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BROWN 'B' 1-2 Lease

Lease: BROWN 'B' 1-2
Operator: Merit Energy Company, LLC
Location: C SW T34S, R33W, Sec. 2
Cumulative Production: 1278621 mcf (from 1958 to 2024)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 200539
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: BROWN B 1-2

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count 787
inverse count .00127
Sx 310078
Sxx 162790950
Sy 1278621
Syy 3408136595
Sxy 335707091
Beta1 -132270761821
Beta2 31968111566
Beta -4.13758
alpha 3253.22378

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.