Digital Petroleum Atlas
Taloga Field
General Information

Taloga Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Exploration Method: Reflection seismograph survey
Drilling Casing Practices: All wells produce through perforations. Lansing: Acidized with 1000 gallons 15%. Kansas City: Acidized with 1000 gallons 15%. Cherokee: Acidized with 1000 gallons 15%. Morrowan: "A" Sandstone: Acidized with 500 gallons mud acid. Fractured with 5000 gallons oil, 2500 pounds sand. "C" Sandstone: Acidized with 500 gallons mud acid. Fractured with 5000 gallons oil, 2500 pounds sand. "F" Sandstone: Acidized with 1000 gallons mud acid. Fractured with 5000 gallons oil, 2500 pounds sand. "G" Sandstone: Acidized with 500 gallons mud acid. Fractured with 5000 to 10,000 gallons oil, 2500 to 10,000 pounds sand. Keyes Sandstone: Acidized with 500 gallons mud acid. Fractured with 10,000 gallons oil, 10,000 pounds sand. Surface casing: 1500 feet.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
22 SEP 1955 CENTRAL LIFE 1-34
No Oil Production
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SW 34-T34S-R42W
Rotary Total Depth: 5519
Production Zone: Upper Morrow G Oil
Discovery Method: Reflection seismograph survey
Initial Gas Potential: 82000 MCF
Initial Formation Pressure: 899
Comments: BTU 1014. The initial production was commingled "G" sandstone and Keyes sandstone, but later produced only from the Keyes sandstone. This well recovered gas in all of the gas-producing zones of the field by drill stem tests except the "C" gas sand (probably correlates to the Purdy sandstone), which was discovered later in the Cyr Trust 1, Carter Oil Company, 35S-42W-2, 15-129-00020.
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. II; DISCOVERY 2624
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
07 MAR 1956 Watson 1-35
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C SW 35-T34S-R42W
Rotary Total Depth: 4700
Production Zone: Upper Morrow G Oil
Discovery Method: Reflection seismograph survey
Initial Oil Potential: 101BOPD (46ยบ gravity)
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. II
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
10 APR 1956 LAND BANK 1-34
No Oil Production No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C NW 34-T34S-R42W
Rotary Total Depth: 4600
Production Zone: Cherokee Group
Discovery Method: Reflection seismograph survey
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. II; DISCOVERY 6526
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
10 OCT 1956 Cyr Trust 1
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C NW 2-T35S-R42W
Rotary Total Depth: 4700
Production Zone: Upper Morrow C Gas
Discovery Method: Reflection seismograph survey
Comments: The Upper Morrow "C" Gas Sandstone probably coorelates with the Purdy sandstone.
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. II
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
23 JAN 1957 Westerfield 0-4
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C NE SE 35-T34S-R42W
Rotary Total Depth: 5023
Production Zone: Upper Morrow Oil A and C sandstones
Discovery Method: Reflection seismograph survey
Initial Oil Potential: "A" sandstone: 125 BOPD; "C" sandstone: 193 BOPD
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. II

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 10320 acres
Total Wells: 148
Productive Oil Wells: 47 as of August 2024
Productive Gas Wells: 26 as of August 2024
Abandoned Wells: 28
Cumulative Oil: 10,024,227.16 bbls as of August 2024
Cumulative Gas: 47,356,066.00 mcf as of August 2024

Producing Formation:

(Cherokee Group)

Depth Top: 3894 feet
Formation Lithology: Limestone, brown, gray, fine crystalline, sandy with sandstone, gray, fine-grained, angular-subangular grains.
Trap Type: The Taloga field is located on an asymmetrical anticline. The north, west and south flanks dip gently with a very steep dip on the east flank, which may be caused by a deep-seated fault that does not cut the Morrowan or younger formations. There are eight producing horizons in the Taloga field below the Greenwood pay. The Cherokee zone is controlled by porosity.
Continuity of Reservoir Rocks: The Cherokee produced from a porosity trap or sandstone pinchout in the northwestern part of the field.

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)

Average Thickness: 8 feet

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Average Gas Column: 14
Drive Mechanism: Local porosity trap with gas drive

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)
Gas Chemistry

Minimum BTU: 1130 Maximum BTU: 1130 Specific Gravity: .701

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)

Porosity Type: Intergranular

Producing Formation:

(Upper Kearny Member)

Depth Top: 4428 feet
Formation Lithology: Gray, fine to medium coarse grained, partly shaly, partly calcareous, glauconitic
Trap Type: The Taloga field is located on an asymmetrical anticline. The north, west and south flanks dip gently with a very steep dip on the east flank, which may be caused by a deep-seated fault that does not cut the Morrowan or younger formations. There are eight producing horizons in the Taloga field below the Greenwood pay. The Morrowan zones are controlled primarily by structure. The western extent of production from the Upper Morrowan is controlled by stratigraphy.
Continuity of Reservoir Rocks: Keyes sandstone cover the entire field. It produce water on the flanks of the structure.

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)

Average Thickness: 54 feet

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Average Gas Column: 130
Drive Mechanism: Primarily a gas solution drive aided with water drive
Proven Production: 10320 acres

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)
Gas Chemistry

Minimum BTU: 1028 Maximum BTU: 1028 Specific Gravity: .685

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)

Average Porosity: 14 %

MORROWAN (Upper Kearny Member)

Average Horizontal: 58 md

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