Publications Found

Subsurface Geology 10--Oil and Gas Shows in the Salina Basin
by K. D. Newell , M. Lambert , P. Berendsen
36 p., 1988, $10.00, Contains 1 map at a scale of 1:500,000.
Full Version available online
Misc. Field Studies Maps 1835 (F)--Map Showing Distribution of Alkaline Igneous Rocks and Associated Carbonatites and Peridotites in the Northern Midcontinent, U.S.A.
by F. A. Hills , R. W. Scott, Jr. , T. J. Armbrustmacher , P. Berendsen, compilers
p., 1991, $7.00
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Public Information Circulars 16--Kansas Kimberlites
by P. Berendsen , T. Weis , K. Dobbs
4 p., 2000, no charge, No charge for single copies, 10ยข each for multiple copies.
Full Version available online
Misc. Field Studies Maps 2125 (A)--Summary Geochemical Maps of the Joplin 10 X 20 Quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri
by R. L. Erickson , E. L. Mosier , H. W. Folger , J. H. Bullock, Jr. , P. Berendsen , M. Daly
p., 1990, $7.00
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Guidebook 97 (61)--Fall Field Trip in Greenwood, Woodson and Wilson Counties, Southeast Kansas
by P. Berendsen , M. Morales , S. Barlow
19 p., 1997, $1.90, Kansas Academy of Science Multidisciplinary Guidebook 10
Guidebook 88 (49)--Guidebook, Cretaceous Lamproites of the Silver City and Rose Domes, Woodson and Wilson Counties, Kansas
by P. Berendsen , R. Knapp
41 p., 1988, $4.10, Prepared as the GSA South-central Section field trip no. 2.
Misc. Field Studies Maps 2125 (E)--Assessment of the Joplin 10 X 20 Quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri, for Mississippi Valley-type Deposits and Other Minerals
by W. P. Pratt , T. S. Hayes , R. L. Erickson , P. Berendsen , E. B. Kisvarsanyi
p., 1993, $7.00
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Subsurface Geology 8--Subsurface Structural Maps over the CNARS with Discussion
by P. Berendsen , K. Blair
20 p., 1986, $15.00, Contains 7 maps at a scale of 1:250,000
Full Version available online
Subsurface Geology 14--Interpretive Subcrop Map of the Precambrian Basement in the Joplin 10 X 20 Quadrangle
by P. Berendsen , K. P. Blair
10 p., 1991, $20.00
Mineral Resources 9--Uranium in Unconsolidated Aquifers of Western Kansas
by P. Berendsen , L. R. Hathaway
43 p., 1981, $10.00, Contains 3 plates.
Bulletin 223 (1)--Lower Permian Red Beds of South-central Kansas--Stratigraphy and Host-rock Lithology
by P. Berendsen , M. W. Lambert
86 p., 1981, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 223 (2)--Copper Sulfides in the Lower Permian Red Beds of South-central Kansas--Ore Mineralogy
by M. W. Lambert , P. Berendsen , E. M. Ripley
15 p., 1981, $2.50
Full Version available online
Misc. Field Studies Maps 2125 (C)--Structure-contour Maps on the Top of the Mississippian Carbonates and on the Top of the Upper Cambrian and Lower Ordovician Arbuckle Group, Joplin 10 X 20 Quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri
by K. P. Blair , P. Berendsen , C. M. Seeger
p., 1992, $7.00
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Maps--M Series 45--Midcontinent Rift System in Kansas
by P. Berendsen , K. Blair
1 p., 1996, $20.00, 45-1: Structural Configuration of the Precambrian Basement, Kansas. 45-2: Precambrian Subcrop, Kansas
Map Info: 29 X 37 inches; Scale: 1:500,000
Full Version available online



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