There are no Primary publications for Washington County

Additional publication(s) for Washington County

Bulletin 67--Kansas Clay, Dakota Formation
by N. V. Plummer , J. F. Romary
241 p., 1947, $10.00
Bulletin 104--Oil and Gas in Eastern Kansas
by J. M. Jewett
397 p., 1954, $10.00, With a 25 year update by M. O. Oros, 1979, 30 p. Bulletin reprinted in 1985
Bulletin 142 (1)--Dakota Formation Refractory Clays and Silts in Kansas
by N. V. Plummer , M. P. Bauleke , W. P. Hladik
52 p., 1960, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 170 (7)--The Amenability of Kansas Clays to Alumina Extraction by Hydrochloric-acid Treatment
by W. N. Waugh , W. E. Hill, Jr. , O. K. Galle , W. B. Hladik
14 p., 1964, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 202 (2)--Techniques for Determining Coccolith Abundance in Shaly Chalk of Greenhorn Limestone (Upper Cretaceous) of Kansas
by D. E. Hattin , D. A. Darko
11 p., 1971, $2.50
Full Version available online
Bulletin 209--Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Greenhorn Limestone (Upper Cretaceous) of Kansas
by D. E. Hattin
128 p., 1975, $10.00, Contains 1 plate.
Full Version available online
Bulletin 224--Petrographic Characteristics of Kansas Building Limestones
by S. W. Aber , D. A. Grisafe
37 p., 1982, $10.00
Full Version available online
Bulletin 225--Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous), of the Type Area, Western Kansas
by D. E. Hattin
108 p., 1982, $10.00, Contains 1 sheet.
Full Version available online
Bulletin 230--Revision of Stratigraphic Nomenclature in Kansas
by D. L. Baars, ed.
84 p., 1994, $10.00
Full Version available online
Chemical Quality 5--Ground Water from Lower Cretaceous Rocks in Kansas
by K. M. Keene , C. K. Bayne
18 p., 1978, $10.00, Includes 3 plates.
Full Version available online
Oil and Gas Investigations 14--Cross Sections. Subsurface Correlation and Stratigraphic Relation of Rocks of Mesozoic Age in Kansas
by D. F. Merriam
p., 1957, $2.50



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