Digital Petroleum Atlas
Celia South Field
General Information

Celia South Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: No
Geologic Province: Northern Extension of the Hugoton Embayment, east of the Las Animas Arch
Exploration Method: Subsurface geologic control & seismic (CDP)
Surface Formation: Pleistocene Loess with Pliocene Ogallala outcrops in stream beds
Oldest Formation Penetrated: Granite Wash at 5332'
Drilling Casing Practices: 1. Drill to 500' and set 8 5/8' surface casing. 2. 1-man logging unit used on some wells at 3000' to TD. 3. Circulate significant drilling breaks and/or shows and catch 30 and 45 minute circulation samples. 4. DST as so indicated by shows and drilling breaks. 5. Run log suite at TD and evaluate. 6. Run 5 1/2' casing and perforate. Complete natural, or acidize if required.
Electric Logging Practices: Dual Induction: Surface to TD Neutron-Density: Surface to TD BHC Sonic: Surface to TD EPT: Surface to TD
Comments: Other Shows: Topeka, Oread, Lansing "A", Lansing "C", Lansing "E", Lansing "F", Pawnee, Fort Scott
Discussion: The prospect was generated by subsurface structural and isopach mapping and later confirmed by seismic. CDP seismic through the center of Section 28 indicates an anticlinal feature with 40 feet of thinning from the Stone Corral to the Mississippian unconformity. Area extent of this structure was approximately 640 acres, with a structural closure of 15-20 feet. Subsequent drilling has expanded the limits of the field to 1160 acres, with a minimum of 25 feet of closure. As of 1985, every well drilled with Cherokee porosity has proven productive, with no apparent water. Two pay zones exist within the Celia South Field - the Lansing "B" Horizon and the Cherokee Lime. The Lansing "B" zone produces in the Clark & Cahoj, Cahoj 1, C NE NW, T3S-R36W-28. This well was completed in December 1979, for 7 BO and 100 BW from perforations at 4268'-4272'. This initial potential is misleading due to the nature of the equipment on the well at the time. New, larger diameter pump and equipment later increased the volume of fluid being moved. Total cumulative production for the Cahoj 1 is 62,000 BO and 538,000 BW from December 1979 thru December 1984. The Lansing "B" is an oolitic, fractured brown lime with an average thickness of 4 feet, porosities ranging from 14-18%. The Coastal Oil & Gas Hubbard 7, NE SW SW, T3S-R36W-28 was the only other well in the area in 1985 producing from the Lansing "B" and was commingled with the Cherokee Lime from 4690'-4696' and the Pawnee Lime from 4568'-4572' for 100 BO and 6 BWPD. The Cherokee Lime reservoir of the Celia South Field was discovered by Coastal Oil & Gas in June of 1983, with the drilling of the Coastal Oil & Gas Hubbard 1, SE NE SW, T3S-R36W-28. The Cherokee was tested from 4640'-4664' and recovered 1910' clean oil and 112' OCM. Flow pressures were 392-807# and shut-in pressures were 1300-1292#. The Hubbard 1 was perforated from 4650'-4657' and completed for 138 BOPD pumping. The Murfin Cahoj 1, C SW NW was drilled in October 1962. This well penetrated the Cherokee reservoir but was not tested. Sonic log through the Cherokee indicated 15% porosity in the top 4' of the Cherokee reservoir. Average net pay for the Cherokee reservoir is approximately 6', with porosities ranging from 18-12%. Coastal Oil & Gas cored the Cherokee pay zone in two wells - the Hubbard 3, C NW SE, Sec. 28, and Hubbard 4, C SE SW, Sec. 28. Lithology description from the cores shows the top of the pay zone is composed almost entirely of calcareous skeletal grains. These grains are medium to coarse sand-sized, well sorted algal fragments with minor forams, brachiopod and crinoid fragments also present. Porosity is excellent (approximately 25%) and is primarily interparticle, contained between skeletal grains. Small amounts of pore filling microspar calcite cement are present. The center of the pay zone is composed of bioclastic material including crinoid, echinoid, brachiopod, and algal fragments, ostracods and forams. This zone has excellent primary interparticle porosity (approximately 20%). Some secondary pores have been created by partial dissolution of the matrix (micrite). Cementing, primarily by microspar calcite, is more apparent. The bottom of the pay zone has an extensive micrite matrix. Bioclasts include forams, ostracods, gastropods, and brachiopod fragments. This zone is laminated and may represent an algal bioherm. Porosity is poor with most pores filled by sparry and microspar calcite. Fossil fragments are less abraded than in the upper 4 feet. The core data studied indicates a marine setting where sediments may have been deposited as part of a carbonate bank or shoal. The higher porosities can be directly related to removal of detrital muds by wave action. The lower porosities developed where detrital mud (micrite) deposition was more extensive.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
04 AUG 1983 HUBBARD 1-28V
No Gas Production
No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: S2 SE NE SW 28-T3S-R36W
Rotary Total Depth: 5361
Production Zone: Cherokee Group
Initial Oil Potential: 138 BOPD pumping
Casing: 8 5/8" @ 370' 5 1/2" @ 5361'
Perforations: 4650'-4657'
Treatments: Natural, subsequently acidized
Comments: 5355 Log Total Depth Initial Formation Pressure: IF 392# / FF 807# / ISI 1300# / FSI 1291#
Data Source: KOGF, Vol. V; DISCOVERY 3131
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
04 NOV 1985 Kehlbeck 1-D
No Gas Production No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C NW NE 5-T4S-R36W
Rotary Total Depth: 4762
Production Zone: Marmaton Group
Data Source: DISCOVERY 7670

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 1600 acres
Total Wells: 47
Productive Oil Wells: 34 as of November 2023
Abandoned Wells: 10
Cumulative Oil: 2,305,269.64 bbls as of November 2023

Producing Formation:

(Cherokee Group)

Depth Top: 4621 feet
Geological Age: Pennsylvanian
Depositional Environment: Environment of deposition based on core analysis suggests a mound or bank of lime sediments deposited in a shallow near shore environment with organic build-up of skeletal remains providing the nucleus for bank development.
Formation Lithology: Top of the pay zone is composed almost entirely of calcareous skeletal grains, medium to coarse sand-sized, well sorted algal fragments with forams, brachiopod and crinoid fragments. Excellent interparticle porosity. Small amounts of microspar calcite present. Center of pay zone also composed of bioclastic material with excellent interparticle porosity with secondary porosity the result of partial dissolution of the matrix (micrite). Bottom of pay zone has extensive micrite matrix with bioclasts including forams, ostracods, gastropods and brachiopod fragments. Porosity is poor, with pore filling by sparry and microspar calcite.
Formation Geometry: A thin limestone bed deposited regionally with porosity developed locally on a structural high, average thickness 6-8 feet.
Trap Type: Structural/Stratigraphic

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)

Thickness: 7 feet Maximum Thickness: 8 feet

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes
Maximum Net Pay: 8 feet Average Net Pay: 6 feet
Average Oil Column: 51
Gas Oil Ratio: 18 Standard Cubic Ft./BBL Drive Mechanism: Rock and fluid expansion to 125#, then expanding gas solution drive
Initial Pressure: 1314 Data Source of Initial Pressure: KOGF, Vol. V
Pressure Maintenance or EOR: 1985: Anticipated water flood
Proven Production: 1160 acres Production Well Spacing: 40 acres

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)
Gas Chemistry

Specific Gravity: 1.097

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)
Oil Chemistry

Oil Color: Black %
Oil Base: 4.15% asphalt @ 60 degrees F, 1.22% paraffin %
Average Oil API Gravity: 27.5

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)

Maximum Porosity: 25 % Average Porosity: 12 %

CHEROKEE (Cherokee Group)

Maximum Horizontal: 624 md Average Horizontal: 294 md

Producing Formation:

(Marmaton Group)

Depth Top: 4617 feet

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)

Thickness: 4 feet

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes

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