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Diel 'D' 3 Lease

Lease: Diel 'D' 3
Operator: BCE-Mach III LLC
Location: T34S, R11W, Sec. 16
Cumulative Production: 197279 mcf (from 2010 to 2024)
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Code: 232483
KS Dept. of Revenue Lease Name: DIEL D-3

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count 160
inverse count .00625
Sx 12880
Sxx 1378160
Sy 197279
Syy 356137783
Sxy 12068681
Beta1 -609964560
Beta2 54611200
Beta -11.16922
alpha 2132.11596
>// Our labels along the x-axis var years = [ "12-2010", "1-2011", "2-2011", "3-2011", "4-2011", "5-2011", "6-2011", "7-2011", "8-2011", "9-2011", "10-2011", "11-2011", "12-2011", "1-2012", "2-2012", "3-2012", "4-2012", "5-2012", "6-2012", "7-2012", "8-2012", "9-2012", "10-2012", "11-2012", "12-2012", "1-2013", "2-2013", "3-2013", "4-2013", "5-2013", "6-2013", "7-2013", "8-2013", "9-2013", "10-2013", "11-2013", "12-2013", "1-2014", "2-2014", "3-2014", "4-2014", "5-2014", "6-2014", "7-2014", "8-2014", "9-2014", "10-2014", "11-2014", "12-2014", "1-2015", "2-2015", "3-2015", "4-2015", "5-2015", "6-2015", "7-2015", "8-2015", "9-2015", "10-2015", "11-2015", "12-2015", "1-2016", "2-2016", "3-2016", "4-2016", "5-2016", "6-2016", "7-2016", "8-2016", "9-2016", "10-2016", "11-2016", "12-2016", "1-2017", "2-2017", "3-2017", "4-2017", "5-2017", "6-2017", "7-2017", "8-2017", "9-2017", "10-2017", "11-2017", "12-2017", "1-2018", "2-2018", "3-2018", "4-2018", "5-2018", "6-2018", "7-2018", "8-2018", "9-2018", "10-2018", "11-2018", "12-2018", "1-2019", "2-2019", "3-2019", "4-2019", "5-2019", "6-2019", "7-2019", "8-2019", "9-2019", "10-2019", "11-2019", "12-2019", "1-2020", "2-2020", "3-2020", "4-2020", "5-2020", "6-2020", "7-2020", "8-2020", "9-2020", "10-2020", "11-2020", "12-2020", "1-2021", "2-2021", "3-2021", "4-2021", "5-2021", "6-2021", "7-2021", "8-2021", "9-2021", "10-2021", "11-2021", "12-2021", "1-2022", "2-2022", "3-2022", "4-2022", "5-2022", "6-2022", "7-2022", "8-2022", "9-2022", "10-2022", "11-2022", "12-2022", "1-2023", "2-2023", "3-2023", "4-2023", "5-2023", "6-2023", "7-2023", "8-2023", "9-2023", "10-2023", "11-2023", "12-2023", "1-2024", "2-2024", "3-2024" ]; // For drawing the lines var CH_prod = [ 277, 470, 757, 279, 1335, 1134, 383, 1178, 1247, 1137, 1189, 1059, 1660, 1858, 1413, 2257, 2379, 1463, 1289, 1095, 2281, 2277, 2009, 831, 668, 888, 1097, 1454, 2580, 3303, 3027, 3729, 3426, 4802, 3014, 1516, 1963, 2443, 1239, 3253, 4778, 2580, 2275, 2173, 2039, 2112, 2609, 2443, 2396, 1835, 1936, 1793, 1808, 1950, 2105, 1705, 2105, 1966, 1670, 1677, 1580, 1430, 1676, 1675, 1511, 1575, 1315, 1518, 1352, 1252, 1448, 1157, 1242, 1338, 1170, 1258, 1192, 1242, 1197, 1188, 1110, 1157, 1089, 1064, 960, 1096, 1012, 1185, 1238, 1275, 1127, 1024, 1150, 1071, 1075, 999, 1009, 790, 620, 686, 473, 793, 662, 1062, 1016, 968, 982, 906, 920, 969, 762, 595, 758, 836, 842, 886, 936, 962, 1002, 971, 1026, 1161, 1018, 1362, 912, 531, 406, 509, 545, 440, 458, 479, 517, 410, 371, 421, 395, 431, 857, 703, 672, 609, 514, 469, 275, 47, 150, 188, 99, 188, 171, 101, 274, 545, 459, 152, 44, 28, 8, 366 ]; // For drawing the best fit var lines = [ 2120, 2109, 2098, 2087, 2076, 2065, 2053, 2042, 2031, 2020, 2009, 1998, 1986, 1975, 1964, 1953, 1942, 1931, 1919, 1908, 1897, 1886, 1875, 1864, 1852, 1841, 1830, 1819, 1808, 1797, 1785, 1774, 1763, 1752, 1741, 1730, 1718, 1707, 1696, 1685, 1674, 1663, 1651, 1640, 1629, 1618, 1607, 1595, 1584, 1573, 1562, 1551, 1540, 1528, 1517, 1506, 1495, 1484, 1473, 1461, 1450, 1439, 1428, 1417, 1406, 1394, 1383, 1372, 1361, 1350, 1339, 1327, 1316, 1305, 1294, 1283, 1272, 1260, 1249, 1238, 1227, 1216, 1205, 1193, 1182, 1171, 1160, 1149, 1138, 1126, 1115, 1104, 1093, 1082, 1071, 1059, 1048, 1037, 1026, 1015, 1004, 992, 981, 970, 959, 948, 937, 925, 914, 903, 892, 881, 869, 858, 847, 836, 825, 814, 802, 791, 780, 769, 758, 747, 735, 724, 713, 702, 691, 680, 668, 657, 646, 635, 624, 613, 601, 590, 579, 568, 557, 546, 534, 523, 512, 501, 490, 479, 467, 456, 445, 434, 423, 412, 400, 389, 378, 367, 356, 345 ]; var CH_cume = [ 277, 747, 1504, 1783, 3118, 4252, 4635, 5813, 7060, 8197, 9386, 10445, 12105, 13963, 15376, 17633, 20012, 21475, 22764, 23859, 26140, 28417, 30426, 31257, 31925, 32813, 33910, 35364, 37944, 41247, 44274, 48003, 51429, 56231, 59245, 60761, 62724, 65167, 66406, 69659, 74437, 77017, 79292, 81465, 83504, 85616, 88225, 90668, 93064, 94899, 96835, 98628, 100436, 102386, 104491, 106196, 108301, 110267, 111937, 113614, 115194, 116624, 118300, 119975, 121486, 123061, 124376, 125894, 127246, 128498, 129946, 131103, 132345, 133683, 134853, 136111, 137303, 138545, 139742, 140930, 142040, 143197, 144286, 145350, 146310, 147406, 148418, 149603, 150841, 152116, 153243, 154267, 155417, 156488, 157563, 158562, 159571, 160361, 160981, 161667, 162140, 162933, 163595, 164657, 165673, 166641, 167623, 168529, 169449, 170418, 171180, 171775, 172533, 173369, 174211, 175097, 176033, 176995, 177997, 178968, 179994, 181155, 182173, 183535, 184447, 184978, 185384, 185893, 186438, 186878, 187336, 187815, 188332, 188742, 189113, 189534, 189929, 190360, 191217, 191920, 192592, 193201, 193715, 194184, 194459, 194506, 194656, 194844, 194943, 195131, 195302, 195403, 195677, 196222, 196681, 196833, 196877, 196905, 196913, 197279 ]; var ctx = document.getElementById("myChart"); var myChart = new Chart(ctx, { type: 'line', data: { labels: years, datasets: [ { data: CH_prod, borderWidth: 1, label: "Gas MCF", borderColor: "#008040", fillColor: "#008040", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" }, { data: CH_cume, borderWidth: 1, label: "Cumulative Gas MCF", borderColor: "#91FF91", fillColor: "#91FF91", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "second-y-axis" }, { data: lines, borderWidth: 1, label: "Best Fit", borderColor: "#66CCFF", fillColor: "#66CCFF", lineTension: 0, fill: false, yAxisID: "first-y-axis" } ] }, options: { scales: { yAxes: [{ id: "first-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Production", }, position: "left" }, { id: "second-y-axis", type: "logarithmic", scaleLabel: { display: true, labelString: "Cumulative", }, position: "right" } ] } } });
Kansas Geological Survey
Comments to
Programs Updated Dec. 2002.
Data from Kansas Dept. of Revenue files quarterly.