Publications Found

Spatial Analysis 2--Optimum Mapping Techniques Using Regionalized Variable Theory
by R. A. Olea
137 p., 1975, $10.00
Full Version available online
Petrophysical 1--LOG-II--A General-Purpose Automated Well-log Evaluation System
by R. A. Olea
103 p., 1981, $10.00, Contains 1 plate.
Ground Water 7--Optimization of the High Plains Aquifer Observation Network, Kansas
by R. A. Olea
73 p., 1982, $10.00, Includes 5 plates.
Full Version available online
Spatial Analysis 7--Systematic Sampling of Spatial Functions
by R. A. Olea
57 p., 1984, $10.00
Full Version available online
Technical Series 16 (2)--CORRELATOR cross section from Gove to Harper counties, Kansas
by R. A. Olea
1 p., 2002, $10.00, Plate 2--Lithofacies cross section
Technical Series 16 (1)--CORRELATOR cross section from Gove to Harper counties, Kansas
by R. A. Olea
1 p., 2002, $10.00, Plate 1--Lithologic cross section



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