KGS Home Page Oil and Gas Index Page Lease Production Page


Location: SW NW NW T22S, R3W, Sec. 36
Cumulative Production: 584091 mcf (from 1973 to 1988)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 206480

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count 177
inverse count .00565
Sx 15753
Sxx 1864105
Sy 584091
Syy 3745686457
Sxy 26364558
Beta1 -4534658757
Beta2 81789576
Beta -55.44299
alpha 8234.78698
>// Our labels along the x-axis var years = [ "8-1973", "9-1973", "10-1973", "11-1973", "12-1973", "1-1974", "2-1974", "3-1974", "4-1974", "5-1974", "6-1974", "7-1974", "8-1974", "9-1974", "10-1974", "11-1974", "12-1974", "1-1975", "2-1975", "3-1975", "4-1975", "5-1975", "6-1975", "7-1975", "8-1975", "9-1975", "10-1975", "11-1975", "12-1975", "1-1976", "2-1976", "3-1976", "4-1976", "5-1976", "6-1976", "7-1976", "8-1976", "9-1976", "10-1976", "11-1976", "12-1976", "1-1977", "2-1977", "3-1977", "4-1977", "5-1977", "6-1977", "7-1977", "8-1977", "9-1977", "10-1977", "11-1977", "12-1977", "1-1978", "2-1978", "3-1978", "4-1978", "5-1978", "6-1978", "7-1978", "8-1978", "9-1978", "10-1978", "11-1978", "12-1978", "1-1979", "2-1979", "3-1979", "4-1979", "5-1979", "6-1979", "7-1979", "8-1979", "9-1979", "10-1979", "11-1979", "12-1979", "1-1980", "2-1980", "3-1980", "4-1980", "5-1980", "6-1980", "7-1980", "8-1980", "9-1980", "10-1980", "11-1980", "12-1980", "1-1981", "2-1981", "3-1981", "4-1981", "5-1981", "6-1981", "7-1981", "8-1981", "9-1981", "10-1981", "11-1981", "12-1981", "1-1982", "2-1982", "3-1982", "4-1982", "5-1982", "6-1982", "7-1982", "8-1982", "9-1982", "10-1982", "11-1982", "12-1982", "1-1983", "2-1983", "3-1983", "4-1983", "5-1983", "6-1983", "7-1983", "8-1983", "9-1983", "10-1983", "11-1983", "12-1983", "1-1984", "2-1984", "3-1984", "4-1984", "5-1984", "6-1984", "7-1984", "8-1984", "9-1984", "10-1984", "11-1984", "12-1984", "1-1985", "2-1985", "3-1985", "4-1985", "5-1985", "6-1985", "7-1985", "8-1985", "9-1985", "10-1985", "11-1985", "12-1985", "1-1986", "2-1986", "3-1986", "4-1986", "5-1986", "6-1986", "7-1986", "10-1986", "11-1986", "12-1986", "2-1987", "3-1987", "4-1987", "5-1987", "6-1987", "7-1987", "8-1987", "9-1987", "10-1987", "11-1987", "12-1987", "1-1988", "2-1988", "3-1988", "4-1988", "5-1988", "6-1988", "7-1988" ]; // For drawing the lines var CH_prod = [ 3780, 7531, 7093, 7556, 6665, 6818, 7382, 8234, 8338, 8553, 9132, 9570, 7919, 9970, 9891, 8361, 9071, 8466, 8103, 9783, 10032, 8771, 10899, 12280, 9408, 7890, 8031, 7679, 9103, 8627, 9579, 8782, 7488, 9376, 8798, 6793, 8005, 8032, 7512, 8011, 6937, 7676, 7276, 6587, 6929, 6855, 5880, 5945, 5296, 4201, 4690, 3995, 3442, 2566, 3916, 3980, 3199, 3066, 2316, 2162, 2009, 1818, 1415, 1987, 2623, 2374, 2593, 3334, 3712, 3623, 2135, 1162, 1672, 1174, 1639, 2206, 2662, 2761, 2352, 2035, 2282, 2274, 1817, 2542, 2961, 3653, 3393, 2905, 3018, 2766, 2794, 2058, 1896, 1712, 1871, 2018, 2049, 1938, 1845, 2071, 1914, 2333, 1821, 1498, 1538, 716, 983, 983, 1134, 430, 1675, 1591, 1563, 1044, 1117, 1351, 1294, 1131, 1097, 1213, 1166, 1139, 1112, 1210, 836, 852, 958, 1626, 918, 941, 1146, 884, 851, 982, 736, 752, 933, 774, 652, 631, 795, 597, 520, 597, 438, 472, 450, 714, 429, 294, 226, 271, 161, 325, 360, 192, 229, 165, 292, 413, 349, 327, 294, 396, 297, 261, 266, 244, 149, 172, 6, 24, 56, 217, 126, 40, 27 ]; // For drawing the best fit var lines = [ 8179, 8123, 8068, 8013, 7957, 7902, 7846, 7791, 7735, 7680, 7624, 7569, 7514, 7458, 7403, 7347, 7292, 7236, 7181, 7125, 7070, 7015, 6959, 6904, 6848, 6793, 6737, 6682, 6626, 6571, 6516, 6460, 6405, 6349, 6294, 6238, 6183, 6127, 6072, 6017, 5961, 5906, 5850, 5795, 5739, 5684, 5628, 5573, 5518, 5462, 5407, 5351, 5296, 5240, 5185, 5129, 5074, 5019, 4963, 4908, 4852, 4797, 4741, 4686, 4630, 4575, 4520, 4464, 4409, 4353, 4298, 4242, 4187, 4132, 4076, 4021, 3965, 3910, 3854, 3799, 3743, 3688, 3633, 3577, 3522, 3466, 3411, 3355, 3300, 3244, 3189, 3134, 3078, 3023, 2967, 2912, 2856, 2801, 2745, 2690, 2635, 2579, 2524, 2468, 2413, 2357, 2302, 2246, 2191, 2136, 2080, 2025, 1969, 1914, 1858, 1803, 1747, 1692, 1637, 1581, 1526, 1470, 1415, 1359, 1304, 1248, 1193, 1138, 1082, 1027, 971, 916, 860, 805, 749, 694, 639, 583, 528, 472, 417, 361, 306, 250, 195, 140, 84, 29, -26, -81, -137, -192, -247, -303, -358, -414, -469, -525, -580, -636, -691, -746, -802, -857, -913, -968, -1024, -1079, -1135, -1190, -1245, -1301, -1356, -1412, -1467, -1523, -1578 ]; var CH_cume = [ 3780, 11311, 18404, 25960, 32625, 39443, 46825, 55059, 63397, 71950, 81082, 90652, 98571, 108541, 118432, 126793, 135864, 144330, 152433, 162216, 172248, 181019, 191918, 204198, 213606, 221496, 229527, 237206, 246309, 254936, 264515, 273297, 280785, 290161, 298959, 305752, 313757, 321789, 329301, 337312, 344249, 351925, 359201, 365788, 372717, 379572, 385452, 391397, 396693, 400894, 405584, 409579, 413021, 415587, 419503, 423483, 426682, 429748, 432064, 434226, 436235, 438053, 439468, 441455, 444078, 446452, 449045, 452379, 456091, 459714, 461849, 463011, 464683, 465857, 467496, 469702, 472364, 475125, 477477, 479512, 481794, 484068, 485885, 488427, 491388, 495041, 498434, 501339, 504357, 507123, 509917, 511975, 513871, 515583, 517454, 519472, 521521, 523459, 525304, 527375, 529289, 531622, 533443, 534941, 536479, 537195, 538178, 539161, 540295, 540725, 542400, 543991, 545554, 546598, 547715, 549066, 550360, 551491, 552588, 553801, 554967, 556106, 557218, 558428, 559264, 560116, 561074, 562700, 563618, 564559, 565705, 566589, 567440, 568422, 569158, 569910, 570843, 571617, 572269, 572900, 573695, 574292, 574812, 575409, 575847, 576319, 576769, 577483, 577912, 578206, 578432, 578703, 578864, 579189, 579549, 579741, 579970, 580135, 580427, 580840, 581189, 581516, 581810, 582206, 582503, 582764, 583030, 583274, 583423, 583595, 583601, 583625, 583681, 583898, 584024, 584064, 584091 ]; var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: years, datasets: [ { data: CH_prod, borderWidth: 1, label: "Gas MCF", borderColor: "#008040", fillColor: "#008040", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" }, { data: CH_cume, borderWidth: 1, label: "Cumulative Gas MCF", borderColor: "#91FF91", fillColor: "#91FF91", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "second-y-axis" }, { data: lines, borderWidth: 1, label: "Best Fit", borderColor: "#66CCFF", fillColor: "#66CCFF", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" } ] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ id: "first-y-axis", type: "linear", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Production", }, position: "left" }, { id: "second-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Cumulative", }, position: "right" } ] } } });
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.