Publications Found

Guidebook 93 (11)--Guidebook for the Lawrence/Kansas City Field Trip
by R. C. Buchanan , J. R. McCauley
70 p., 1993, $7.40
Guidebook 96 (41)--Field Trip to the Kanopolis Lake Area; Kansas Earth Science Teachers Association, Fifth Annual Field Trip
by R. C. Buchanan , J. R. McCauley , R. S. Sawin
17 p., 1996, $1.70
Maps--Forest City Basin 1--Lineament Map of the Forest City Basin and Adjacent Regions of Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska
by J. R. McCauley
1 p., 1983, $5.00, (folded only) Prepared by the Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, and Oklahoma geological surveys.
Map Info: 36 x 46 inches; Scale: 1:500,000
Maps--M Series 53--Geologic Map of Leavenworth County, Kansas
by J. R. McCauley
1 p., 1998, $15.00
Map Info: 30 x 41 1/2 inches; Scale: 1:50,000
Full Version available online
Guidebook 89 (19)--Guide to Mined-land Problems and Reclamation in Southeast Kansas
by L. L. Brady , J. R. McCauley , L. Knoche , R. C. Buchanan
21 p., 1989, $2.30
Guidebook 92 (30)--Red Hills Field Trip
by J. R. McCauley , R. C. Buchanan
30 p., 1992, $3.00
Maps--M Series 106--Geologic Map of Barber County, Kansas
by J.R. McCauley
p., 2007, $15.00
Map Info: 60 x 52 inches; scale 1:50,000
Abstract available online
Guidebook 88 (46)--Field Trip through the Geology of Northeastern Kansas
by R. C. Buchanan , J. R. McCauley
27 p., 1988, $2.70
Guidebook 95 (62)--Glacial and Pennsylvanian Geology of Northeastern Kansas
by J. R. McCauley , R. C. Buchanan , R. S. Sawin
22 p., 1995, $2.20
Misc. Geologic Investigations 2426 (B)--Bedrock Geologic Map of the Joplin 1° X 2° Quadrangle, Kansas and Missouri
by J. R. McCauley , D. C. Smith
p., 1998, $7.00
Map Info: 1:250,000 (folded only)
Publisher: U.S. Geological Survey
Maps--M Series 58--Geologic Map of Wyandotte County, Kansas
by J. R. McCauley
1 p., 1999, $15.00
Map Info: 30 x 22 inches; Scale: 1:50,000
Full Version available online
Guidebook 97 (62)--Fossil Collecting in the Cretaceous Niobrara Chalk
by J. R. McCauley , R. C. Buchanan , R. S. Sawin
45 p., 1997, $4.50, Sixth annual fall field trip, Kansas Earth Science Teachers Association.
Maps--M Series 11--LANDSAT Lineaments of Eastern Kansas
by J. R. McCauley
1 p., 1978, $12.50
Map Info: 30 x 35 1/2 inches; Scale: 1:500,000
Full Version available online
Other Publications 9--Roadside Kansas--A Traveler's Guide to its Geology and Landmarks
by R. C. Buchanan , J. R. McCauley
392 p., 2010, $14.95, Revised and reprinted.
Publisher: University Press of Kansas
Guidebook 90 (14)--Field Trip to the Kansas Cretaceous
by R. C. Buchanan , J. R. McCauley , C. G. Maples
25 p., 1990, $2.50
Guidebook 91 (16)--Coffey County Field Trip
by R. C. Buchanan , C. G. Maples , J. R. McCauley
16 p., 1991, $1.60
Maps--M Series 94--Geologic Map of Comanche County, Kansas
by J. R. McCauley
1 p., 2001, $15.00
Map Info: 43 x 35 inches; Scale: 1:50,000
Abstract available online
Guidebook 92 (29)--Douglas County/Johnson County Field Trip for the Kansas Association of Earth Science Teachers
by R. C. Buchanan , J. R. McCauley
49 p., 1992, $4.90
Guidebook 94 (59)--Flint Hills Field Trip
by J. R. McCauley , R. C. Buchanan
22 p., 1994, $2.20
Maps--M Series 123--Surficial geology of Saline County, Kansas; text and geologic-unit descriptions by C.M. Phillips-Lander and R.S. Sawin; cross section geology by R.S. Sawin
by J. R. McCauley , C. M. Phillips-Lander , R. S. Sawin
1 p., 2011, $15.00
Map Info: 59 x 40 inches, scale 1:50,000
Full Version available online



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