Yearly and monthly production
BLACK 1-11 Lease
Lease: BLACK 1-11
Operator: Kaiser-Francis Oil Company
T34S, R31W, Sec. 11
Cumulative Production: 796910
(from 1984 to 2005)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 211523
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: BLACK 01-11
Producing Zone: Chesteran Stage
The production up to 02/1986 was originally reported on PI/BEENE #98400118. 05/16/02-KKL.
Shelley: I had an inquiry from Reggie VanDriest of Energy Associates (719-630-1650) today regarding the production of Iris Field in 11-34S-31W. Looking at our records, there are three holes, two of which have workovers for a total of six well headers in this field. Five are producers and one is a SWD well. Kurt took care of some duplicate production records for me, but there is still a problem with the Black 1-11 lease, DOR 211523. This well was drilled in 1983, OWWOd in 1986 and plugged in 1990. The second OWWO was as a SWD. The question is how can the production pick up as gas in 10/96 through 2001? If you could look into that and let us know if that was truly gas production or if the last numbers are rates of water disposal, that would be very helpful.
Larry Newman (email, 05/29/02 14:10): The production shown on 211523 is wrong. I do not know where it goes. The
purchaser who reported it is having a problem. I called some of the operators we list in the area but have had no luck. Kaiser-Francis, who we show as the operator of 211523, said they have a Black #1 at 11-34S-31W but it has been inactive for more than 12 years.
I am still waiting to hear from the purchaser but the one guy who knew anything died a few months ago.
Well Data (may be an incomplete list):
T34S R31W, Sec. 11, NE NE NE
Lease: BLACK 1
Operator: Kaiser-Francis Oil
Current Operator: Kaiser-Francis Oil Company
API Number: 15-175-20688
Data are received monthly from the Kansas Department of Revenue.
Annual Gas Production, (mcf)
Year |
Production |
Wells |
Production Plots
1984 |
22,454 |
1 |
1985 |
6,703 |
1 |
1986 |
21,920 |
1 |
1987 |
68,159 |
1 |
1988 |
33,665 |
1 |
1989 |
23,419 |
1 |
1990 |
12,180 |
1 |
1991 |
- |
- |
1992 |
- |
- |
1993 |
519 |
1 |
1994 |
- |
- |
1995 |
- |
- |
1996 |
18,493 |
1 |
1997 |
39,161 |
1 |
1998 |
22,093 |
1 |
1999 |
9,401 |
1 |
2000 |
274,854 |
1 |
2001 |
68,156 |
1 |
2002 |
60,778 |
1 |
2003 |
78,383 |
1 |
2004 |
29,930 |
1 |
2005 |
6,642 |
1 |
Reported through 5-2005.
Note: bbls is barrels; mcf is 1000 cubic feet.
Pre-1987 cumulative data and monthly volume data is provided under license
agreement to the KGS by IHS Energy. As such, it may be reviewed and used
for public service and research purposes. It may not be downloaded or used
for purposes of re-packaging, reselling or dissemination to third parties.
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to webadmin@kgs.ku.edu
Programs Updated May 27, 2014
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files monthly.