Digital Petroleum Atlas
Sullivan Field
General Information

Sullivan Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Geologic Province: Sedgwick Basin
Exploration Method: Wildcat Arbuckle TD encountering uphole shows (Possibly used seismic)
Surface Formation: Salt Plain Siltstone of the Nippewalla Group Permian Period
Oldest Formation Penetrated: Arbuckle Group, Ordivician Period
Drilling Casing Practices: 8 5/8" surface casing was set to a depth of approximately 250'. A 7 7/8" hole was drilled using a starch mud system. A gas detector and wellsite geologist were on location from the Topeka to TD for most wells. Drillstem tests were usually run across any significant shows in the samples. The wells were completed with 4 1/2" or 2 7/8" casing. The zones were perforated with a tubing conveyed gun and completed naturally or with a small quantity of 15% HCI acid. Upon initial production of gas no artificial lift equipment was installed. Older gas wells now have pumping units.
Electric Logging Practices: Gamma Ray with Caliper/Formation Density Compensated, Compensated Neutron Gamma Ray-SP/Dual lnduction Laterolog Cement Bond Log Some wells also had: Computer processed log, Dipmeter, Natural Gamma Ray Spectrometry Log
Comments: Primary productive formation: Upper Stalnaker Sand (Upper Tonganoxie) Secondary productive formations: Lower Stalnaker Sand, Douglas Sand, Mississippi, Viola, Emporia Proven productive area: For Gas - 160 acres
Discussion: The Sullivan Field has oil and gas production from thirteen sections surrounding Attica, Kansas. The first well drilled in this area was in 1961 when Ferguson Oil Co. drilled the Sullivan Unit 1, C SE NW, 32S-8W-31. The Sullivan Unit 1 was an Arbuckle wildcat that encountered uphole shows. Seismic data from the early 1950's indicates an isopach thin (structural high) at the drillsite. The Sullivan Unit 1 produced oil from the Viola for two years and in 1965 it produced gas from the Lower Stalnaker Sand (Lower Tonganoxie). Continental Oil Heacock and Ely Gas Unit 1 (approximately E2 E2 SW, 32S-8W-30) was the first well to actually produce gas from the Lower Stalnaker in 1963. This well produced 315 MMCFG before being plugged in 1971. The Sullivan Field area lacked development until 1976 when Texas Oil & Gas drilled the Kinnard 2, 470' FNL and 1300' FWL, 32S-8W-31. The Kinnard 2 first produced oil from the Viola and was later recompleted for gas from the Lower Stalnaker Sand. Texas Oil & Gas continued to drill in this area and encountered the more productive Upper Stalnaker Sand to the north of these early wells. Through sample, core, and log analysis, it was determined that the Upper Stalnaker Sand is a distributary channel that trends in an east-west direction. The productive development of this sand along with the Lower Stalnaker and Douglas Sands was continued by Texas Oil & Gas, Attica Gas Ventures, Resource Ventures, McCoy Petroleum Co. and Eagle Exploration. The Upper Stalnaker Sand is the most economically productive zone with reserves estimated in 1985 of 43 BCFG. The Lower Stalnaker Sand has produced 1.1 BCFG with estimated reserves of 1.4 BCF. The Douglas Sand has estimated reserves of 2.5 BCFG. The Mississippi has recently been developed in the southwest portion of the field, in sections 6 and 7 of 33S-8W) by Central Energy and B & B Oil. Uphole zones are also economically important. This can be seen in the Texas Oil & Gas Kinnard 3, 1985' FSL & 1325' FWL, 32S-8W-31, which was recompleted in the mid-1980s in the Emporia for 1143 MCFGPD.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
15 DEC 1961 Sullivan 1
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SE NW 31-T32S-R8W
Rotary Total Depth: 4950
Production Zone: Viola Limestone Formation
Initial Oil Potential: 62 BOPD
Initial Formation Pressure: 1830
Casing: 8 5/8" @ 216' 5 1/2" @ 4768'
Perforations: 4670' - 4676' Viola
Treatments: Acid 500
Comments: Changed DISCOVERY_DATE from 12/05/1961 to 12/15/1961 based on the entry in KOGF, Vol. V. Viola/owwo: 6/24/65; Lower Stalnaker (Lower Tonganoxie) LTD=4925
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. V; DISCOVERY 5321
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
01 NOV 1962 Sullivan Unit 1
No Oil Production No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: SE NW 31-T32S-R8W
Rotary Total Depth: 4950
Production Zone: Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup
Initial Gas Potential: 300 MCFGD
Initial Formation Pressure: 1560
Perforations: Bridge plug @ 3720' Perforated 3654' - 3659' in the Lower Stalnaker
Treatments: Fractured with 5,000 GW and 5,000 pounds of sand
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. V; DISCOVERY 6719
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
01 DEC 1976 Kinnard 2
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C N2 NW 31-T32S-R8W
Rotary Total Depth: 4749
Production Zone: Mississippian System
Data Source: DISCOVERY 6720
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
09 MAY 1985 Kinnard Unit 3
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SW 31-T32S-R8W
Rotary Total Depth: 4810
Production Zone: Wabaunsee Group
Data Source: DISCOVERY 6721
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
15 JAN 1987 Kinnard 'A' 1
No Oil Production
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SE NE 36-T32S-R9W
Rotary Total Depth: 3980
Production Zone: DOUGLAS GAS
Data Source: DISCOVERY 6722
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
11 JUN 2002 Kinnard 2
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: NW 31-T32S-R8W
Rotary Total Depth: 4749
Production Zone: Mississippian System
Data Source: DISCOVERY 7354

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 1600 acres
Total Wells: 24
Productive Oil Wells: 6 as of November 2020
Productive Gas Wells: 7 as of April 2018
Abandoned Wells: 6
Cumulative Oil: 64,803.57 bbls as of November 2020
Cumulative Gas: 10,374,383.00 mcf as of April 2018

Producing Formation:

(Douglas Group)

Geological Age: Douglas Group of the Virgilian Stage of the Pennsylvanian Period
Depositional Environment: Distributary
Formation Lithology: The Douglas Sand consists of cream to gray, fine to medium grain, well sorted, micaceous, subangular to subrounded grains. The sand varies from good intergranular porosity to well cemented with calcium carbonate. The sand can contain thick shale beds and does grade laterally into shale. (Sand analyzed was from the Baringer 2, Texas Oil & Gas, NW NE, 32S-9W-25, at a depth of 1975.)
Formation Geometry: The Douglas consists of numerous sand bodies that pinchout laterally into shales. The thickest portion of Douglas sands are found on the extreme east and west sides of the Sullivan Field. The Douglas sands thin and even pinchout over the center part of the field.
Trap Type: Combination of Stratigraphic & Structural

DOUGLAS (Douglas Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Gas: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 18 feet Average Net Pay: 12 feet
Gas Water Contact: Average: 1998
Gas Oil Ratio: Gas: 3 bbls of condensate Drive Mechanism: Pressure depletion
Initial Pressure: 1478 Data Source of Initial Pressure: KOGF, Vol. V
Estimated Ultimate Recovery: 2,500,000 MCFG
Estimated Primary Gas Recovery: 2500000 Estimated Ultimate Recovery: 2,500,000 MCFG

DOUGLAS (Douglas Group)
Gas Chemistry

Minimum BTU: 1040 Maximum BTU: 1040 Specific Gravity: .69
Carbon Dioxide: .2 % Nitrogen: 8.5 %
Methane: 83 % Ethane: 8.3 %

DOUGLAS (Douglas Group)
Oil Chemistry

Oil Color: Clear %
Oil Type: Condensate %
Average Oil API Gravity: 71

DOUGLAS (Douglas Group)
Brine Chemistry

Resistivity: .04
Chloride Equivalent: 27500 ppm Barium: 0 ppm
Bicarbonates: 0 ppm Calcium: 9625 ppm
Calcium Bicarbonate: 0 ppm Calcium Sulfate: 0 ppm
Iron: 0 Magnesium: 0 ppm
Magnesium Sulfate: 0 ppm Silica: 0
Sodium Sulfate: 0 ppm Sodium Chloride: 0 ppm
Strontium: 0 Sulfates: 0 ppm

DOUGLAS (Douglas Group)

Porosity Type: Intergranular Maximum Porosity: 26 % Average Porosity: 19 %

Producing Formation:

(Mississippian System)

Depth Top: 4688 feet
Formation Lithology: Consists of a white to multicolored, tripolitic chert. The chert has oil stain and gas bubbles associated with vugular porosity. The Mississippi is productive in structurally high wells.

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)

Thickness: 2 feet

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes

Producing Formation:

(Viola Limestone Formation)

Depth Top: 4670 feet
Formation Lithology: Consists of a light brown, very fine crystalline to sucrosic dolomite. Gas and oil shows have been found in the Viola Dolomite, which is productive on structural highs.

VIOLA (Viola Limestone Formation)

Thickness: 6 feet

VIOLA (Viola Limestone Formation)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes

Producing Formation:

(Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)

Formation Lithology: Is a cream, very fine crystalline limestone, which has fine vuggy porosity developed locally. Shows of gas and oil have been found in the KC Drum. The KC Drum has been tested for GTS, Ga33MCFG, 180' GOCM, 360' frothy oil; sip: 1569-1496# (Texas Oil & Gas, Kinnard 2, 470' FNL & 1300' FWL, 32S-8W-31).

LANS.-K.C. (Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Gas: Yes

Producing Formation:

(Wabaunsee Group)

Depth Top: 2766 feet
Formation Lithology: Is a white to light brown, very fine crystalline, fossiliferous limestone. Scattered fluorescence has been found in porous Emporia limestone. The Emporia has tested GTS, and was recently perforated for 1143 MCFGPD.

WABAUNSEE (Wabaunsee Group)

Thickness: 16 feet

WABAUNSEE (Wabaunsee Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Gas: Yes

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