Additional publication(s) for Hamilton County
- Bulletin 156--Stratigraphy of the Carlile Shale (Upper Cretaceous) in Kansas
D. E. Hattin
- 155 p., 1962, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 209--Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Greenhorn Limestone (Upper Cretaceous) of Kansas
D. E. Hattin
- 128 p., 1975, $10.00, Contains 1 plate.
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 225--Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Smoky Hill Chalk Member, Niobrara Chalk (Upper Cretaceous), of the Type Area, Western Kansas
D. E. Hattin
- 108 p., 1982, $10.00, Contains 1 sheet.
Full Version available online
- Chemical Quality 5--Ground Water from Lower Cretaceous Rocks in Kansas
K. M. Keene
C. K. Bayne
- 18 p., 1978, $10.00, Includes 3 plates.
Full Version available online
- Geology 2--Potential Uranium Host Rocks and Structures in the Central Great Plains
E. J. Zeller
G. A. M. Dreschhoff
E. A. Angino
K. A. Holdoway
W. C. Hakes
G. Jayaprakash
K. Crisler
- 64 p., 1976, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Irrigation 7--Geohydrology of Southwestern Kansas
E. G. Gutentag
D. H. Lobmeyer
S. E. Slagle
- 73 p., 1981, $10.00, Contains 3 plates.
Full Version available online
- Irrigation 8--Geohydrology and Geology of Sandstone Aquifers in Southwest Kansas
J. Kume
J. M. Spinazola
- 49 p., 1985, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Mineral Resources 9--Uranium in Unconsolidated Aquifers of Western Kansas
P. Berendsen
L. R. Hathaway
- 43 p., 1981, $10.00, Contains 3 plates.
- Oil and Gas Investigations 14--Cross Sections. Subsurface Correlation and Stratigraphic Relation of Rocks of Mesozoic Age in Kansas
D. F. Merriam
- p., 1957, $2.50