Publications Found

Other Publications 19--Kipling.xla - An Excel Add-in for Nonparametric Regression and Classification
by G. C. Bohling , J. H. Doveton
p., 2000, $45.00
Technical Series 2--A User's Guide to the Dakota Aquifer in Kansas
by P. A. Macfarlane , J. H. Doveton , D. O. Whittemore
56 p., 1998, $10.00
Abstract available online
Full Version available online
Subsurface Geology 6--Sedimentology and Diagenesis of Economically Important Rock Strata in Kansas
by W. L. Watney , A. W. Walton , J. H. Doveton, compilers
176 p., 1985, $10.00, Contains 3 sheets.
Full Version available online
Public Information Circulars 10--Information Resources for Ground-water Exploration in the Dakota Aquifer
by P. A. Macfarlane , D. O. Whittemore , J. H. Doveton
p., 1998, no charge, No charge for single copies, 10ยข each for multiple copies.
Full Version available online
Petrophysical 2--KOALA (Kansas On-line Automated Log-analysis System) Abecedarium and Flight Manual
by J. H. Doveton , H. W. Cable
190 p., 1980, $10.00
Petrophysical 5--Lithofacies Analysis of the Simpson Group in South-central Kansas
by J. H. Doveton , R. R. Charpentier , E. P. Metzger
34 p., 1990, $10.00
Full Version available online



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