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T-R-S |
operator |
Well | API | Elevation Ascend. Desc. |
Total Depth Ascend. Desc. |
Field | Spud Date Ascend. Desc. |
Plug Date Ascend. Desc. |
Status |
T28S R8E, Sec. 35, SW SE SE SE | Kansas Geological Survey | Youngmeyer Ranch Well Lower South (YRWLS) |
1342 est. | 151 | UNKNOWN | 15-MAY-2022 | 10-SEP-2024 |
(STRAT) | |
T28S R8E, Sec. 35, NE SW SW SW | Kansas Geological Survey | Youngmeyer Ranch Well Top Deep (YRWTD) |
1574 est. | 348 | UNKNOWN | 09-MAY-2022 | 15-MAY-2022 |
(STRAT) | |
T29S R12E, Sec. 17, NW SE | J.M. Huber Corp. | Burch 10 | 15-049-22391 |
1203 KB 1195 GL |
2130 (KREBS) | WILDCAT | 09-SEP-2003 |
Recompleted | |
T28S R9E, Sec. 36, SW NE NW SE | J.M. Huber Corp. | Fuqua 10-36 28-9 | 15-049-22397 |
1211 KB 1202 GL |
2401 (KREBS) | WILDCAT | 16-SEP-2003 |
Inactive Well |