Publications Found

Bulletin 256 (1)--New Stratigraphic Rank for the Carboniferous, Mississippian, and Pennsylvanian in Kansas
by Robert S. Sawin , Evan K. Franseen , W. Lynn Watney , West, R. R. , Greg A. Ludvigson
p., 2009, no charge, Online only.
Full Version available online
Bulletin 256 (2)--A Review of the Stratigraphy of the Ogallala Formation and Revision of Neogene ("Tertiary") Nomenclature in Kansas
by Greg A. Ludvigson , Robert S. Sawin , Evan K. Franseen , W. Lynn Watney , West, R. R. , Jon J. Smith
p., 2009, no charge, Online only.
Full Version available online
Guidebook 91 (45)--Stratigraphy and Depositional History of the Drum Limestone and Associated Strata (Pennsylvanian) in the Independence, Kansas, Area--A Field Trip Guidebook and Road Log
by H. R. Feldman , E. K. Franseen
30 p., 1991, $6.00
Subsurface Geology 12--Sedimentary Modeling--Computer Simulation of Depositional Sequences
by E. K. Franseen , W. L. Watney
84 p., 1989, $10.00
Full Version available online
Bulletin 233--Sedimentary Modeling--Computer Simulations and Methods for Improved Parameter Definition
by E. K. Franseen , W. L. Watney , C. G. St. C. Kendall , W. C. Ross, eds.
524 p., 1991, $50.00, Price given is for the soft cover edition; hard cover is $70.
Full Version available online



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