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Eve 3306 1-22H Lease

Lease: Eve 3306 1-22H
Operator: SandRidge Exploration and Production LLC
Location: T33S, R6W, Sec. 15
Cumulative Production: 1199159 mcf (from 2014 to 2024)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 234171
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: EVE 3306 1-22H

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count 109
inverse count .00917
Sx 5995
Sxx 437635
Sy 1199159
Syy 15174485417
Sxy 54582754
Beta1 -1239438019
Beta2 11762190
Beta -105.37477
alpha 16789.17644
>// Our labels along the x-axis var years = [ "10-2014", "11-2014", "12-2014", "1-2015", "2-2015", "3-2015", "4-2015", "5-2015", "6-2015", "7-2015", "8-2015", "9-2015", "10-2015", "11-2015", "12-2015", "1-2016", "2-2016", "3-2016", "4-2016", "5-2016", "6-2016", "7-2016", "8-2016", "9-2016", "10-2016", "11-2016", "12-2016", "1-2017", "2-2017", "3-2017", "4-2017", "5-2017", "6-2017", "7-2017", "8-2017", "9-2017", "10-2017", "11-2017", "12-2017", "1-2018", "2-2018", "3-2018", "4-2018", "5-2018", "6-2018", "7-2018", "8-2018", "9-2018", "10-2018", "11-2018", "12-2018", "1-2019", "2-2019", "3-2019", "4-2019", "5-2019", "6-2019", "7-2019", "8-2019", "9-2019", "10-2019", "11-2019", "12-2019", "1-2020", "2-2020", "3-2020", "4-2020", "5-2020", "6-2020", "7-2020", "8-2020", "9-2020", "3-2021", "4-2021", "5-2021", "6-2021", "7-2021", "8-2021", "9-2021", "10-2021", "11-2021", "12-2021", "1-2022", "2-2022", "3-2022", "4-2022", "5-2022", "6-2022", "7-2022", "8-2022", "9-2022", "10-2022", "11-2022", "12-2022", "1-2023", "2-2023", "3-2023", "4-2023", "5-2023", "6-2023", "7-2023", "8-2023", "9-2023", "10-2023", "11-2023", "12-2023", "1-2024", "2-2024", "3-2024" ]; // For drawing the lines var CH_prod = [ 11626, 1801, 10601, 18850, 17253, 19103, 16830, 16764, 16051, 16241, 16094, 14672, 14882, 13172, 12264, 13504, 12597, 13321, 12457, 12169, 11876, 11823, 11844, 10827, 11212, 10467, 14781, 16291, 16277, 17904, 17617, 17785, 16775, 17330, 16161, 15333, 15474, 15230, 17101, 14875, 11925, 14068, 13829, 12966, 12664, 15418, 14863, 14005, 14539, 13851, 14415, 14155, 12508, 13967, 12945, 12873, 11975, 9679, 9588, 12200, 11482, 11183, 11334, 11835, 10144, 11126, 10176, 6336, 9628, 9155, 8652, 2510, 16094, 11221, 9442, 8171, 7654, 7325, 7325, 6827, 6581, 9306, 6709, 5657, 7347, 6580, 6483, 6432, 6111, 6744, 6319, 6329, 6246, 7758, 6153, 5552, 5157, 5531, 5354, 4774, 5181, 4417, 5019, 4883, 4702, 5472, 5153, 5349, 4572 ]; // For drawing the best fit var lines = [ 16683, 16578, 16473, 16367, 16262, 16156, 16051, 15946, 15840, 15735, 15630, 15524, 15419, 15313, 15208, 15103, 14997, 14892, 14787, 14681, 14576, 14470, 14365, 14260, 14154, 14049, 13944, 13838, 13733, 13627, 13522, 13417, 13311, 13206, 13101, 12995, 12890, 12784, 12679, 12574, 12468, 12363, 12258, 12152, 12047, 11941, 11836, 11731, 11625, 11520, 11415, 11309, 11204, 11098, 10993, 10888, 10782, 10677, 10572, 10466, 10361, 10255, 10150, 10045, 9939, 9834, 9729, 9623, 9518, 9412, 9307, 9202, 9096, 8991, 8886, 8780, 8675, 8569, 8464, 8359, 8253, 8148, 8043, 7937, 7832, 7726, 7621, 7516, 7410, 7305, 7200, 7094, 6989, 6883, 6778, 6673, 6567, 6462, 6357, 6251, 6146, 6040, 5935, 5830, 5724, 5619, 5514, 5408, 5303 ]; var CH_cume = [ 11626, 13427, 24028, 42878, 60131, 79234, 96064, 112828, 128879, 145120, 161214, 175886, 190768, 203940, 216204, 229708, 242305, 255626, 268083, 280252, 292128, 303951, 315795, 326622, 337834, 348301, 363082, 379373, 395650, 413554, 431171, 448956, 465731, 483061, 499222, 514555, 530029, 545259, 562360, 577235, 589160, 603228, 617057, 630023, 642687, 658105, 672968, 686973, 701512, 715363, 729778, 743933, 756441, 770408, 783353, 796226, 808201, 817880, 827468, 839668, 851150, 862333, 873667, 885502, 895646, 906772, 916948, 923284, 932912, 942067, 950719, 953229, 969323, 980544, 989986, 998157, 1005811, 1013136, 1020461, 1027288, 1033869, 1043175, 1049884, 1055541, 1062888, 1069468, 1075951, 1082383, 1088494, 1095238, 1101557, 1107886, 1114132, 1121890, 1128043, 1133595, 1138752, 1144283, 1149637, 1154411, 1159592, 1164009, 1169028, 1173911, 1178613, 1184085, 1189238, 1194587, 1199159 ]; var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: years, datasets: [ { data: CH_prod, borderWidth: 1, label: "Gas MCF", borderColor: "#008040", fillColor: "#008040", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" }, { data: CH_cume, borderWidth: 1, label: "Cumulative Gas MCF", borderColor: "#91FF91", fillColor: "#91FF91", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "second-y-axis" }, { data: lines, borderWidth: 1, label: "Best Fit", borderColor: "#66CCFF", fillColor: "#66CCFF", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" } ] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ id: "first-y-axis", type: "linear", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Production", }, position: "left" }, { id: "second-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Cumulative", }, position: "right" } ] } } });
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.