Yearly and monthly production
Operator: Vess Oil Corporation
T8S, R26W, Sec. 27
Cumulative Production: 116533.92
(from 1991 to 2004)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 131089
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: CS ROBBENS
This lease is CLOSED as of Jun. 22, 2021.
The new lease code for this production is 137682.
Studley South
Producing Zone: Kansas City Group
According to DOR, effective 10-1-2004, this lease was a consolidation of itself with DOR lease codes: 128460, 128541 and 130675. It was renamed from ROBBEN to STUDLEY SOUTH UNIT. Then in SEP 2006, this lease was name was changed back to ROBBEN and a new lease was created for the STUDLEY SOUTH UNIT, DOR code 137682. That lease is in T8S R26W, Sec. 28. All the wells that were originally attached to the original four leases have been attached to this new lease. MCM 28 SEP 2006
Data are received monthly from the Kansas Department of Revenue.
Annual Oil Production, (bbls)
Year |
Production |
Wells |
Production Plots
1991 |
50,856 |
2 |
1992 |
14,452 |
2 |
1993 |
9,814 |
2 |
1994 |
8,342 |
2 |
1995 |
6,563 |
2 |
1996 |
5,242 |
3 |
1997 |
4,088 |
3 |
1998 |
3,579 |
3 |
1999 |
2,761 |
3 |
2000 |
2,745 |
3 |
2001 |
2,401 |
3 |
2002 |
2,107 |
3 |
2003 |
1,951 |
3 |
2004 |
1,633 |
11 |
Reported through 8-2004.
Note: bbls is barrels; mcf is 1000 cubic feet.
Pre-1987 cumulative data and monthly volume data is provided under license
agreement to the KGS by IHS Energy. As such, it may be reviewed and used
for public service and research purposes. It may not be downloaded or used
for purposes of re-packaging, reselling or dissemination to third parties.
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to webadmin@kgs.ku.edu
Programs Updated May 27, 2014
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files monthly.