Publications Found

Bulletin 175 (2)--Ice-push Deformation in Northeastern Kansas
by L. F. Dellwig , A. D. Baldwin
16 p., 1965, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 157 (1)--The December 25, 1961, Earthquakes in Northwestern Missouri and Northeastern Kansas
by L. F. Dellwig , L. C. Gerhard
12 p., 1962, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 130 (4)--Flowage in Rock Salt at Lyons, Kansas
by L. F. Dellwig
11 p., 1958, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 119 (5)--The Barber County Earthquake of January 6, 1956
by L. F. Dellwig
9 p., 1956, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 152 (2)--Plastic Flowage of Salt in Mines at Hutchinson and Lyons, Kansas
by J. D. Snyder , L. F. Dellwig
16 p., 1961, $2.50
Full Version available online



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