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Operator: RedBud Oil & Gas Operating, LLC
Location: T30S, R17E, Sec. 11
Cumulative Production: 210311 mcf (from 2001 to 2014)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 223654
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: GILDART 1

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count 153
inverse count .00654
Sx 11781
Sxx 1205589
Sy 210311
Syy 459797515
Sxy 10354374
Beta1 -893454669
Beta2 45663156
Beta -19.5662
alpha 2882.96543
>// Our labels along the x-axis var years = [ "11-2001", "12-2001", "1-2002", "2-2002", "3-2002", "4-2002", "5-2002", "6-2002", "7-2002", "8-2002", "9-2002", "10-2002", "11-2002", "12-2002", "1-2003", "2-2003", "3-2003", "4-2003", "5-2003", "6-2003", "7-2003", "8-2003", "9-2003", "10-2003", "11-2003", "12-2003", "1-2004", "2-2004", "3-2004", "4-2004", "5-2004", "6-2004", "7-2004", "8-2004", "9-2004", "10-2004", "11-2004", "12-2004", "1-2005", "2-2005", "3-2005", "4-2005", "5-2005", "6-2005", "7-2005", "8-2005", "9-2005", "10-2005", "11-2005", "12-2005", "1-2006", "2-2006", "3-2006", "4-2006", "5-2006", "6-2006", "7-2006", "8-2006", "9-2006", "10-2006", "11-2006", "12-2006", "1-2007", "2-2007", "3-2007", "4-2007", "5-2007", "6-2007", "7-2007", "8-2007", "9-2007", "10-2007", "11-2007", "12-2007", "1-2008", "2-2008", "3-2008", "4-2008", "5-2008", "6-2008", "7-2008", "8-2008", "9-2008", "10-2008", "11-2008", "12-2008", "1-2009", "2-2009", "3-2009", "4-2009", "5-2009", "6-2009", "7-2009", "8-2009", "9-2009", "10-2009", "11-2009", "12-2009", "1-2010", "2-2010", "3-2010", "4-2010", "5-2010", "7-2010", "8-2010", "9-2010", "10-2010", "11-2010", "12-2010", "1-2011", "2-2011", "3-2011", "4-2011", "5-2011", "6-2011", "7-2011", "8-2011", "9-2011", "10-2011", "11-2011", "12-2011", "1-2012", "2-2012", "3-2012", "4-2012", "5-2012", "6-2012", "7-2012", "8-2012", "9-2012", "10-2012", "11-2012", "12-2012", "1-2013", "2-2013", "3-2013", "4-2013", "5-2013", "7-2013", "8-2013", "10-2013", "11-2013", "12-2013", "1-2014", "2-2014", "3-2014", "4-2014", "5-2014", "6-2014", "7-2014", "8-2014", "9-2014", "10-2014" ]; // For drawing the lines var CH_prod = [ 167, 692, 2869, 2291, 3644, 3369, 2982, 2501, 2289, 2392, 2218, 1841, 1511, 1596, 1337, 1739, 1797, 1933, 2119, 1841, 2089, 2102, 2251, 3760, 3552, 3289, 3229, 3283, 3434, 3307, 3431, 3340, 3495, 3315, 3200, 3176, 2856, 2630, 2386, 1994, 2236, 2049, 2322, 2059, 1739, 2114, 1899, 1963, 1855, 1698, 1457, 1359, 1554, 1308, 1444, 1358, 1435, 1541, 1423, 1423, 1311, 1584, 1187, 1141, 1721, 1217, 1195, 1121, 1554, 1416, 1639, 2322, 2373, 2495, 2154, 1999, 2504, 2461, 2534, 1781, 2116, 2112, 2178, 2137, 1686, 777, 1377, 1127, 1144, 1115, 1060, 535, 1086, 1299, 1150, 1028, 1928, 796, 492, 411, 453, 410, 1, 1, 501, 836, 355, 732, 716, 840, 574, 803, 828, 656, 635, 269, 206, 205, 176, 77, 210, 316, 187, 432, 344, 271, 238, 211, 228, 111, 141, 192, 728, 270, 93, 74, 55, 6, 2, 2, 98, 10, 7, 1, 8, 2, 1, 3, 3, 4, 4, 12, 27 ]; // For drawing the best fit var lines = [ 2863, 2843, 2824, 2804, 2785, 2765, 2746, 2726, 2706, 2687, 2667, 2648, 2628, 2609, 2589, 2569, 2550, 2530, 2511, 2491, 2472, 2452, 2432, 2413, 2393, 2374, 2354, 2335, 2315, 2295, 2276, 2256, 2237, 2217, 2198, 2178, 2159, 2139, 2119, 2100, 2080, 2061, 2041, 2022, 2002, 1982, 1963, 1943, 1924, 1904, 1885, 1865, 1845, 1826, 1806, 1787, 1767, 1748, 1728, 1708, 1689, 1669, 1650, 1630, 1611, 1591, 1572, 1552, 1532, 1513, 1493, 1474, 1454, 1435, 1415, 1395, 1376, 1356, 1337, 1317, 1298, 1278, 1258, 1239, 1219, 1200, 1180, 1161, 1141, 1122, 1102, 1082, 1063, 1043, 1024, 1004, 985, 965, 945, 926, 906, 887, 867, 848, 828, 808, 789, 769, 750, 730, 711, 691, 671, 652, 632, 613, 593, 574, 554, 535, 515, 495, 476, 456, 437, 417, 398, 378, 358, 339, 319, 300, 280, 261, 241, 221, 202, 182, 163, 143, 124, 104, 84, 65, 45, 26, 6, -12, -32, -51, -71, -91, -110 ]; var CH_cume = [ 167, 859, 3728, 6019, 9663, 13032, 16014, 18515, 20804, 23196, 25414, 27255, 28766, 30362, 31699, 33438, 35235, 37168, 39287, 41128, 43217, 45319, 47570, 51330, 54882, 58171, 61400, 64683, 68117, 71424, 74855, 78195, 81690, 85005, 88205, 91381, 94237, 96867, 99253, 101247, 103483, 105532, 107854, 109913, 111652, 113766, 115665, 117628, 119483, 121181, 122638, 123997, 125551, 126859, 128303, 129661, 131096, 132637, 134060, 135483, 136794, 138378, 139565, 140706, 142427, 143644, 144839, 145960, 147514, 148930, 150569, 152891, 155264, 157759, 159913, 161912, 164416, 166877, 169411, 171192, 173308, 175420, 177598, 179735, 181421, 182198, 183575, 184702, 185846, 186961, 188021, 188556, 189642, 190941, 192091, 193119, 195047, 195843, 196335, 196746, 197199, 197609, 197610, 197611, 198112, 198948, 199303, 200035, 200751, 201591, 202165, 202968, 203796, 204452, 205087, 205356, 205562, 205767, 205943, 206020, 206230, 206546, 206733, 207165, 207509, 207780, 208018, 208229, 208457, 208568, 208709, 208901, 209629, 209899, 209992, 210066, 210121, 210127, 210129, 210131, 210229, 210239, 210246, 210247, 210255, 210257, 210258, 210261, 210264, 210268, 210272, 210284, 210311 ]; var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: years, datasets: [ { data: CH_prod, borderWidth: 1, label: "Gas MCF", borderColor: "#008040", fillColor: "#008040", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" }, { data: CH_cume, borderWidth: 1, label: "Cumulative Gas MCF", borderColor: "#91FF91", fillColor: "#91FF91", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "second-y-axis" }, { data: lines, borderWidth: 1, label: "Best Fit", borderColor: "#66CCFF", fillColor: "#66CCFF", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" } ] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ id: "first-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Production", }, position: "left" }, { id: "second-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Cumulative", }, position: "right" } ] } } });
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.