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THON 1 SWD Lease

Lease: THON 1 SWD
Operator: Walker Tank Service, Inc
Location: T17S, R29W, Sec. 10
Cumulative Production: 631.49 barrels (from 1990 to 2011)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 129222
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: THON #1 SWD

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count 36
inverse count .02778
Sx 666
Sxx 16206
Sy 631.49
Syy 14868.7539
Sxy 12037.63
Beta1 12782.34
Beta2 139860
Beta .09139
alpha 15.85194

Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.