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Oil and Gas Index Page

36 records returned.
T-R-S Original
(current operator)
Well API Elevation
Ascend. Desc.
Ascend. Desc.
Field Spud Date
Ascend. Desc.
Plug Date
Ascend. Desc.
Status Help
T28S R39W, Sec. 11, NE NE SW Amoco Production Co.
(BP America Production Company)
Megan Hope 1-11 15-187-20832
3149 KB
3138 GL
3147 DF
5750 WILL-BROS 15-MAY-1996 31-MAY-1996 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T28S R43W, Sec. 12, C NE SE American Public Energy
Cockreham 1 15-187-20240
3553 KB
3546 GL
4650 WILL-BROS 14-OCT-1977 31-OCT-1977 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T29S R41W, Sec. 11, NE Western Production
Plummer 1 15-187-00230
3347 KB
3347 GL
3005 WILL-BROS 13-SEP-1930   D&A
Well Drilled
T30S R39W, Sec. 28, NW SW Charter Production Co.
(Charter Production Company)
Tapscott 1 15-187-20684
3226 KB
3215 GL
3224 DF
5949 WILL-BROS 30-JUL-1993 13-AUG-1993 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R40W, Sec. 33, SE SE SE Westport Oil and Gas Co. LP
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
Shore 33-1 15-187-20445-0001
3304 KB
3295 GL
5500 WILL-BROS 07-DEC-2005   OIL
T30S R40W, Sec. 33, SE SE NW Barnes Hugoton Corp.
(Barnes Hugton Corporation)
S. N. U. 6-33 15-187-20457
3311 KB
3299 GL
3309 DF
5681 WILL-BROS 19-SEP-1989 01-OCT-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R40W, Sec. 33, NE SW J.M. Huber Corp.
(Huber, J.M. Corporation)
SFEC 1-33 15-187-20516
3317 KB
3306 GL
3316 DF
5575 WILL-BROS 12-OCT-1990 31-OCT-1990 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R40W, Sec. 33, NE SW SW Berexco, Inc.
(Manuel Corporation)
Santa Fe 1-33 15-187-20723
3319 KB
3307 GL
3317 DF
5635 WILL-BROS 08-FEB-1994 20-FEB-1994 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R40W, Sec. 33, W2 SE NE L.B. Industries, Inc.
(L. B. Industries, Inc.)
Herrick 1-33 15-187-20506
3300 KB
3288 GL
5600 WILL-BROS 03-JUL-1990 14-JUL-1990 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T30S R40W, Sec. 33, SE SE SE J.M. Huber Corp.
(Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP)
Shore 33-1 15-187-20445
3305 KB
3296 GL
5500 WILL-BROS 28-JAN-1989   GAS
T30S R40W, Sec. 34, NE SW SW SW L.B. Industries, Inc.
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
J. Shore 1-34 15-187-20495
3306 KB
3294 GL
3304 DF
5600 WILL-BROS 28-MAR-1990   GAS
T31S R40W, Sec. 3, SW SE SW SW Enterra Resources, LLC
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
WMU (WILL-BROS MORROW UNIT) 31-1 15-129-22009
3284 KB
3271 GL
5255 WILL-BROS 05-JAN-2023   OIL
T31S R40W, Sec. 3, SW SW SW Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
(Anadarko Petroleum Corporation)
WILLIAMS L-1 15-129-21030
3270 GL
5807 WILL-BROS 22-NOV-1989 08-JUL-2004 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, SW SE NE Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
(Anadarko Petroleum Corporation)
WILLIAMS 'N' 1 15-129-21511
3287 KB
3230 GL
5700 WILL-BROS 30-APR-1997 12-MAY-1997 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, SW NE J.M. Huber Corp.
(Huber, J.M. Corporation)
WILLIAMS 4-3 15-129-21068
3290 KB
3278 GL
5335 WILL-BROS 03-FEB-1991 28-FEB-1991 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, SE SE J.M. Huber Corp.
(Huber, J.M. Corporation)
FRAZEE 4-2 15-129-21033
3287 KB
3275 GL
5250 WILL-BROS 30-JAN-1990 09-FEB-1990 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, N2 SW NW J.M. Huber Corp.
(Kerr-McGee Oil & Gas Onshore LP)
DREW et al. 4-1 15-129-21009
3303 KB
3290 GL
5450 WILL-BROS 28-AUG-1989 30-NOV-2006 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, NE SW NW SW J.M. Huber Corp.
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
WILLIAMS 4-2 15-129-20946
3299 KB
3290 GL
5450 WILL-BROS 09-DEC-1988   O&G
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, NW SW NE SW Enterra Resources, LLC
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
WMU (WILL-BROS MORROW UNIT) 42-4 15-129-22014
3296 KB
3283 GL
5268 WILL-BROS 15-JUN-2023   EOR
Authorized Injection Well
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, NE NW SW SW Enterra Resources, LLC
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
WMU (WILL-BROS MORROW UNIT) 42-3 15-129-22013
3299 KB
3286 GL
5230 WILL-BROS 08-JUN-2023   EOR
Authorized Injection Well
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, NW SE SE SW J.M. Huber Corp.
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
WILLIAMS 4-1 15-129-20940
3283 GL
5450 WILL-BROS 25-OCT-1988   O&G
T31S R40W, Sec. 4, SW SE J.M. Huber Corp.
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
FRAZEE 4-1 15-129-20997
3290 KB
3280 GL
5475 WILL-BROS 29-JUN-1989   O&G
T31S R40W, Sec. 5, SW NE NW NE Ensource, Inc.
(Herman L. Loeb, LLC)
Eugene L. Shore 3-5 15-129-21022-0001
3300 GL
5304 WILL-BROS   10-OCT-2012 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 5, NW SE J. M. Huber Corp.
(Huber, J.M. Corporation)
Williams 5-2 15-129-20954
3313 KB
3301 GL
5475 WILL-BROS 10-APR-1989 30-APR-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 5, NE NW NW UMC Petroleum Corp.
(Ocean Energy, Resources, Inc.)
Eugene L. Shore 4-5 15-129-21054
3314 KB
3303 GL
5410 WILL-BROS 23-SEP-1990 31-OCT-1990 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 5, NE SW NE SE J. M. Huber Corp.
Williams 5-1 15-129-20955
3303 KB
3294 GL
3301 DF
5450 WILL-BROS 13-FEB-1989 17-MAR-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 5, SE NW SE NE Ensource, Inc.
(Herman L. Loeb, LLC)
Eugene L. Shore 2-5 15-129-20991
3305 KB
3295 GL
3303 DF
5530 WILL-BROS 03-JUL-1989 10-OCT-2012 GAS-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 5, N2 NW NE Ensource, Inc.
Eugene L. Shore 3-5 15-129-21022
3310 KB
3296 GL
3306 DF
5450 WILL-BROS 19-DEC-1989   GAS
T31S R40W, Sec. 9, S2 NW NW J. M. Huber Corp.
(Huber, J.M. Corporation)
Emberton 2-9 15-129-21186
3308 KB
3297 GL
3306 DF
5652 WILL-BROS 05-MAR-1993 21-MAR-1993 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 9, SE SW NE NE J. M. Huber Corp.
(Huber, J.M. Corporation)
Williams 2-9 15-129-20941
3294 KB
3281 GL
5500 WILL-BROS 07-NOV-1988 04-JAN-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 9, NE NW J. M. Huber Corp.
(Huber, J.M. Corporation)
Emberton 1-9 15-129-21020
3300 KB
3287 GL
3299 DF
5475 WILL-BROS 20-SEP-1989 29-SEP-1989 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 9, SE SW Anadarko Petroleum Corp.
(Anadarko Petroleum Corporation)
Baughman 'D' 1 15-129-21350
3327 KB
3314 GL
3325 DF
5650 WILL-BROS 19-NOV-1994 03-MAY-1995 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 9, NW NW NE J. M. Huber Corp.
(Enterra Resources, LLC)
Williams 1-9 15-129-20903
3294 KB
3284 GL
3292 DF
5700 WILL-BROS 04-MAY-1988   O&G
Converted to EOR Well
T31S R40W, Sec. 10, SW SW SW Amoco Production Co.
(BP America Production Company)
Dorothy Leigh 1-10 15-129-21371
3315 KB
3304 GL
5800 WILL-BROS 04-APR-1995 17-APR-1995 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned
(Charter Production Company)
BREWSTER TRUST 1 15-129-21256
3299 KB
3287 GL
5800 WILL-BROS 02-FEB-1994 14-FEB-1994 D&A
Plugged and Abandoned
T31S R40W, Sec. 10, NW NW Amoco Production Co.
(BP America Production Company)
SMITH UNIT 1 15-129-21107
2384 KB
3273 GL
5749 WILL-BROS 29-NOV-1991 02-AUG-2002 OIL-P&A
Plugged and Abandoned