KGS Home Page Oil and Gas Index Page Lease Production Page


Operator: L & M OIL COMPAN
Location: C SW SE T27S, R15W, Sec. 11
Cumulative Production: 150851 mcf (from 1968 to 1986)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 206185

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count 188
inverse count .00532
Sx 17766
Sxx 2232594
Sy 94849
Syy 58291549
Sxy 8252521
Beta1 -133613386
Beta2 104096916
Beta -1.28355
alpha 625.91156
>// Our labels along the x-axis var years = [ "1-1970", "2-1970", "3-1970", "4-1970", "5-1970", "6-1970", "7-1970", "8-1970", "9-1970", "5-1971", "6-1971", "7-1971", "8-1971", "9-1971", "10-1971", "11-1971", "12-1971", "1-1972", "2-1972", "3-1972", "4-1972", "5-1972", "6-1972", "9-1972", "10-1972", "11-1972", "12-1972", "1-1973", "2-1973", "4-1973", "5-1973", "6-1973", "8-1973", "9-1973", "10-1973", "11-1973", "12-1973", "1-1974", "2-1974", "3-1974", "4-1974", "5-1974", "6-1974", "7-1974", "8-1974", "9-1974", "10-1974", "11-1974", "12-1974", "1-1975", "2-1975", "3-1975", "4-1975", "5-1975", "6-1975", "7-1975", "8-1975", "9-1975", "10-1975", "11-1975", "12-1975", "1-1976", "2-1976", "3-1976", "4-1976", "5-1976", "6-1976", "7-1976", "8-1976", "9-1976", "10-1976", "11-1976", "12-1976", "1-1977", "2-1977", "3-1977", "4-1977", "5-1977", "6-1977", "7-1977", "8-1977", "9-1977", "10-1977", "11-1977", "12-1977", "1-1978", "2-1978", "3-1978", "4-1978", "5-1978", "6-1978", "7-1978", "8-1978", "9-1978", "10-1978", "11-1978", "3-1979", "4-1979", "5-1979", "6-1979", "7-1979", "8-1979", "9-1979", "10-1979", "11-1979", "12-1979", "1-1980", "2-1980", "3-1980", "4-1980", "5-1980", "6-1980", "7-1980", "8-1980", "9-1980", "10-1980", "11-1980", "12-1980", "1-1981", "2-1981", "3-1981", "4-1981", "5-1981", "6-1981", "7-1981", "8-1981", "9-1981", "10-1981", "11-1981", "12-1981", "1-1982", "2-1982", "3-1982", "4-1982", "5-1982", "6-1982", "7-1982", "8-1982", "9-1982", "10-1982", "11-1982", "12-1982", "1-1983", "2-1983", "4-1983", "5-1983", "6-1983", "7-1983", "8-1983", "9-1983", "10-1983", "11-1983", "12-1983", "1-1984", "2-1984", "3-1984", "4-1984", "5-1984", "6-1984", "7-1984", "8-1984", "9-1984", "10-1984", "11-1984", "12-1984", "1-1985", "3-1985", "4-1985", "5-1985", "6-1985", "7-1985", "8-1985", "9-1985", "10-1985", "11-1985", "12-1985", "1-1986", "2-1986", "3-1986", "4-1986", "5-1986", "6-1986", "7-1986", "8-1986", "9-1986", "10-1986", "11-1986", "12-1986" ]; // For drawing the lines var CH_prod = [ 744, 706, 802, 1102, 907, 891, 793, 739, 766, 2095, 1120, 859, 560, 725, 666, 417, 418, 153, 477, 685, 594, 582, 558, 896, 609, 520, 527, 253, 307, 140, 161, 366, 448, 375, 395, 203, 90, 503, 516, 614, 429, 627, 542, 101, 16, 192, 457, 358, 447, 392, 428, 340, 335, 121, 315, 333, 432, 402, 317, 371, 324, 271, 251, 254, 418, 438, 525, 550, 625, 656, 624, 645, 620, 612, 588, 620, 419, 620, 600, 620, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 560, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 600, 600, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 580, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 310, 460, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 600, 620, 600, 620, 620, 500, 438, 210, 300, 200, 350, 343, 244, 507, 776, 1058, 724, 434, 802, 445, 317, 146, 218, 217, 307, 288, 348, 157, 38, 51, 108, 283, 255, 232, 250, 490, 101, 561, 405, 225, 180, 160, 286, 246, 384, 239, 202, 104, 588, 605 ]; // For drawing the best fit var lines = [ 624, 623, 622, 620, 619, 618, 616, 615, 614, 613, 611, 610, 609, 607, 606, 605, 604, 602, 601, 600, 598, 597, 596, 595, 593, 592, 591, 589, 588, 587, 586, 584, 583, 582, 580, 579, 578, 577, 575, 574, 573, 572, 570, 569, 568, 566, 565, 564, 563, 561, 560, 559, 557, 556, 555, 554, 552, 551, 550, 548, 547, 546, 545, 543, 542, 541, 539, 538, 537, 536, 534, 533, 532, 530, 529, 528, 527, 525, 524, 523, 521, 520, 519, 518, 516, 515, 514, 512, 511, 510, 509, 507, 506, 505, 503, 502, 501, 500, 498, 497, 496, 494, 493, 492, 491, 489, 488, 487, 486, 484, 483, 482, 480, 479, 478, 477, 475, 474, 473, 471, 470, 469, 468, 466, 465, 464, 462, 461, 460, 459, 457, 456, 455, 453, 452, 451, 450, 448, 447, 446, 444, 443, 442, 441, 439, 438, 437, 435, 434, 433, 432, 430, 429, 428, 426, 425, 424, 423, 421, 420, 419, 417, 416, 415, 414, 412, 411, 410, 408, 407, 406, 405, 403, 402, 401, 400, 398, 397, 396, 394, 393, 392, 391, 389, 388, 387, 385, 384 ]; var CH_cume = [ 45785, 46491, 47293, 48395, 49302, 50193, 50986, 51725, 52491, 54586, 55706, 56565, 57125, 57850, 58516, 58933, 59351, 59504, 59981, 60666, 61260, 61842, 62400, 63296, 63905, 64425, 64952, 65205, 65512, 65652, 65813, 66179, 66627, 67002, 67397, 67600, 67690, 68193, 68709, 69323, 69752, 70379, 70921, 71022, 71038, 71230, 71687, 72045, 72492, 72884, 73312, 73652, 73987, 74108, 74423, 74756, 75188, 75590, 75907, 76278, 76602, 76873, 77124, 77378, 77796, 78234, 78759, 79309, 79934, 80590, 81214, 81859, 82479, 83091, 83679, 84299, 84718, 85338, 85938, 86558, 87178, 87778, 88398, 88998, 89618, 90238, 90798, 91418, 92018, 92638, 93238, 93858, 94478, 95078, 95698, 96298, 96918, 97518, 98138, 98738, 99338, 99958, 100558, 101178, 101778, 102398, 103018, 103598, 104218, 104818, 105438, 106038, 106658, 107278, 107878, 108498, 109098, 109718, 110338, 110938, 111558, 112158, 112778, 113378, 113998, 114618, 115218, 115838, 116438, 117058, 117678, 117988, 118448, 119048, 119668, 120268, 120888, 121508, 122108, 122728, 123328, 123948, 124568, 125068, 125506, 125716, 126016, 126216, 126566, 126909, 127153, 127660, 128436, 129494, 130218, 130652, 131454, 131899, 132216, 132362, 132580, 132797, 133104, 133392, 133740, 133897, 133935, 133986, 134094, 134377, 134632, 134864, 135114, 135604, 135705, 136266, 136671, 136896, 137076, 137236, 137522, 137768, 138152, 138391, 138593, 138697, 139285, 139890 ]; var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: years, datasets: [ { data: CH_prod, borderWidth: 1, label: "Gas MCF", borderColor: "#008040", fillColor: "#008040", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" }, { data: CH_cume, borderWidth: 1, label: "Cumulative Gas MCF", borderColor: "#91FF91", fillColor: "#91FF91", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "second-y-axis" }, { data: lines, borderWidth: 1, label: "Best Fit", borderColor: "#66CCFF", fillColor: "#66CCFF", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" } ] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ id: "first-y-axis", type: "linear", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Production", }, position: "left" }, { id: "second-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Cumulative", }, position: "right" } ] } } });
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.