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Oil and Gas Index Page

37 records returned.
T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
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Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
Status Help
T25S R11W, Sec. 32, SE SE SE Continental Oil Co.
J. W. RILEY 1 15-185-01427
1839 KB
1834 GL
4350 PRAFFORD 24-OCT-1963 11-NOV-1963 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T25S R11W, Sec. 32, SE SE SE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
RUNDELL 'C' 2 15-185-01046-0001
1842 KB
1834 GL
4969 PRAFFORD 01-FEB-1992   SWD
Authorized Injection Well
T25S R11W, Sec. 32, SW SE SE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
RUNDELL 'C' 1 15-185-22781
1846 KB
1838 GL
4110 PRAFFORD 07-JUN-1991   OIL
T25S R11W, Sec. 32, SW SW SE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
RUNDELL 3-C 15-185-22302-0001
1849 KB
1841 GL
4249 PRAFFORD 10-FEB-1992 24-APR-1992 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T25S R11W, Sec. 32, SE SE SE Continental Oil Co.
RUNDELL 'C' 2 15-185-01046
1833 est.
  PRAFFORD   11-NOV-1963 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 4, SW NW SW Deutsch Oil Co.
(Deutsch Oil Company)
Nelson 2-4 15-151-22133
1851 KB
1843 GL
4200 PRAFFORD 29-NOV-1994   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 4, NW SE SE Kenneth S. White
(White, Kenneth S.)
Zink 1 15-151-22137
1840 KB
1835 GL
4170 PRAFFORD 31-JUL-1995 09-MAR-2006 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 4, NW NW SW Deutsch Oil Co.
(Deutsch Oil Company)
Nelson 1-4 15-151-22011
1848 KB
1840 GL
4200 PRAFFORD 23-NOV-1990   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 4, SW SW NE Deutsch Oil Co.
(Deutsch Oil Company)
Zink 1-4 15-151-22111
1844 KB
1836 GL
4160 PRAFFORD 01-DEC-1993   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 4, S2 N2 N2 SW Deutsch Oil Company
(Deutsch Oil Company)
Nelson 4-4 15-151-22432
1854 KB
1844 GL
4157 PRAFFORD 15-FEB-2014   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 4, NW NW SE Deutsch Oil Co.
(Deutsch Oil Company)
Jorns 1-4 15-151-22122
1849 KB
1841 GL
4165 PRAFFORD 08-MAY-1994   OIL
Inactive Well
T26S R11W, Sec. 4, S2 SW SW Deutsch Oil Co.
(Deutsch Oil Company)
Nelson 3-4 15-151-22408
1857 KB
1847 GL
4200 PRAFFORD 16-JAN-2013   OIL
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 12 15-151-22178
1853 KB
1846 GL
4360 PRAFFORD 10-MAY-2000 06-NOV-2012 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, SW NE NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 5 15-151-22022
1849 KB
1844 GL
4290 PRAFFORD 26-NOV-1990 14-NOV-2006 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, SE SE NW Kenneth S. White
(White Exploration, Inc.)
Jorns 1 15-151-22129
1852 KB
1847 GL
4300 PRAFFORD 30-AUG-1994   O&G
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NE SE NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 2 15-151-22010
1854 KB
1854 GL
4190 PRAFFORD 18-OCT-1990   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, SE NE SE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Freymiller 2 15-151-22127
1847 KB
1839 GL
4275 PRAFFORD 20-JUL-1994 06-JUN-2002 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW NW SE Texas Energies, Inc.
(White, Kenneth S.)
Freymiller 1-5 15-151-21440
1850 KB
1842 GL
4400 PRAFFORD 28-MAY-1984 07-MAR-2006 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW SE NE Deutsch Oil Co.
(Deutsch Oil Company)
Rundell 2-5 15-151-22044
1851 KB
1843 GL
4190 PRAFFORD 19-MAR-1991   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, SE NW NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 7 15-151-22073
1852 KB
1844 GL
4210 PRAFFORD 13-DEC-1991   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NE NE NE Raymond Oil Company, Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 4 15-151-22021-0001
1840 GL
Converted to Producing Well
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NE NE NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 4 15-151-22021-0002
1847 GL
4649 PRAFFORD   17-AUG-2011 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW NW SE Deutsch Oil Company
(Deutsch Oil Company)
CLARK-FRALEY 3-5 15-151-22477
1852 KB
1845 GL
4390 PRAFFORD 30-OCT-2018 08-NOV-2018 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, N2 NE SE SE Deutsch Oil Company
(Deutsch Oil Company)
CLARK-FRALEY 1-5 15-151-22475
1852 KB
1845 GL
4205 PRAFFORD 20-OCT-2018   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW NE SE Deutsch Oil Company
(Deutsch Oil Company)
CLARK-FRALEY 2-5 15-151-22476
1842 KB
1835 GL
4200 PRAFFORD 20-JUL-2018   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW SE NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 3 15-151-22016
1857 KB
1857 GL
4240 PRAFFORD 07-NOV-1990   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, SE NE NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 1 15-151-21999
1849 KB
1840 GL
4210 PRAFFORD 07-SEP-1990   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, SW NW NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 6 15-151-22041
1850 KB
1842 GL
4165 PRAFFORD 19-MAR-1991   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NE NE SE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Freymiller 1 15-151-22032
1848 KB
1840 GL
4250 PRAFFORD 22-JUN-1991 09-JUN-2002 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 4 15-151-22021
1848 KB
1840 GL
4650 PRAFFORD 14-NOV-1990   OIL
Converted to EOR Well
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, SW NE Texas Energies, Inc.
(White Exploration, Inc.)
Rundell 1-5 15-151-21293
1853 KB
1844 GL
1851 DF
4490 PRAFFORD 15-JUL-1983   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, S2 SE SE NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 11 15-151-22099
1852 KB
1848 GL
4248 PRAFFORD 29-APR-1993 25-SEP-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW NE NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 10 15-151-22094
1851 KB
1843 GL
4230 PRAFFORD 16-DEC-1992 19-AUG-2011 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NE NW NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 9 15-151-22084
1852 KB
1844 GL
4200 PRAFFORD 27-JUN-1992   OIL
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, N2 NW SW NE Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 8 15-151-22083
1853 KB
1845 GL
4180 PRAFFORD 09-JUN-1992 25-SEP-2014 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW NW Raymond Oil Co., Inc.
(Raymond Oil Company, Inc.)
Rundell 'K' 1 15-151-22151
1856 KB
1848 GL
4302 PRAFFORD 19-MAY-1997 04-SEP-1997 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T26S R11W, Sec. 5, NW NE Texas Energies, Inc.
(Texas Energies, Inc.)
Rundell 'B' 1-5 15-151-21469
1855 KB
1846 GL
4415 PRAFFORD 28-AUG-1984 22-APR-1985 EOR-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned