Additional publication(s) for Wilson County
- Bulletin 96 (7)--Amenability of Certain Kansas Clays to Alumina Extraction by the Lime-sinter Process
E. D. Kinney
- 61 p., 1952, $2.50
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 104--Oil and Gas in Eastern Kansas
J. M. Jewett
- 397 p., 1954, $10.00, With a 25 year update by M. O. Oros, 1979, 30 p.
Bulletin reprinted in 1985
- Bulletin 170 (1)--Archaeolithophyllum, an Abundant Calcareous Alga in Limestones of the Lansing Group (Pennsylvanian), Southeastern Kansas
J. L. Wray
- 13 p., 1964, $2.50
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 237--Geophysical Atlas of Selected Oil and Gas Fields in Kansas
N. L. Anderson
D. E. Hedke, eds.
- 164 p., 1995, $80.00
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 240--Current Research in Earth Sciences
L. Brosius, tech. ed.
- 62 p., 1997, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Geology 5--Stratigraphy, Petrology, and Depositional Environment of Sandstones in the Rock Lake Shale Member of the Stanton Formation (Missourian Stage, Upper Pennsylvanian) in Southeastern Kansas
R. Moussavi-Harami
- 44 p., 1989, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Guidebook 4--Guidebook--Pennsylvanian Cyclic Platform Deposits of Kansas and Nebraska
P. H. Heckel
L. L. Brady
W. J. Ebanks, Jr.
R. K. Pabian
- 79 p., 1979, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Guidebook 88 (49)--Guidebook, Cretaceous Lamproites of the Silver City and Rose Domes, Woodson and Wilson Counties, Kansas
P. Berendsen
R. Knapp
- 41 p., 1988, $4.10, Prepared as the GSA South-central Section field trip no. 2.
- Guidebook 92 (22)--Fall Field Trip to the Natural Areas of Southeast Kansas
- 91 p., 1992, $9.10, Prepared by the Department of Biology, Pittsburg State University (Kansas Academy of Science, Multidisciplinary Guidebook 5).
- Mineral Resources 5--An Evaluation of the Strippable Coal Reserves in Kansas
L. L. Brady
D. B. Adams
N. D. Livingston
- 46 p., 1977, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Oil and Gas Investigations 21--Underground Storage of Natural Gas in Kansas
J. M. Jewett
E. D. Goebel
- 18 p., 1960, $2.50
- Special-Distribution Publications 52--Towns and Minerals in Southeastern Kansas, a Study of Regional Industrialization, 1890-1930
J. G. Clark
- 148 p., 1970, $3.00
- Subsurface Geology 14--Interpretive Subcrop Map of the Precambrian Basement in the Joplin 10 X 20 Quadrangle
P. Berendsen
K. P. Blair
- 10 p., 1991, $20.00
- Technical Series 23--Mineralogical and Chemical Evolution of Lamproites in Woodson and Wilson Counties, Southeastern Kansas
Cullers, R. L.
Berendsen, P.
- 41 p., 2011, no charge
Full Version available online