Digital Petroleum Atlas
Hawks Field
General Information

Hawks Field Oil & Gas Data

General Field Information

Produces Oil: Yes Produces Gas: Yes
Geologic Province: Hugoton embayment on the north flank of the Anadarko Basin
Exploration Method: Re-examination of subsurface geology leading to the reopening of an old dry hole.
Drilling Casing Practices: Since this well was drilled to the Simpson, casing was set through the Morrow sandstone and the pipe perforated opposite the gas pay. Originally the Morrow sandstones were treated with acid; fracturing, however, is now the accepted method of well stimulation. (KOGF, Vol. II, 1959)
Comments: This field extends into Beaver County, Oklahoma: T6N R21E Central Meridian, Sections 12 and 13.
Discussion: The average cost of a dry hole was $64,000. Costs for a completed well varied from $82,000 - 128,000 and averaged $100,000.

Discovery Well(s)

Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
19 JUL 1951 Lofland-Hawks 1
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C NE SW 18-T35S-R31W
Rotary Total Depth: 8006
Production Zone: Morrowan Sandstone
Initial Oil Potential: 15.59 barrels condensate
Initial Gas Potential: 3,549 MMCF
Initial Formation Pressure: 1553
Comments: 600' north of Kansas-Oklahoma state line and 1980 feet east of west line of Section 18. Initial potential calculated absolute open flow 3,549 MMCF and 15.59 barrels condensate per day through 8.5/64" choke. Morrowan Sandstone 5995-6015 feet.
Data Source: DISCOVERY 3755
Discovery Date Well Name Available Well Data Oil Production Gas Production LAS File Viewer with Core Data Plots Core Image Core Data Table
17 FEB 1983 Loffland 1
No Digital LAS Files No Core Images No Core Data
Well Location: C NW 17-T35S-R31W
Rotary Total Depth: 6325
Production Zone: Marmaton Oil & Miss. Gas

Summary Production Information

Field Size: 800 acres
Total Wells: 5
Productive Oil Wells: 1 as of November 1990
Productive Gas Wells: 1 as of June 2024
Abandoned Wells: 2
Cumulative Oil: 3,709.00 bbls as of November 1990
Cumulative Gas: 1,576,047.00 mcf as of June 2024

Producing Formation:

(Marmaton Group)

Depth Top: 5342 feet

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)

Thickness: 29 feet

MARMATON (Marmaton Group)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Oil: Yes

Producing Formation:

(Upper Kearny Member)

Depth Top: 5927 feet
Formation Lithology: Rock type is sandstone. Rock modifier is calcium carbonate as a cementing material. Thickness of pay for the discovery well, Lofland-Hawks 1, 15-175-00103-0001, is 18 feet.
Trap Type: Trap Type: Stratigraphic. The Morrowan rocks dip gradually into the Anadarko Basin trough with no local structure expression. The Reservoir is a lenticular porous, permeable sandstone of limited areal extent. The lenticularity of the sand is the dominant cause of gas accumulation.
Continuity of Reservoir Rocks: The sandstones are lenticular and vary greatly in their areal extent.

MORROWAN SANDSTONE (Upper Kearny Member)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Gas: Yes
Average Net Pay: 18 feet
Average Oil Column: 0 Average Gas Column: 7
Drive Mechanism: Reservoir energy is derived through gas expansion.
Water Production: The discovery well, Lofland-Hawks 1, 15-175-00103-0001, was completed free of formation water.
Proven Production: 451 acres

MORROWAN SANDSTONE (Upper Kearny Member)
Gas Chemistry

Minimum BTU: 1163 Maximum BTU: 1163
Carbon Dioxide: .3 % Nitrogen: 6.25 %
Methane: 85.35 % Butane: 1.41 % Ethane: 6.78 %
Propane: 4.87 % Pentane: .39 % Hextane: .62 %
ISO Pentane: .12 % ISO Butane: .46 %

Producing Formation:

(Mississippian System)

Depth Top: 6196 feet

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)

Thickness: 51 feet

MISSISSIPPIAN (Mississippian System)
Oil & Gas Production Information

Produces Gas: Yes

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