KGS Home Page Oil and Gas Index Page Lease Production Page

Nau Northwest Field

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If production data has been tied to one or more wells by the KGS, then an API number will be listed.
Lease T-R-S KS Dept. of Revenue
Lease Code
API Number
(if known)
Operator Oil? Gas? Cumulative
Galen Durler
T26S, R23W, Sec. 14
144214 15-057-20906 Ritchie Exploration, Inc. Oil   9132.6
(2013 to 2024)
  Nau Northwest

Pre-1987 cumulative data and monthly volume data is provided under license agreement to the KGS by IHS Energy. As such, it may be reviewed and used for public service and research purposes. It may not be downloaded or used for purposes of re-packaging, reselling or dissemination to third parties.

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated May 27, 2014
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files monthly.