Digital Petroleum Atlas
Hockett Field
General Information

Hockett Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Exploration Method: Reflection seismograph for Northern Natural Gas Company led to the drilling of the discovery well, Hockett 1, on a farmout to William Gruenerwald.
Drilling Casing Practices: All wells were acidized and fractured. Surface casing: Approximately 1700 feet, or near the base of the Cimarron anhydrite.
Comments: The Hockett 1 produced 1800 barrels of oil from the Morrow sandstone before being recompleted as a gas well in the Chester limestone. In 1959 there was an available pipeline but none of the wells had been put on production.
Discussion: Cost of a dry hole was about $50,000, for a completed oil well $80,000 and for a completed gas well $70,000.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
05 FEB 1957 T. B. Hockett 1
No Oil Production
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SW SW 8-T31S-R29W
Rotary Total Depth: 5660
Production Zone: MORROW OIL
Initial Oil Potential: 10 BOPH
Comments: This well rapidly decreased in oil production but increased in water production and was re-completed in September 1957 in the Chester. Morrow Oil: 5388 - 5398 feet The #1 Hockett produced 1,800 barrels of oil from the Morrow sandstone before being recompleted as a gas well in the Chester limestone.
Data Source: DISCOVERY 2545
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
05 JUN 1957 Smith 'D' 1
No Oil Production
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SE NW 17-T31S-R29W
Rotary Total Depth: 5601
Production Zone: CHESTER GAS
Initial Gas Potential: 7,396 MCFG on 24/15 test
Initial Formation Pressure: 1530
Comments: Chester Gas: 5391 - 5417 feet
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
25 SEP 1957 T. B. Hockett 1
No Oil Production No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SW SW 8-T31S-R29W
Rotary Total Depth: 5660
Comments: The #1 Hockett produced 1,800 barrels of oil from the Morrow sandstone before being recompleted as a gas well in the Chester limestone.
Data Source: DISCOVERY 9250
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
13 NOV 1957 Flagel 'A' 1
No Oil Production
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C NW SE 20-T31S-R29W
Rotary Total Depth: 5755
Production Zone: CHESTER OIL
Initial Oil Potential: 33 BOPD
Initial Gas Potential: 2,033 MCFG per day
Comments: Chester Oil (5545 feet)

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 8320 acres
Total Wells: 22
Productive Oil Wells: 5 as of March 2021
Productive Gas Wells: 7 as of June 2024
Abandoned Wells: 10
Cumulative Oil: 20,329.38 bbls as of March 2021
Cumulative Gas: 6,217,873.00 mcf as of June 2024

Producing Formation:

(Upper Kearny Member)

Depth Top: 5388 feet
Formation Lithology: The Morrow sandstone, as encountered in the Hockett 1, is a fine to medium grained, sub-angular, loosely cemented sand lens 10 feet thick.
Trap Type: Mainly stratigraphic, due to north and east pinchout of the producing formations, but associated with a small local structure.
Continuity of Reservoir Rocks: The Morrow sandstone is limited in aerial extent in three directions from the Hockett 1 by facies change, and to the east by pinchout of the total Morrow formation.

MORROWAN SANDSTONE (Upper Kearny Member)

Thickness: 4 feet Average Thickness: 10 feet

MORROWAN SANDSTONE (Upper Kearny Member)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Average Net Pay: 10 feet
Average Oil Column: 10 Average Gas Column: 0
Drive Mechanism: Solution gas drive.
Proven Production: 40 acres

MORROWAN SANDSTONE (Upper Kearny Member)
Oil Chemistry

Oil Base: Asphalt %
Average Oil API Gravity: 23

Producing Formation:

(Chesteran Stage)

Depth Top: 5430 feet
Formation Lithology: The Chester limestone is white to light tan, chalky, fossiliferous, partly oolicastic and oolitic.
Trap Type: Mainly stratigraphic, due to north and east pinchout of the producing formations, but associated with a small local structure.
Continuity of Reservoir Rocks: The upper Chester limestone is limited in aerial extent to the north by pinchout, and to the east and west by facies change and loss of permeability and porosity. The sourthern limit of the Hockett field has nod been determined in July 1959.

Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 25 feet Average Net Pay: 16 feet
Average Gas Column: 100
Drive Mechanism: Gas expansion and solution gas expansion drive.
Proven Production: 2500 acres

Gas Chemistry

Minimum BTU: 1114 Maximum BTU: 1114

Oil Chemistry

Minimum Oil API Gravity: 29.4 Maximum Oil API Gravity: 66 %


Porosity Type: From core analysis of the Smith 'D' 1, 15-119-00044 Average Porosity: 11 %


Average Horizontal: 1 md

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