Digital Petroleum Atlas
Coats West Field
General Information

Coats West Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Comments: From the Kansas Oil and Gas Fields, Vol. 1, entry for Coats Field, page 21 Andrews A 1: Initial production: 731 BOPD flowed from the Simpson; no water production. Andrews A 2: Initial production: 36 BOPD flowed from the Simpson; no water production. Andrews A 3: Initial production: 99 BOPD flowed from the Arbuckle; no water production. Andrews A 4: Initial production: 202 BOPD pumped from the Arbuckle; 57 BWPD. Andrews A 5: Initial production: 492 BOPD flowed from the Arbuckle; 43 BWPD. Andrews B 1: Initial production: 423 BOPD pumped from the Simpson; no water production. Andrews B 2: Initial production: 2866 BOPD flowed from the Arbuckle; 86 BWPD. Andrews B 3: Initial production: 105 BOPD flowed from the Arbuckle; 150 BWPD.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
26 JAN 1955 Chastain 1
No Oil Production No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: NW SW NW 24-T29S-R14W
Rotary Total Depth: 4668
Initial Gas Potential: 2485 MCFGPD
Perforations: 4139 - 4156 Lower Lansing-Kansas City
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. I; DISCOVERY 5496
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
04 APR 1962 Moss 1
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C W2 NE NE 23-T29S-R14W
Rotary Total Depth: 4641
Production Zone: SIMPSON OIL
Data Source: DISCOVERY 8759

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 960 acres
Total Wells: 22
Productive Oil Wells: 5 as of August 2024
Productive Gas Wells: 4 as of February 2010
Abandoned Wells: 11
Cumulative Oil: 283,192.59 bbls as of August 2024
Cumulative Gas: 689,634.00 mcf as of February 2010

Producing Formation:

(Lansing Group)

Trap Type: The gas found in the lower Lansing-Kansas City section is believed to be a stratigraphic pinchout of an oolicastic zone associated with the local west dip of the area. Some of the other Lansing-Kansas City oolicastic zones have been tested in the structure located to the southeast. Only small shows of oil and gas were found.

LANSING (Lansing Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Gas: Yes
Average Oil Column: 0 Average Gas Column: 6
Water Production: The discovery well, Chastain 1, produced 81 barrels of water and 2485 MCFG per day on the initial test.

Producing Formation:

(Simpson Group)

SIMPSON (Simpson Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes

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