Photos from keyword: Coal

22 records returned. Select photo to view larger version.

photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Unreclaimed Strip-Mined Land
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Strip-Mined Land
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Water-Filled Trenches in Strip-Mined Land
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred La Cygne Generating Station
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Strip Mining
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Strip Mine
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Coal Strip Mine
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Strip Mine
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Strip Mine
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Big Brutus
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Big Brutus
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Big Brutus
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Big Brutus
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Mined Land Wildlife Area
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Mined Land Wildlife Area
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Gob Piles
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Clemens Coal Company, Pittsburg
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Jeffrey Energy Center Coal Conveyer
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Reclaimed Strip Mine
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Big Brutus
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Jeffrey Energy Center Coal Pile and Lift
photo--if missing then file not yet transferred Midland Coal Company in Pittsburg