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RAY BARTON (2) Lease

Lease: RAY BARTON (2)
Operator: Belco Energy Corp.
Location: T31S, R35W, Sec. 35
Cumulative Production: 31391.16 barrels (from 1993 to 2001)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 125316
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: RAY BARTON (2)

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count 73
inverse count .0137
Sx 2701
Sxx 132349
Sy 31391.16
Syy 16509651.5564
Sxy 1326391.63
Beta1 12039065.83
Beta2 2366076
Beta 5.0882
alpha 241.77667

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.