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Yearly and monthly production

L. A. OHMES 1 Lease
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Lease: L. A. OHMES 1
Operator: Anadarko E & P Onshore LLC
Location: C SW SW NE T26S, R32W, Sec. 22
Cumulative Production: 1199809 mcf (from 1957 to 2005)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 203038
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: OHMES 1
View T1 PDF (from KCC)
Field: Hugoton Gas Area
County: Finney
Producing Zone: Chase Group
Comments: As of 12/2002 when the well on this lease was plugged, production should have been reported on DOR #216511. The production was moved to #216511 today. Note there are still big problems splitting out the production on the two leases. The production streams often have the same values for the same month. I have no idea how to apportion this production to a given lease, so I did nothing. 01/19/06-KKL. 02-08-2006: Info from DOR: Production for the Ohmes 2-22 lease has been reported on lease #203038, but should have been reported on lease #216511. This goes back beyond 1995. So no adjustments (in the DOR database) will be done to correct it. This well is now operated by Merit Energy, #32446. They are also reporting the production. Effective 11/05 they began reporting this production in lease # 216511. MCM 02-08-2006
Well Data (may be an incomplete list):
T26S R32W, Sec. 22, SW SW NE
Lease: L. A. OHMES 1
Current Operator: Anadarko Petroleum Corporation
API Number: 15-055-00665
Cumulative production pre-1958 is 147951

Data are received monthly from the Kansas Department of Revenue.

Annual Gas Production, (mcf)

Year Production Wells
Production Plots

1958 37,178 1
1959 53,108 1
1960 39,969 1
1961 32,553 1
1962 21,737 1
1963 50,256 1
1964 18,026 1
1965 19,920 1
1966 37,547 1
1967 42,515 1
1968 30,212 1
1969 22,819 1
1970 26,265 1
1971 28,755 1
1972 17,201 1
1973 21,530 1
1974 26,943 1
1975 33,578 1
1976 24,658 1
1977 30,821 1
1978 23,901 1
1979 22,519 1
1980 18,901 1
1981 17,846 1
1982 14,135 1
1983 19,011 1
1984 17,322 1
1985 16,816 1
1986 23,785 1
1987 17,965 1
1988 6,337 1
1989 6,282 1
1990 2,715 1
1991 137 1
1992 - -
1993 - -
1994 13,639 1
1995 30,842 1
1996 32,637 1
1997 28,137 1
1998 24,923 1
1999 25,305 1
2000 23,737 1
2001 26,140 1
2002 21,640 1
2003 - -
2004 - -
2005 1,595 1
Reported through 10-2005.
Note: bbls is barrels; mcf is 1000 cubic feet.

Pre-1987 cumulative data and monthly volume data is provided under license agreement to the KGS by IHS Energy. As such, it may be reviewed and used for public service and research purposes. It may not be downloaded or used for purposes of re-packaging, reselling or dissemination to third parties.

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated May 27, 2014
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files monthly.