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Wil--Oil and Gas Production

Additional information on this field is available in the Digital Petroleum Atlas
Discoveries currently listed:
Lease: ENGLISH, Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: NE NE NE 8
Discovery Date: 12/01/1942
Producing zone: Lansing - Kansas City Supergroup
Operator: SKELLY OIL
Lease: V.E. MILLER, Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: NE NW NE 12
Discovery Date: 11/09/1955
Producing zone: PENN BASAL CONG GAS
Lease: WILSON, Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: NW NW SE 26
Discovery Date: 10/09/1956
Producing zone: KINDERHOOK OIL
Operator: D.R. LAUCK
Lease: KEARNS, Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: NE NE SE 23
Discovery Date: 04/07/1958
Producing zone: PENN MISS OIL
Lease: BREITENBACH, Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: S2 S2 NW 3
Discovery Date: 09/09/1958
Producing zone: Mississippian System
Lease: JOHNSTON, Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: NE NW SE 18
Discovery Date: 11/07/1962
Producing zone: Mississippian System
Lease: TROUSDALE, Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: C SW NE 18
Discovery Date: 06/05/1963
Producing zone: Cherokee Group
Lease: AIKEN, Well 1
Location: 25S-15W: C SW 7
Discovery Date: 08/11/1967
Producing zone: KINDERHOOK GAS
Operator: D.R. LAUCK
Lease: RUSSELL 'A', Well 1
Location: 25S-16W: C SE SW 19
Discovery Date: 01/17/1976
Producing zone: Cherokee Group
Lease: FISHER, Well 1-36
Location: 25S-17W: C S2 SE SE 36
Discovery Date: 03/17/1983
Producing zone: COUNCIL GROVE GAS
Lease: MARTIN-SPAIN, Well 2
Location: 25S-16W: NE 1
Discovery Date: 12/28/2001
Producing zone: Wabaunsee Group
Lease: WOOD, Well 1-5
Location: 26S-16W: S/2 5
Discovery Date: 07/01/2004
Producing zone: GAS, KIND

Counties: Edwards, Pratt, Stafford
View Field Boundary
Leases and Wells: View Production by Lease for this Field || View Wells Assigned to this Field
Producing Formations
Name Depth (ft.) Thickness (ft.) Oil Grav Produces Temperature
COUNCIL GROVE 2740 6 - Gas -
LANSING-KANSAS CITY 4302 10 - Oil, Gas -
CHEROKEE 4315 50 - Gas -
PENN. CONGL. - - - Oil, Gas -
KINDERHOOKIAN 4324 - - Oil, Gas -
MISSISSIPPIAN 4448 6 - Oil, Gas -

Comments: Hopewell combined into Wil 5/7/1980.; Edstaff Northwest combined into Belpre 4/7/1959; Belpre combined into Wil 12/1/1965.; Belpre Southwest combined into Wil 3/5/1980.; Edstaff combined into Wil 12/1/1965.; Rairden combined into Wil 12/14/1971.; Wil Southeast combined into Wil 12/9/1958.; J H M and Wil South combined into Wil 6/9/1959.; English, English Northwest, English West, and Wokaty combined into Wil 11/5/1981.
Field Map (opens in new window): View Field Map
Production Plots

Year Oil Gas
Wells Cumulative
Wells Cumulative
1966 173,289 97 3,697,212 - - 0
1967 139,328 86 3,836,540 - - 0
1968 108,218 87 3,944,758 13,082,491 42 13,082,491
1969 150,341 72 4,095,099 2,637,671 37 15,720,162
1970 147,140 68 4,242,239 3,506,694 36 19,226,856
1971 136,477 61 4,378,716 2,737,014 36 21,963,870
1972 127,398 57 4,506,114 2,297,666 38 24,261,536
1973 97,381 59 4,603,495 2,584,715 38 26,846,251
1974 83,696 54 4,687,191 2,162,073 37 29,008,324
1975 76,549 53 4,763,740 1,893,495 38 30,901,819
1976 91,371 61 4,855,111 1,863,549 43 32,765,368
1977 127,103 75 4,982,214 2,090,967 49 34,856,335
1978 205,253 94 5,187,467 2,143,613 64 36,999,948
1979 469,274 144 5,656,741 2,686,633 76 39,686,581
1980 548,217 181 6,204,958 3,127,391 83 42,813,972
1981 556,389 218 6,761,347 3,664,329 136 46,478,301
1982 457,537 250 7,218,884 2,548,955 141 49,027,256
1983 314,393 258 7,533,277 1,811,020 137 50,838,276
1984 272,442 254 7,805,719 1,353,834 131 52,192,110
1985 201,985 255 8,007,704 1,056,879 98 53,248,989
1986 154,500 229 8,162,204 802,298 93 54,051,287
1987 160,192 223 8,322,396 1,085,268 106 55,136,555
1988 211,012 204 8,533,408 1,049,935 100 56,186,490
1989 199,601 181 8,733,009 1,051,557 97 57,238,047
1990 176,420 189 8,909,429 959,667 96 58,197,714
1991 158,721 163 9,068,150 857,057 88 59,054,771
1992 133,164 173 9,201,314 905,424 90 59,960,195
1993 120,065 150 9,321,379 926,040 86 60,886,235
1994 103,332 139 9,424,711 891,816 76 61,778,051
1995 104,271 134 9,528,982 778,699 73 62,556,750
1996 114,141 111 9,643,123 806,019 78 63,362,769
1997 99,382 104 9,742,505 929,940 73 64,292,709
1998 75,700 87 9,818,205 832,384 70 65,125,093
1999 83,184 95 9,901,389 687,439 73 65,812,532
2000 65,312 90 9,966,701 707,233 69 66,519,765
2001 60,457 83 10,027,158 851,808 71 67,371,573
2002 54,762 74 10,081,920 849,098 71 68,220,671
2003 52,478 68 10,134,398 773,831 68 68,994,502
2004 53,393 71 10,187,791 558,853 67 69,553,355
2005 50,099 67 10,237,890 561,758 65 70,115,113
2006 46,107 72 10,283,997 514,303 65 70,629,416
2007 40,222 67 10,324,219 473,399 63 71,102,815
2008 43,056 72 10,367,275 473,950 63 71,576,765
2009 45,466 71 10,412,741 399,273 62 71,976,038
2010 43,757 67 10,456,498 366,297 60 72,342,335
2011 44,133 68 10,500,631 343,384 59 72,685,719
2012 53,016 67 10,553,647 339,499 60 73,025,218
2013 52,318 68 10,605,965 349,357 59 73,374,575
2014 56,985 71 10,662,950 307,143 63 73,681,718
2015 55,826 66 10,718,776 277,841 61 73,959,559
2016 47,048 63 10,765,824 254,090 55 74,213,649
2017 47,770 67 10,813,594 231,490 54 74,445,139
2018 44,853 70 10,858,447 193,289 53 74,638,428
2019 39,656 63 10,898,103 157,577 49 74,796,005
2020 33,999 56 10,932,102 149,422 48 74,945,427
2021 37,867 59 10,969,969 149,759 43 75,095,186
2022 38,677 56 11,008,646 175,912 44 75,271,098
2023 38,878 53 11,047,524 139,997 42 75,411,095
2024 29,801 49 11,077,325 92,192 34 75,503,287
Updated through 10-2024.
Note: bbls is barrels; mcf is 1000 cubic feet.