylvanian Morrow formations. The oil field is overlain by shallow gas production of Permian age that is part of the great Hugoton gas field and shall not be discussed here. Basement rock in the northern Hugoton Embayment is believed to be fractured and resulted in a series of deep-seated horst and graben structures. The developing fault planes remain active as younger sediments were deposited with the majority of the movement occurring prior to the end of Mississippian time. As the warm, shallow epicontinental seas of Mermecian age mildly advanced and retreated throughout the Hugoton Embayment localized oolictic shoals developed on pre-existing highs on the seafloor. In the Congdon Field, a St. Louis oolitic shoal deposit holds commercial amounts of oil on the upthrown side of a steeply dipping fault that strikes NE-SW. This bank deposit enhanced the development of a north-south trending anticline that is bisected on the southern end by the fault. Productive shoal facies rocks persist south of the fault but are much thinner and of poorer reservoir quality. Significant fault displacement had probably stopped by the end of Mississippian time. Subaerial exposure allowed a drainage pattern to develop on the downthrown block in close proximity and parallel to the fault plane. Morrow sandstones were later deposited in stream channels that formed in the drainage system. The geometry of the sandstone deposit was heavily influenced by the pre-existing fault system. The end result is a long and narrow deposit that has significant variability in thickness and reservoir quality. The mapping of a Permian structural closure combined with regional geology lead to the discovery at depth of the Congdon Oil Field. This structural concept led to the discovery of oil in the St. Louis oolictic shoal deposit. Extension and development drilling led to the establishment of additional reserves found in stratigraphically controlled traps of the Morrow Formation.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
01 OCT 1977 O. G. Congdon 1
No Gas Production
No Core Data
Well Location: C SW SW 28-T23S-R32W
Rotary Total Depth: 4990
Production Zone:
Initial Oil Potential: 147 BOPD, 3 BWPD
Initial Formation Pressure: 1289
Casing: 8 5/8" @ 1624' 5 1/2" @ 4990'
Perforations: 4783' - 4800'
Treatments: Acid 3500
Comments: Initial formation pressures reported as 1289-1263.
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. V; DISCOVERY 5237
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
13 DEC 1979 S. W. NEELEY 1
No Gas Production
No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: SW NE 33-T23S-R32W
Rotary Total Depth: 5000
Production Zone: Morrow Oil
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
29 MAR 1994 FINLEY 1
No Oil Production No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: SW NE 4-T24S-R32W
Rotary Total Depth: 4975
Production Zone: Lansing-Kansas City Oil

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 1920 acres
Total Wells: 72
Productive Oil Wells: 16 as of October 2022
Productive Gas Wells: 1 as of July 2016
Abandoned Wells: 14
Cumulative Oil: 2,983,444.93 bbls as of October 2022
Cumulative Gas: 70,245.00 mcf as of July 2016

Producing Formation:

(Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes

Producing Formation:

(Upper Kearny Member)

Depth Top: 4695 feet
Geological Age: Pennsylvanian
Depositional Environment: Morrow sedimentation in this area of southwest Kansas resulted in sandstone deposits that accumulated in alluvial channels, deltas and off shore bars.
Formation Lithology: Fluvial sandstone
Formation Geometry: Fluvial sandstone deposits on the down thrown side of a NE-SW trending normal fault
Trap Type: Combination

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)

Thickness: 18 feet

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 18 feet Average Net Pay: 8 feet
Oil Water Contact: Approximately -1910
Gas Oil Ratio: Low Drive Mechanism: Solution gas, partial water drive
Production Well Spacing: 80 acres

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)

Porosity Type: Intergranular Maximum Porosity: 22 % Average Porosity: 12 %

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