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KANE 'C' 2 Lease

Lease: KANE 'C' 2
Operator: Edison Operating Company LLC
Location: C SE T30S, R17W, Sec. 18
Cumulative Production: 71098.22 barrels (from 1972 to 2024)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 110498
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: KANE C 2-18

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count 352
inverse count .00284
Sx 62128
Sxx 14600080
Sy 71098.22
Syy 17658582.703
Sxy 13083065.94
Beta1 188048998.72
Beta2 1279339776
Beta .14699
alpha 175.98351

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.