Additional publication(s) for Barton County
- Bulletin 67--Kansas Clay, Dakota Formation
N. V. Plummer
J. F. Romary
- 241 p., 1947, $10.00
- Bulletin 142 (1)--Dakota Formation Refractory Clays and Silts in Kansas
N. V. Plummer
M. P. Bauleke
W. P. Hladik
- 52 p., 1960, $2.50
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 156--Stratigraphy of the Carlile Shale (Upper Cretaceous) in Kansas
D. E. Hattin
- 155 p., 1962, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 202 (2)--Techniques for Determining Coccolith Abundance in Shaly Chalk of Greenhorn Limestone (Upper Cretaceous) of Kansas
D. E. Hattin
D. A. Darko
- 11 p., 1971, $2.50
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 209--Stratigraphy and Depositional Environment of Greenhorn Limestone (Upper Cretaceous) of Kansas
D. E. Hattin
- 128 p., 1975, $10.00, Contains 1 plate.
Full Version available online
- Bulletin 230--Revision of Stratigraphic Nomenclature in Kansas
D. L. Baars, ed.
- 84 p., 1994, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Chemical Quality 7--Chemical Quality of Irrigation Waters in Ford County and the Great Bend Prairie of Kansas
L. R. Hathaway
O. K. Galle
T. C. Waugh
H. P. Dickey
- 41 p., 1978, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Geology 2--Potential Uranium Host Rocks and Structures in the Central Great Plains
E. J. Zeller
G. A. M. Dreschhoff
E. A. Angino
K. A. Holdoway
W. C. Hakes
G. Jayaprakash
K. Crisler
- 64 p., 1976, $10.00
Full Version available online
- Ground-Water Releases 5--Hydrogeologic Data from the Great Bend Prairie, South-central Kansas
L. E. Stullken
S. W. Fader
- 50 p., 1976, $5.00, Includes 1 plate.
- Irrigation 4--Geohydrology of the Great Bend Prairie, South-central Kansas
S. W. Fader
L. E. Stullken
- 19 p., 1978, $10.00, Contains 5 plates.
Full Version available online
- Maps--M Series 82--Cheyenne Bottoms State Waterfowl Refuge Map
- 1 p., 1999, $15.00, Printed on water-resistant paper.
- Map Info: 26 x 23 1/2 inches; Scale: 1:36:000
Abstract available online
- Mineral Resources 9--Uranium in Unconsolidated Aquifers of Western Kansas
P. Berendsen
L. R. Hathaway
- 43 p., 1981, $10.00, Contains 3 plates.