There are no Primary publications for Norton County
Additional publication(s) for Norton County
- Bulletin 118--Stratigraphy of the Ogallala Formation (Neogene) of Northern Kansas
- by J. C. Frye , A. B. Leonard , A. Swineford
- 92 p., 1956, $10.00
- Full Version available online
- Bulletin 170 (2)--Precambrian-Paleozoic Contact in Two Wells in Northwestern Kansas
- by R. W. Scott , M. N. McElroy
- 15 p., 1964, $2.50
- Full Version available online
- Bulletin 225--Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous), of the Type Area, Western Kansas
- by D. E. Hattin
- 108 p., 1982, $10.00, Contains 1 sheet.
- Full Version available online
- Educational Series 14--An Atlas of the High Plains Aquifer
- by Jeffrey A. Schloss , Robert W. Buddemeier , Wilson, B. B.
- 92 p., 2000, $15.00, Contains 22 page-size maps.
- Full Version available online
- Geology 2--Potential Uranium Host Rocks and Structures in the Central Great Plains
- by E. J. Zeller , G. A. M. Dreschhoff , E. A. Angino , K. A. Holdoway , W. C. Hakes , G. Jayaprakash , K. Crisler
- 64 p., 1976, $10.00
- Full Version available online
- Ground-Water Releases 7--Hydrologic Data from North-central Kansas
- by L. E. Stullken
- 46 p., 1980, $5.00, Includes 1 plate.
- Maps--M Series 73--Keith Sebelius Lake Map with lake-bottom topography (formerly Norton Reservoir)
- 1 p., 1999, $15.00, Printed on water-resistant paper.
- Map Info: 23 x 18 inches; Scale: 1:36,000
- Abstract available online
- Oil and Gas Investigations 14--Cross Sections. Subsurface Correlation and Stratigraphic Relation of Rocks of Mesozoic Age in Kansas
- by D. F. Merriam
- p., 1957, $2.50