KGS Home Page Oil and Gas Index Page Lease Production Page


Operator: Lario Oil & Gas Company
Location: T28S, R5W, Sec. 14
Cumulative Production: 248834 mcf (from 2006 to 2024)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 226947
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: MCLAUGHLIN 1-14

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count 214
inverse count .00467
Sx 23005
Sxx 3289715
Sy 248834
Syy 428261696
Sxy 19195812
Beta1 -1616522402
Beta2 174768985
Beta -9.24948
alpha 2155.7574
>// Our labels along the x-axis var years = [ "2-2006", "3-2006", "4-2006", "5-2006", "6-2006", "7-2006", "8-2006", "9-2006", "10-2006", "11-2006", "12-2006", "1-2007", "2-2007", "3-2007", "4-2007", "5-2007", "6-2007", "7-2007", "8-2007", "9-2007", "10-2007", "11-2007", "12-2007", "1-2008", "2-2008", "3-2008", "4-2008", "5-2008", "6-2008", "7-2008", "8-2008", "9-2008", "10-2008", "11-2008", "12-2008", "1-2009", "2-2009", "3-2009", "4-2009", "5-2009", "6-2009", "7-2009", "8-2009", "9-2009", "10-2009", "11-2009", "12-2009", "1-2010", "2-2010", "3-2010", "4-2010", "5-2010", "6-2010", "7-2010", "8-2010", "9-2010", "10-2010", "11-2010", "12-2010", "1-2011", "2-2011", "3-2011", "4-2011", "5-2011", "6-2011", "7-2011", "8-2011", "9-2011", "10-2011", "11-2011", "12-2011", "1-2012", "2-2012", "3-2012", "4-2012", "5-2012", "6-2012", "7-2012", "8-2012", "9-2012", "10-2012", "11-2012", "12-2012", "1-2013", "2-2013", "3-2013", "4-2013", "5-2013", "6-2013", "7-2013", "8-2013", "9-2013", "10-2013", "11-2013", "12-2013", "1-2014", "2-2014", "3-2014", "4-2014", "5-2014", "6-2014", "7-2014", "8-2014", "9-2014", "10-2014", "11-2014", "12-2014", "1-2015", "2-2015", "3-2015", "4-2015", "5-2015", "6-2015", "7-2015", "8-2015", "9-2015", "10-2015", "11-2015", "12-2015", "1-2016", "2-2016", "3-2016", "4-2016", "5-2016", "6-2016", "7-2016", "8-2016", "9-2016", "10-2016", "11-2016", "12-2016", "1-2017", "2-2017", "3-2017", "4-2017", "5-2017", "6-2017", "7-2017", "8-2017", "9-2017", "10-2017", "11-2017", "12-2017", "1-2018", "2-2018", "3-2018", "4-2018", "5-2018", "6-2018", "7-2018", "8-2018", "9-2018", "10-2018", "11-2018", "12-2018", "1-2019", "2-2019", "3-2019", "4-2019", "5-2019", "6-2019", "7-2019", "8-2019", "9-2019", "10-2019", "11-2019", "12-2019", "1-2020", "2-2020", "3-2020", "4-2020", "7-2020", "10-2020", "11-2020", "12-2020", "1-2021", "2-2021", "3-2021", "4-2021", "5-2021", "6-2021", "7-2021", "8-2021", "9-2021", "10-2021", "11-2021", "12-2021", "1-2022", "2-2022", "3-2022", "4-2022", "5-2022", "6-2022", "7-2022", "8-2022", "9-2022", "10-2022", "11-2022", "12-2022", "1-2023", "2-2023", "3-2023", "4-2023", "5-2023", "6-2023", "7-2023", "8-2023", "9-2023", "10-2023", "11-2023", "12-2023", "1-2024", "2-2024", "3-2024" ]; // For drawing the lines var CH_prod = [ 3438, 4841, 3099, 2678, 1730, 3075, 2779, 1689, 1362, 1013, 1059, 893, 1598, 942, 1164, 813, 2129, 1602, 2136, 1503, 1209, 3444, 2210, 3751, 4847, 4844, 4031, 2262, 2851, 3013, 3039, 2715, 2696, 2428, 2354, 2219, 1970, 2111, 1997, 2049, 1968, 2100, 1382, 1731, 1846, 1800, 1431, 1248, 1036, 1486, 1462, 1269, 1328, 1529, 1588, 1490, 1439, 1378, 1315, 1190, 937, 1164, 1264, 1316, 1237, 1348, 1323, 1235, 1178, 1095, 1131, 1119, 1006, 1108, 1090, 1136, 1114, 1140, 1092, 1030, 1052, 1007, 990, 1012, 867, 923, 874, 952, 977, 1009, 999, 1003, 969, 901, 902, 849, 750, 816, 843, 911, 885, 875, 838, 787, 779, 712, 746, 704, 577, 787, 766, 780, 751, 800, 754, 741, 789, 696, 682, 643, 594, 648, 650, 636, 658, 776, 795, 763, 902, 1162, 1171, 1318, 1122, 1245, 1095, 1099, 1277, 1111, 1069, 999, 1024, 1157, 1071, 840, 798, 911, 821, 848, 730, 832, 939, 865, 826, 679, 637, 616, 595, 639, 648, 605, 493, 615, 836, 744, 732, 843, 589, 497, 588, 452, 198, 509, 735, 1048, 962, 691, 634, 774, 613, 617, 629, 606, 565, 567, 496, 605, 572, 437, 392, 335, 674, 515, 339, 539, 707, 672, 730, 671, 556, 674, 665, 702, 619, 534, 334, 379, 516, 504, 519, 495, 337, 325, 439, 484 ]; // For drawing the best fit var lines = [ 2146, 2137, 2128, 2118, 2109, 2100, 2091, 2081, 2072, 2063, 2054, 2044, 2035, 2026, 2017, 2007, 1998, 1989, 1980, 1970, 1961, 1952, 1943, 1933, 1924, 1915, 1906, 1896, 1887, 1878, 1869, 1859, 1850, 1841, 1832, 1822, 1813, 1804, 1795, 1785, 1776, 1767, 1758, 1748, 1739, 1730, 1721, 1711, 1702, 1693, 1684, 1674, 1665, 1656, 1647, 1637, 1628, 1619, 1610, 1600, 1591, 1582, 1573, 1563, 1554, 1545, 1536, 1526, 1517, 1508, 1499, 1489, 1480, 1471, 1462, 1452, 1443, 1434, 1425, 1415, 1406, 1397, 1388, 1378, 1369, 1360, 1351, 1341, 1332, 1323, 1314, 1304, 1295, 1286, 1277, 1267, 1258, 1249, 1240, 1230, 1221, 1212, 1203, 1193, 1184, 1175, 1166, 1156, 1147, 1138, 1129, 1119, 1110, 1101, 1092, 1082, 1073, 1064, 1055, 1045, 1036, 1027, 1018, 1008, 999, 990, 981, 971, 962, 953, 944, 934, 925, 916, 907, 897, 888, 879, 870, 860, 851, 842, 833, 823, 814, 805, 796, 786, 777, 768, 759, 749, 740, 731, 722, 712, 703, 694, 685, 675, 666, 657, 648, 638, 629, 620, 611, 601, 592, 583, 574, 564, 555, 546, 537, 527, 518, 509, 500, 490, 481, 472, 463, 453, 444, 435, 426, 416, 407, 398, 389, 379, 370, 361, 352, 342, 333, 324, 315, 305, 296, 287, 278, 268, 259, 250, 241, 231, 222, 213, 204, 194, 185, 176 ]; var CH_cume = [ 3438, 8279, 11378, 14056, 15786, 18861, 21640, 23329, 24691, 25704, 26763, 27656, 29254, 30196, 31360, 32173, 34302, 35904, 38040, 39543, 40752, 44196, 46406, 50157, 55004, 59848, 63879, 66141, 68992, 72005, 75044, 77759, 80455, 82883, 85237, 87456, 89426, 91537, 93534, 95583, 97551, 99651, 101033, 102764, 104610, 106410, 107841, 109089, 110125, 111611, 113073, 114342, 115670, 117199, 118787, 120277, 121716, 123094, 124409, 125599, 126536, 127700, 128964, 130280, 131517, 132865, 134188, 135423, 136601, 137696, 138827, 139946, 140952, 142060, 143150, 144286, 145400, 146540, 147632, 148662, 149714, 150721, 151711, 152723, 153590, 154513, 155387, 156339, 157316, 158325, 159324, 160327, 161296, 162197, 163099, 163948, 164698, 165514, 166357, 167268, 168153, 169028, 169866, 170653, 171432, 172144, 172890, 173594, 174171, 174958, 175724, 176504, 177255, 178055, 178809, 179550, 180339, 181035, 181717, 182360, 182954, 183602, 184252, 184888, 185546, 186322, 187117, 187880, 188782, 189944, 191115, 192433, 193555, 194800, 195895, 196994, 198271, 199382, 200451, 201450, 202474, 203631, 204702, 205542, 206340, 207251, 208072, 208920, 209650, 210482, 211421, 212286, 213112, 213791, 214428, 215044, 215639, 216278, 216926, 217531, 218024, 218639, 219475, 220219, 220951, 221794, 222383, 222880, 223468, 223920, 224118, 224627, 225362, 226410, 227372, 228063, 228697, 229471, 230084, 230701, 231330, 231936, 232501, 233068, 233564, 234169, 234741, 235178, 235570, 235905, 236579, 237094, 237433, 237972, 238679, 239351, 240081, 240752, 241308, 241982, 242647, 243349, 243968, 244502, 244836, 245215, 245731, 246235, 246754, 247249, 247586, 247911, 248350, 248834 ]; var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: years, datasets: [ { data: CH_prod, borderWidth: 1, label: "Gas MCF", borderColor: "#008040", fillColor: "#008040", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" }, { data: CH_cume, borderWidth: 1, label: "Cumulative Gas MCF", borderColor: "#91FF91", fillColor: "#91FF91", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "second-y-axis" }, { data: lines, borderWidth: 1, label: "Best Fit", borderColor: "#66CCFF", fillColor: "#66CCFF", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" } ] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ id: "first-y-axis", type: "linear", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Production", }, position: "left" }, { id: "second-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Cumulative", }, position: "right" } ] } } });
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.